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Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)


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Sonic games always tend to range in score I've found. You get some reviewers who really enjoy the games, and accept the sometimes less than flowing controls due to the nature of the game (speed, pretty much instant precise jumps etc), whereas others just do not take to it. Whether or not that reflects in overall scores - or whether it actually does reflect in scores, I don't know. It would seem it does though.


S.C.G's review is a really great read, and you can tell he loved the game. But he is a long time Sonic fan, so this game is going to appeal to him and he's gonna be used to the short comings you often expect in the Sonic games.


The other reviews (that I've read) seem to focus on the games shortcomings a little more, and it sounds as if they may ruin the experience slightly too much to class it as a very good game. I appreciate that totally, and I am definitely going to listen to those reviews and hold off buying it for now. I know how annoying Sonic games like this can be and it is a little worrying at how many reviews have singled out the control problems.


Having said that, I do really enjoy the Sonic games despite their issues - and I know I'd probably get just as much as enjoyment out of it as S.C.G has! But given the amount of games I've got backlogged at the minute, it's probably gonna be wise for me to hold out and pick it up later on when the price drops a bit!

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I love my Sonic Games... So much so my avatar and sig really should reflect that (lol) but the reviews are a little :/ for me. Re-play the mega drive ones every year for example!


I will defo pick it up at some point but I have an unbelievable backlog of games that I want to play so I will hold off on this for now. When it comes round to me wanting to play this I am sure it will have gone down in price a bit.


I didn't think much of the Wii sonic games, even colours didn't leave me wanting more. Not sure why they never clicked. But most of the others, Generations/Sonic Adventures/Unleashed and the old classics I just can't get enough!!

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I'm up to mid world 3 now...


Yeah, this game is awesome. The likes of IGN are totally full of it. Go in with the knowledge that there's a steep learning curve (and that the controls aren't well explained - with the colour powers allowing for button/stick controls and you'll enjoy it)


The levels are great. Inventive, creative, short, sweet and very replayable - just like the MD games.


Buy buy buy! :D

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If I was a Sonic fan, I would get this, as I could get the Deadly Six Edition for 38€ at the moment, and the fans on Miiverse seem to be enjoying the hell out of this game.


But it's great to see people enjoying this game. Well see if it reflects to the sales of these games.

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I agree with there not being clear enough instructions... I had no idea how to use the items I'd get from Omochao until I noticed a briefcase icon on the gamepad that you have to tap then touch the item you want to use. I dob't think that's ever explained in the game! Also I dunno how to use the black bomb wisp that I got for pre ordering the game, tried it once rolled about and couldn't even detonate it lol.


The one thing I don't like is Sonic's inability to build speed in jumps, you have to run before you jump which makes precise platforming really hard compared to the Megadrive games where he had better jumping control.

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I do really want this game but cannot seem to justify it when with this pay packet ive bought Zelda, Pokemon and also going to be buying Cod.


Also I have a ton of games in the old backlog...


...but its Sonic!! What to do, what to do? At least I havent a bitch to spend money on anymore = more games for me.

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I do really want this game but cannot seem to justify it when with this pay packet ive bought Zelda, Pokemon and also going to be buying Cod.


Also I have a ton of games in the old backlog...


...but its Sonic!! What to do, what to do? At least I havent a bitch to spend money on anymore = more games for me.


I lol'd at the bitch part :laughing:


And I'm in the same boat as you Blade. Pokemon and Zelda are pretty big games so I don't wanna add this to the collection when I've not got that much spare time for them as it is!


But I do love me some Sonic. :woops:

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God! Why are people like this...








... reviewing the game!?


Are they trying to make the game look bad on purpose? Ugh! It's just painful to watch these video reviews...


The game isn't even that hard! It's only about on par with Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy in terms of difficulty...

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The last one made me laugh.


It's like:


"Let me go back even though the platforms are falling behind me."


Anyway, I played the two player mode with my brother. One player uses the GamePad while the other plays on the TV screen, there was no slowdown and it was a fun race to the finish!

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I have to disagree with you @Dcubed, the game is way harder than any of the 3D Mario games, even more so when going for the red coins. It wouldn't be so bad if the game still gave you an extra life for netting 100 rings, like in the older games but sadly this isn't the case. I like to think I'm a pretty capable gamer yet I have seen the game over screen numerous times.

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Hahaha! Awesome. :laughing:

Seeing that is making me want to get the game right now. :hehe:


DOOOOOO IIIITTT!!! The sound of splatting on a wall is hilarious BTW :hehe: Me and my friends just kept doing it on purpose on one of the multiplayer stages once we heard it. We just couldn't stop laughing for a good solid 5 mins :laughing:


Speaking of laughs, the cutscenes are actually really well done too. Some real laugh out loud moments (and not for all the wrong reasons like past games ;) ). Sonic is a real jerk in this one - in a good way :laughing:

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I have to disagree with you @Dcubed, the game is way harder than any of the 3D Mario games, even more so when going for the red coins. It wouldn't be so bad if the game still gave you an extra life for netting 100 rings, like in the older games but sadly this isn't the case. I like to think I'm a pretty capable gamer yet I have seen the game over screen numerous times.
That Amazon pre-order is looking pretty good right now then ;p
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Trying to get the red rings, I wish I'd ordered the game from Amazon instead :D The game can be really difficult but only if you wanna get the red rings, the stages have easier paths too plus you can get items that warp you to the next checkpoint. Only problem is sometimes when I lose too many lives and the warp item appears right in front of me and there doesn't seem to be any way to proceed without hitting it.

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I think that the IGNorant reviewers have not been playing the game the right way.


Yes its sonic and you expect to run all the time, but this one you really should not hold down the run button on the platforming bits and it plays perfectly fine. I think they have had the R button held down the whole time with makes the difficult sections much harder to control. Just use the Fast sprint in open straight sections.


The game has its faults, but it really is allot of fun and deserves a higher score .

Edited by yesteryeargames
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