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  Rummy said:
He's very cool and all, but I don't see how it's relevant to this thread, practically retro.


Eh? Dcubed mentioned the greatness of the Cube launch and I was following on from that!


You just skimming my posts or something?

Posted (edited)
  Hero-of-Time said:
Eh? Dcubed mentioned the greatness of the Cube launch and I was following in from that!


I was making a @\[color\="RoyalBlue"\]Cube\[/color\] joke :p

Edited by Rummy
  Fierce_LiNk said:


Anyway, Nintendo should have gone with the name "Playstation 4". It would have been lolworthy. YO SONY, WE STOLE UR MOVES.








If only. Still...the SONY naming convention is just...boring. I get that it works but when that PS10 comes along and we keep on hearing the same buzz about how it changes everything, like an apple product does every year...

And Microsoft have probably gone with the XBox One to mimic the PS naming convention.

Give me super extreme names,. The Sony whizz bang box. The Microsoft octagon. This industry takes itself too seriously when it's about playing fun games. :P

  tapedeck said:
If only. Still...the SONY naming convention is just...boring. I get that it works but when that PS10 comes along and we keep on hearing the same buzz about how it changes everything, like an apple product does every year...

And Microsoft have probably gone with the XBox One to mimic the PS naming convention.

Give me super extreme names,. The Sony whizz bang box. The Microsoft octagon. This industry takes itself too seriously when it's about playing fun games. :P


The Sony Playstation 5eva.


(dat moar dan 4eva)


The Nintendo ULTIMATE. In capital letters. Imagine the marketing campaign. (lol, I know Nintendo don't do marketing, but just listen to me, fellas)


Ultimate? Ultimate what?


See. It gets people talking.


It's been a year already? Thats crazy!


I think this first Birthday is bitter sweet. I was unsure at first, but now I'm totally in love with my Wii U. I have loads of titles on it, love Miiverse and haven't scratched the surface on eShop.


But it feels like were coming to an end already! With the imminent release of PS4 and XBONE, I think the Wii U stands less chance than even our beloved GameCube. I can't even say I like my Wii U without people scoffing, the damage is already done!


Played pool with a mate last night and he came round mine after. I put CoD on...


"I didn't know Ghosts were out on the Wii"




I kept telling him that it's a Wii U but he just could not quite understand it.


So, are we seriously thinking the Wii U only has a year or so left in it?


If so, I feel that we all went full retard by paying so much for it. I'd like to think that the system has got at least 2 more years left in it. But, fuck, I am worried.

  Blade said:
Played pool with a mate last night and he came round mine after. I put CoD on...


"I didn't know Ghosts were out on the Wii"




I kept telling him that it's a Wii U but he just could not quite understand it.


Did your friend get the 'special' bus to school?

  Fierce_LiNk said:
So, are we seriously thinking the Wii U only has a year or so left in it?


If so, I feel that we all went full retard by paying so much for it. I'd like to think that the system has got at least 2 more years left in it. But, fuck, I am worried.


But how much? I mean yeah I sunk some in, but I still think 'well, how much playtime did I do?!' - shouldn't the cost matter in a playtime to price ratio sort of dealie?


Aaaaaaaand...if you're not making the most of it maybe sell it now before it's too late :p?


(i'll give you five quid and a freddo)

  Rummy said:
But how much? I mean yeah I sunk some in, but I still think 'well, how much playtime did I do?!' - shouldn't the cost matter in a playtime to price ratio sort of dealie?


Aaaaaaaand...if you're not making the most of it maybe sell it now before it's too late :p?


(i'll give you five quid and a freddo)


  Blade said:


Don't you even dare think of selling it!


I wouldn't sell it as I don't have that mentality of selling gaming systems. I like to keep my things. The only system I've ever sold was a SEGA Master System, and that's only because I had more than one of them.


I've definitely got some enjoyment out of it, but I've bought the system with the intention of this being my "next" games console for the next few years. When I bought the Wii, that was the console which I used primarily throughout the majority of my uni days and up until the point where I got my first job outside of it. I sorta see each system as a new chapter in your life. For me, the SNES represents my childhood up until my teenage years, which were then taken over by the N64. The passing of the torch, so to speak.


With this, I can't help but feel it almost hasn't got going. Yes, there are great games out there, but I will be very disappointed if Nintendo or whoever aren't supporting this system in the next few years. I expected this to be the successor to the Wii and to get a decent amount of playtime from it. The Wii was great for me for about 5-6 years. There's a danger that the Wii U doesn't even make a third of that time.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
So, are we seriously thinking the Wii U only has a year or so left in it?


If so, I feel that we all went full retard by paying so much for it. I'd like to think that the system has got at least 2 more years left in it. But, fuck, I am worried.


On the flip side, should it fail that soon they could become rare collectors items down the line!


I wouldn't say I paid too much for it tho, even buying at launch price. I've gotten many happy hours out of it and I know I have many more to come with the games I have sitting still unplayed (including The Wonderful 101, New Super Luigi U, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and loads of VC titles). Even if the only future games that come out for it are the ones we know about that's still more than enough to keep me occupied for a good while to come.

Posted (edited)
  Fierce_LiNk said:
So, are we seriously thinking the Wii U only has a year or so left in it?


If so, I feel that we all went full retard by paying so much for it. I'd like to think that the system has got at least 2 more years left in it. But, fuck, I am worried.


Nah...Games like Mario Kart, X, Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros. will bring in lots more gamers as well as casuals picking it up for the Nintendo branded, family games. The games will come and the sales will come from them. This Christmas seems like the start and Nintendo are very quiet these days - there is probably more going on behind the scenes. All it takes in this market is another AAA Zelda/StarFox/Metroid and Nintendo will shift Wii U's. They have enough characters to last them a good few years.


If the price drops to around £170-190, a HD Nintendo experience which has a different family focused ethos will do well. The PS4/XBone seem to have focused on core gamers with grittier, realism based around online competitive gaming and market to the mature crowd. I believe this will be of benefit to Nintendo as they can continue to offer their legacy games that appeal to all demographics and still have Retro/Monster/Next Level Games etc. cranking out additional content. Third parties may not ignore the millions of PS360 owners so we may see Wii U games from Warner Bros. and Ubi continue beyond WatchDogs. Then EA will probably come back when the system ownership grows.


In relation to games coming, I actually think it's an exciting time to be a gamer, regardless of the system you own - especially when you factor in indie games.

Edited by tapedeck
  bryanee said:
They really should of just called it Wii 2. Simple, straight to the point and every one would get that its a new console.


But a wee is a 'number one' so to call it a 'number one two' would have been more confusing! :heh:

  Fierce_LiNk said:
So, are we seriously thinking the Wii U only has a year or so left in it?


If so, I feel that we all went full retard by paying so much for it. I'd like to think that the system has got at least 2 more years left in it. But, fuck, I am worried.

Why would Nintendo kill it next year? It has a good 3 years in it at least


Even if the absolute worst case happens and it only has one year left (realistically it has 3-4 years) it will still get Mario 3D World, Smash Bros. 4, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, DKCR2 and X added to its library. Maybe it will end up like Dreamcast. Very short lifetime, but still lots of great games.

  Serebii said:
Why would Nintendo kill it next year? It has a good 3 years in it at least


I dont think they will kill it. The whole retail situation will be interesting though as I am more worried that retailers decide to pull it.

  Wii said:
You can turn it the other way too. The pro controller only comes in limited bundles. With the PS4 you get a console that is future proof, will get most if not all 3rd party support, better online infrastructure, a blu-ray player. Then there's the memory, PS4's memory will last a lot longer than Wii U's paltry 32GB. That's another outlay of money waiting to happen.


true about the controller but then it will be a cheaper package. The Top bundle that came with both gamepad and pro controller and Zombie U was less than PS4 will be. By the time you factor in a second controller and online services it becomes a lot of money and that was at launch, you can pick up an even better bundle for less money now.

I think it's unfair to judge 3rd party support. The Wii U launched with the top games from all the top publishers, nobody knew then that publishers would abandon the console. I will probably get a PS4 down the line to play these 3rd party games as it's likely we have seen the last COD, AC, FIFA, TW etc on Wii U, but I certainly would not have purchased a Wii U if I knew this was going to be the case. At launch it was fully supported.

As for the hard drive, Wii U games take up about 4gb. COD on PS4 uses 50gb of hard drive so you are still looking at roughly the same amount of games to fill the respective hard drives and that comes back to what I said previously about Sony being very clever with what info they reveal. It sounds great when they say 500gb hard drive compared to 32gb, but that neglect to tell you that it will only hold 10 games the same as Wii U.


Bottom line is I will more than likely get a PS4 for 3rd party games, so I am looking at this objectively and not as a Nintendo fanboy, but my honest unbiased opinion is that Sony have just launched a PS3 with better graphics. As an example, Wii U has created a new way to play COD and improved it no end with local multiplayer, PS4 will offer exactly the same gaming experience that will just look a bit better. yes people will say you can do the same thing with Vita as a gamepad, but that pushes the cost of PS4 even higher and is just a blatant copy of what Nintendo has done with the gamepad. That's what annoys me on these forums, people lambast Nintendo for the gamepad, but then sing the praises of Sony for doing the same thing with Vita albeit not as well and for double the cost.

  tapedeck said:

In relation to games coming, I actually think it's an exciting time to be a gamer, regardless of the system you own - especially when you factor in indie games.


Word, dawg! Word!:grin:


This is where one can truly find batshit crazy creativity.

Posted (edited)
  Clownferret said:
Bottom line is I will more than likely get a PS4 for 3rd party games, so I am looking at this objectively and not as a Nintendo fanboy, but my honest unbiased opinion is that Sony have just launched a PS3 with better graphics. As an example, Wii U has created a new way to play COD and improved it no end with local multiplayer, PS4 will offer exactly the same gaming experience that will just look a bit better. yes people will say you can do the same thing with Vita as a gamepad, but that pushes the cost of PS4 even higher and is just a blatant copy of what Nintendo has done with the gamepad. That's what annoys me on these forums, people lambast Nintendo for the gamepad, but then sing the praises of Sony for doing the same thing with Vita albeit not as well and for double the cost.


I think the point is that the Vita is optional. You don't have to buy one and up the cost and if you already have one then it's a nice little additional feature. With the gamepad you are paying for something that you may not even want. It very much mirrors the XBOne in that the cost of the console is higher due to something that most people would be happier without ( Kinect ).


As for the PS4 just being a PS3, that's crazy. The amount of networking stuff that the PS4 offers is miles away from anything that the PS3 could do.


I personally think that comparing all the consoles to each other in a competitive nature is crazy anyway. All 3 of them have their pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, just like this generation.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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