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Final Fantasy XV


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Hmmmm was I missing something.


When I played the demo it seemed to consist of collecting orbs, changing the weather, some jumping about and mindless real time battles. It wasn't until the boss that I was enjoying it.


I wasn't impressed and did not find it fun. If the proper game involved collecting orbs and basic platforming then I will be disappointed.


The demo was a demonstration of what the world looks and sounds like. So, a demonstration of the weather system, the day/night system, the way you do combat and how the game will look graphically. I actually prefer this rather than having an actual chapter just lifted from the game, which will just spoil parts of the game later.

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Hmmmm was I missing something.


When I played the demo it seemed to consist of collecting orbs, changing the weather, some jumping about and mindless real time battles. It wasn't until the boss that I was enjoying it.


I wasn't impressed and did not find it fun. If the proper game involved collecting orbs and basic platforming then I will be disappointed.

The main game is the last bit (the boss), and you play as an adult in the real game. They have confirmed that the orb collecting and weather changing etc was just a demo and will not be like the real game.

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Ohhh interesting. I may have to have another crack at it myself.


Speaking of weapons, there are some preorder bonuses kicking about. @King_V will be pleased to hear that you can get Zidane's Mage Masher daggers if you preorder from Amazon.


Brilliant stuff! I hope they also do a limited console for this too, what are the odds? That MGS5 one is awesome.

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Brilliant stuff! I hope they also do a limited console for this too, what are the odds? That MGS5 one is awesome.


Pretty high. Japan will certainly get a limited edition console and imagine the game is a big enough release to have one over here as well.

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A nice round up of information from the latest Game Informer has been done by Gaf.


Gameplay details:


-You can make branching decisions. Similar to older FFs dialogue choices;


-The game have magic synthesis to create new spells;


-There will be a growth system where you can spend ability points on weapon skills, Noctis, the party, bonuses etc. ;


-GI says there's a instrumental version of this in the game:


-Four quest types: for fun (minigames:fishing/chocobo race/JusMon5 etc.), main story, monster hunts and regional quests. Currently over 200 quests and they're working on more;


-Tabata: "We have no intention to create sequels out of this";


-Weapon types includes: swords, daggers, lances, firearms, shields, royal arms, spells, and something called "machines" which weren't revealed yet;


-The trunk of the Regalia acts as party storage;


-Each party member has their own "special talent" that improves with use. One example given is Prompto will ask the crew to take pit stops with the car where everyone gets out, goes to a spot and he takes photographs. You can then share these photo's on social media. The more you do it the better his pictures will be. These are in the game for both character development and will have real consequences for the game. Prompto is photography, Noctis is fishing, Ignis is cooking, and Gladiolus is survival instincts;


-When you call a summon they won't always do the same thing. They are entities that exist in the world itself. So depending on the situation they will do different things. Examples given Titan sometimes will run up and melee hit an enemy, sometimes he will throw boulders at the enemy and its possible he will even give up and leave the battle. They will also act differently in a dungeon than they will in the overworld. Its a huge focus for the staff for Summons to feel exciting and a major event when they show up, not just some random monster that swoops in. They want a sense of awe with them;


-One of the screenshots has Ignis with a spear;


-GI has this to say, "FFXV isn't Witcher 3 or Dragon Age Inquisition in terms of your to-do list. That isn't necessarily bad because your quest log isn't bloated by insignificant or uninteresting tasks.....inspires a feeling similar to pre-PS2 Final Fantasies where there were huge overworld maps that made the setting seem authentic and enormous - even if you didn't find a quest every step.";


-You can improve and forge weapons from materials you collect;


-Kingsglaive has existed from 2013;



Sounding great. I love the info about the summons, especially how they may even leave the fight. :D

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An instrumental of Heart of Gold? Are you fucking kidding me?


This is the best news I've heard all year. I'm not even going to ask why because that's just amazing. I used to listen to that song all the time as a kid and it was one of my favourite Neil Young tracks growing up, along with Hey Hey, My My.


:D :D :D

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Apparently there's a hidden powerful weapon in the boss room on this demo. Might go back to look for this. :)


I found it.


For me there was actually 2 hidden weapons.I got a second, better weapon when I retried the boss (via the circle button behind the one to wake up) and went to the same place. I think the second one is the one people seem to be mentioning online.



As for the demo. Loved it. It wasn't particularly big or in depth, but it was enough to convince me to get it. I just loved the setting and style of it all.

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Florence and the Machine have released a 3 song album for the game.




I've just downloaded it via iTunes and will give them a listen on my lunch break. I can't wait to hear the full version of Stand By Me. :bouncy:


Terrible, terrible news. I can't stand Florence and the Machine. :heh:

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Final Fantasy XV Reportedly Delayed To November


It’s been ten years: what’s two more months? Publisher Square Enix has briefed certain people on the corporate level of the retail chain GameStop that Final Fantasy XV will now come out on November 29th, according to a number of sources. The highly anticipated RPG was previously scheduled for September 30th.


The news of this apparent delay was first reported by the website Gamnesia last night. Kotaku has also heard from a separate GameStop source that Square has indeed briefed some people at the corporate level about the new November 29 release date.


Don’t start calling 30 GameStops to try to disprove this rumour, though—most stores have not yet been briefed on the delay. Many GameStops have already received Final Fantasy XV standees showing the old September release date, with instructions to put them up Sunday night or Monday morning. Soon, they’ll likely receive stickers with the new release date.


In response to some internet scepticism, Gamnesia published this image, which matches other marketing materials Kotaku has seen, instructing GameStop employees to change the date on their Final Fantasy XV displays:




Before you get upset, know this: Delays are almost universally a good thing for everyone (except maybe the business people). Rumours had been floating around for a while now that Final Fantasy XV was in rough shape from a technical perspective, and two months is a huge amount of time for optimisation and polish. If true, this delay will likely lead to a better game.


Square Enix did not return a request for comment. (In fairness, it’s the wee hours of Sunday.)




Shame if its true but I'm sure I can wait a couple of extra months.

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Shame if its true but I'm sure I can wait a couple of extra months.


It's looking very likely this is the case. Pretty embarrassing for S-E if this is true. They held a big event for the launch date reveal and now it could be wrong. Publishers really need to sort their release dates out before shouting them from the rooftops.


I'm not fussed about it. I've waited this long for the game, so another couple of months isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I'll have DQVII to play in September and World of Final Fantasy in October. Those should keep me busy while I wait for this to arrive.


I'm worried about the negative impact this delay may have, though. Also, It will now be going head to head with a lot of the big western games, as well as Pokemon. The September date seemed perfect in that it would have a few weeks to itself.


EDIT: Confirmed.


TOKYO / LONDON / LOS ANGELES (Aug. 15, 2016) – To deliver the iconic FINAL FANTASY experience to audiences around the world, SQUARE ENIX® today announced that the global release date for FINAL FANTASY® XV will be November 29, 2016.


This release date will allow the development teams time to further polish and conduct quality testing so that the reality of the game can match the expectations of both the fans and the creative teams.


“From the moment we joined this project, our vision was to create a level of freedom and realism previously unseen in the series. Regrettably, we need a little bit more time to deliver on this vision and are confident that this new release date will help us achieve this,” said Hajime Tabata the game director. “As the director and lead of this project, I wish to personally apologize for the additional wait. As a team, we want FINAL FANTASY XV to achieve a level of perfection that our fans deserve. We kindly ask for your understanding.”



Summary of the Tabata statement from the video:


- FFXV went gold the other day, and that was planned to be the version they ship on Sept 30.

- That version of the game will be playable at Gamescom, and they are cutting a 30 minute gameplay video to be released on Aug 16 showcasing the performance of that version.

- They planned a massive Day One Patch for the game which would further polish the game and fix lingering issues.

- But they have decided that instead of pressing the current gold master and delivering a day one patch, they will instead wait and use that completed version as the final gold master.

- Hence the game will be delayed to Nov 29, but they will be adding even more stuff on top of the planned fixes of the day one patch.


tl;dr - The game is delayed because they believe not everyone has internet connectivity and they don't want them to be left out of the perfect FFXV experience when the game ships to stores.


Ah, so the game is finished but they are adding the patch to the disc.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I'd much rather this than massive day 1 patches. Fuck Day 1 patches. If you have to deliver a multi GB download to complete your game then it obviously wasn't fucking gold yet, and shouldn't be pressed to disc.


Frankly I feel that SE should be applauded for this decision and being somewhat honest about. I'm also said that I think this behavior deserves applause though. Fucking games industry....

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Read this good blog about patches earlier. Eurogamer referred to it when explaining their review process with No Man's Sky. Worth a read. http://ramiismail.com/2016/08/patch-the-process/


Anyway, all delays sucks in my opinion, and this is no different. Think there are a couple of interesting games that release before then so hopefully they'll keep me occupied in the meantime.

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