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Mario Kart 8


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Funny how things change from people saying "We hardly know anything about this game, tell us more Nintendo!!"


It's about striking a balance between getting people talking about the game/hyped up and showing far too much content that there is nothing left for you to discover yourself. They haven't nailed it this time.


Usually Nintendo are quite good at this but for some reason they dropped the ball with Mario Kart.

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Mario Kart has never really been all about secrets. No problems here with everything being revealed, just hope there will be DLC with more characters and tracks in future.


I've been avoiding the videos for the most part, but I've been digging the soundtrack for the last few weeks. N64 Rainbow Road has been on constant loop whenever I'm at work and the hype has truly taken me.

Edited by Guy
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They could have just done an Iwata Asks, released two trailers and walked into the sunset with the words 'job done' being flown overhead tbf.


Instead, they went knee jerking all over the internet, blowing their Mario kart flavoured load all over the place resulting in meltdowns when folk saw no voice chat, the character list and a battle mode that doesn't ape what we've seen for the last twenty years. Less is more sometimes. Still...day one!

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Funny how things change from people saying "We hardly know anything about this game, tell us more Nintendo!!"


It's about striking a balance between getting people talking about the game/hyped up and showing far too much content that there is nothing left for you to discover yourself. They haven't nailed it this time.


Usually Nintendo are quite good at this but for some reason they dropped the ball with Mario Kart.

It's not so much about the amount of content that's out there, but rather how soon it was revealed.

For anyone that's been following the game, the hype levels have peaked (gone off the charts actually :hehe:) but there's still over a week to wait. So yeah, that excitement becomes frustration. :nono:


Just wanna play the damn game already! :mad:

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@Serebii Well not necessarily. You can have a quality game and still release the reviews on the same day or the day before that. Like I said, it boosts the launch itself...plus you can go get the game immediately if you decide to buy it!


Anyway, like HoT said it's all about the balance. I think the embargo's ending date date was a good one if you think about the overall marketing timing (MK direct etc), but the game's launch date is a week too late for that. I'd say that a week would be an ideal time for review promoing...maybe even 5 days. For example: reviews are out on Monday, you have the whole week to hype up the game, and everyone can go buy it on Friday. Sounds pretty good to me!

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Anyway, like HoT said it's all about the balance. I think the embargo's ending date date was a good one if you think about the overall marketing timing (MK direct etc), but the game's launch date is a week too late for that. I'd say that a week would be an ideal time for review promoing...maybe even 5 days. For example: reviews are out on Monday, you have the whole week to hype up the game, and everyone can go buy it on Friday. Sounds pretty good to me!




Nintendo could have then opened up the Miiverse a few days before the launch and BAM everyone goes into hype mode at the on the eve of the release. :D

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@Serebii Well not necessarily. You can have a quality game and still release the reviews on the same day or the day before that. Like I said, it boosts the launch itself...plus you can go get the game immediately if you decide to buy it!


Anyway, like HoT said it's all about the balance. I think the embargo's ending date date was a good one if you think about the overall marketing timing (MK direct etc), but the game's launch date is a week too late for that. I'd say that a week would be an ideal time for review promoing...maybe even 5 days. For example: reviews are out on Monday, you have the whole week to hype up the game, and everyone can go buy it on Friday. Sounds pretty good to me!


To be fair, a week is too short for most of the demographic for this game.

It's only up until this week that friends, family and people at work start to ask me questions about "the new Mario kart".

Then, when I tell them it's out next week, they all react the same: wow, next week already???

Don't forget we (the core Nintendo fan base) are a fairly small group of the total potential buyers.

Nintendo absolutely needs this week extra to build momentum and hype within a far bigger target audience.


But indeed, the waiting game for us is really frustrating :heh:

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This is a massive release and one with a lot of pulling power. Nintendo are marketing the hell out of it like they should be. I understand people don't want to be spoiled but Nintendo are doing this the right way at least. People say they don't market their products but when they do you complain that it's too much. They can't win.

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And the things people complain about get weirder and weirder :) I still couldn't be more excited about this game, though I haven't watched too much footage etc. it's going to be amazing! That's all that will matter when all is said and done!

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stop all your whining, I've ordered from Nintendo so I have no idea when I'll get to play the game, at least you know you'll be playing next Friday.


To add to the whining: I wish they'd release it on wednesday in The Netherlands. Thursday is Ascension Day overhere and that's a public holiday where absolutely everything is closed and so there's nothing to do. I'm usually bored as sh*t that day and could really use a game like this :(

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Yeah, the whole thing has had the opposite effect on me of what they probably intended. There's far too much info, videos, screens, floating around now that it has killed my hype. I'm still looking forward to it ( just booked 2 days off work for it ) but not half as much as I would be if a lot of this stuff was held back a little.


I still baffled why the game isn't out yet. It's clearly finished and has been for a while. It's not as if the Wii U needs a little breathing room for all of its releases either.


I'm still worried that Shopto are gonna screw up the orders like they did with Wind Waker.


This is the first time I've known everything about game way before it's come out (Brawl too but not to this degree). The footage and reviews just came out 1-2 weeks too early.

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I know about the characters and the modes but I haven't seen any videos of what really matters... the race tracks! You only have yourself to blame if you've been looking at all the spoilers on Youtube :p


Is anyone else just not bothered at all about battle mode? I've never been a fan of it, having played it only once in each Mario Kart game. If I wanted to fight I'd play an actual fighting game with better controls.

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You only have yourself to blame if you've been looking at all the spoilers on Youtube :p.
...or in reviews... or on Nintendo's official website... or on Miiverse, etc... :indeed:

All of these things materialised... TOO SOON!!!!


Is anyone else just not bothered at all about battle mode?
Pretty much.

Battle mode hasn't been decent since SMK/MK64. ;)

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Pretty much.

Battle mode hasn't been decent since SMK/MK64. ;)


Hey hey, come on now. You seriously dissing MKDS' battle mode!?






Not to mention the cool balloon blowing up system too and the awesome stages like Twilight House and Palm Shore!


Not to mention Bobomb Blast in MKDD, which was (quite literally) a blast!


It was MK Wii that destroyed the battle mode (and MK7's one, while fixing some of the things they did wrong in MKWii, was still mediocre), not MKDD and MKDS...

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Hey hey, come on now. You seriously dissing MKDS' battle mode!?






Not to mention the cool balloon blowing up system too and the awesome stages like Twilight House and Palm Shore!


Not to mention Bobomb Blast in MKDD, which was (quite literally) a blast!


It was MK Wii that destroyed the battle mode (and MK7's one, while fixing some of the things they did wrong in MKWii, was still mediocre), not MKDD and MKDS...

True actually. Think I just played Battle Mode a heck of a lot less on those versions. :blank:


Anyway, still not fussed about Battle Mode in MK8. It's all about GP, TT, and the N-E League. :awesome:

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