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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Sprout, Tales and ReZourceman, nothing yet from you guys. Even if it's just whether you succeeded or not, let's hear from you. Jimbob is actually looking pretty good these days by comparison!
Sorry, I've been ill for a while now. I'm hoping I can keep playing, but it's harder than I expected, heh.


For now I'll answer your question and say that my power was successful last night.

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@Fierce_LiNk, @Animal. Here's what i found out upon my actions. Without quoting of course. He's got a natural talent for drawing information from others and tricking the votes in the daytime.


I didn't think of it that way. I guess it makes sense now (my findings)




It's fine. I was tossing up who to target and Nintendohnut is pretty shit hot at Mafias, so it made sense to see what he was up to first.




Yeah, I was expecting a reaction like that. I could have just stayed quiet and said nothing, as I know that it doesn't look particularly great at targeting the first person to die in the game.


Also, it's not really my fault that I got that type of information. You get what you're given. It's pure bad luck to have targeted the first person to die. Nintendohnut is a good mafia player, which the mafia also thought and that's why he's dead. Had I been a protector, he would have been the first guy I would have looked to protect.


My main power is that I can find information out about another player. I do have another power, but I'm a bit reluctant to give that information, as it could be useful later in the game for us.


I didn't particularly want to reveal everything about my character, but as my hand has been forced, I have to.


The tricking of the votes means that I can essentially "trick" the Gamesmaster (Jonnas) in this case to accepting two votes. I didn't plan on using this until later in the game (as I stated) because it would have drawn a lot of suspicion from the town thinking I was mafia, whilst simultaneously giving the mafia more of an incline to kill me, since I was in theory twice as powerful as any other townie.


Here's how it works. Basically, let's say I want to vote you, Jimbob. I can say vote Jimbob, as usual. However, I also have the ability to either vote Jimbob again (if I wanted to) or I could even vote for another person. So, I could say vote DuD. I can change my vote or remove vote as usual, but if I don't, then both people get voted.


So, in short, I can:


- Vote for one person (as usual)

- Double vote one person

- Split my votes between 2 people.


Anyway, from all of this, I imagine that Jimbob is person three who visited me last night, meaning you can identify people. Animal must either be person 1 or 2, which is either a role-blocker or he has another role which I'm not sure if he wants me to disclose.

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Certainly sounds most dastardly, but then aren't we all. I hold suspicion over others at the moment, but with fairly baseless reasoning. Maybe a bit of sleight persuasion from events of the day may cause me to say more; but for now I think Flink is just as evil as myself(or, a very good mafia!).

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Certainly sounds most dastardly, but then aren't we all. I hold suspicion over others at the moment, but with fairly baseless reasoning. Maybe a bit of sleight persuasion from events of the day may cause me to say more; but for now I think Flink is just as evil as myself(or, a very good mafia!).


I believe that was part of Jonnas' intention, to make the town evil and dastardly, hence why I was given a double vote with a twist.

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This are weak ideas, but ReZ is still alive - and quiet. Yvonne is still alive, not so quiet admittedly. I know that if I were on the Queen's side, these would be the two opponents I would be most worried about.


Then again, the people I would expect to suspect these two most are indeed Yvonne and ReZourcegent, so it's a catch 22. Judging by who I think is of the dastardly persuasion, I'd wonder if the good folks are smart enough to make the right plays.

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Is that about Flink? So he draws information out of people (interesting wording, torture?) and tricking the votes...


It doesn't sound too innocent tbh =\


I'm essentially a conman, not a violent person or a thug. Hence why I can use my "charm" to find out information about people and can "trick" the GameMaster into accepting two votes.


Ironic, given that I've been telling the truth the entire game. :laughing:

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Can we have a demonstration of your vote power please?




One request though, can you post a reply after I've given my first vote, because I don't know whether I can vote for two people at the same time, or if they have to be in separate posts. I'll give one vote to you, one vote to Jimbob, and will remove both when Jonnas gives the vote total.


Vote: The Peeps

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No Dedede.

One person should be certain who I am.


I would very much like to hear testimony from this Gentleman if you do not wish speak.


While observing you last night, you seemed uncomfortable around the other villains... one would almost think you are not in fact a villain at all!

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May as well throw out a few of the thoughts I've been having, no particular order.


@Magnus Peterson Did you do any of the things mentioned in that note, or were you roleblocked? I believe you stated you didn't but just for clarity. Is it possible that note was inserted by someone else? It's either inserted as a red herring (most likely) or someone stopped you.


@Animal Can you just say what exactly happened? It seems like it might be pretty important. I think Flink was blocked by a mafia member. Probably the one who killed night 1. Looking at you Marc!


Queen ideas

  1. If we have genders similar to our screen names then Yvonne could easily be the queen as a twist, despite lacking the requisite vagina.
  2. Sheikah could be too. If a queen is in disguise then it just makes me think of Zelda's disguise. Also he isn't striking me as town.


If we're looking to pressure someone / My least trusted

  1. Sméagol, Zell, Sprout, Magnus Peterson joined the game night 1, and imo it is likely that one of them is evil.
  2. Marcamillian mask is usually associated with a swordsman, so I distrust him.
  3. Rummy is speaking a lot without saying anything at all. A few people are but Rummy in particular.

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I've double and tripled checked and I'm definitely not. Maybe he's mafia! Who did you try to target last night, @ReZourceman? @Fierce_LiNk how do you respond to your accusations of trickery?


As hinte I'th am a little suspicious of Dannyboy of Dane....just a few posts I found a bit false. As such I attempted to target him but he was already gone/the room waseth empty. Master of illusions at every corner it seems.


Sheikah, my role pm indicates there is a specific character I can allieth witheth.

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I am not villainous by nature, I just want to get my shiznit on the go.


Either the person I targeted last night is being dense as fuck or they were delivered no flavor in their pm.. and they have posted over and over... Seriously wtf?

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Why, I am the one who defended some other from another.

I can not say whether I did or did not write that message, for I do not have that information.

It seems to fit my actions last night accurately, however.


I also agree with you that one of us who joined after the first night is likely to be an enemy.

Obviously I'll state that I am not that fiend, but that is meaningless to thine ears.

Keep an eye on us.

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@heroicjanitor I'm an Arab Sheikh so it'd be pretty miraculous if I was disguising as the queen. And let's face it, if the queen doesn't appear as the queen and the cop dies then we're all pretty much screwed. I think the queen is much more likely to be one of the players who hasn't said much this game like Sprout, Tales, ReZ or Dedede.


I think Flink is town and as such I reckon Eenuh is too. I don't think Jonnas would make one a Mafioso and one a townie - given they live together it'd be too easy through some comical slip for one to give away the fact that they're Mafia and unhinge the game.

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Hmm, that double vote sure sounds sketchy. I mean sure, a townie can have a double vote, but yours is quite something different. Why also have the option to ride 2 wagons at once?


Of course it's going to sound sketchy. We are an evil town. If we sounded nice and shat out rainbows, we would be good and then ultimately mafia in this game.


I think Flink is town and as such I reckon Eenuh is too. I don't think Jonnas would make one a Mafioso and one a townie - given they live together it'd be too easy through some comical slip for one to give away the fact that they're Mafia and unhinge the game.


I think it's dangerous to use that mentality. Not trying to purposefully put suspicion on Eenuh, but she hasn't provided any info at all so far, like many others. I have no reason to trust her.

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