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Can't imagine there's going to be many bomb drops here. Probably just a recap of what we've already seen before. I heard somewhere there's a more recent engine version for X which looks even better than the one we've seen. Came from a random source so we'll see about that if there's anything shown. Maybe we'll see some real time Beyo footage - that'd make the whole ND worth it.


But yeah, more X and Beyonetta footage is as high as I'm setting my expectation bar.

  madeinbeats said:
But yeah, more X and Beyonetta footage is as high as I'm setting my expectation bar.


I think you can discount both seeing as neither is a spring/summer title. Might hear more about Bayonetta 2 around E3. X less sure about.


Hoping for solid release dates for Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101. I don't think we'll get any surprising game reveals in this one.

  D_prOdigy said:
I think you can discount both seeing as neither is a spring/summer title. Might hear more about Bayonetta 2 around E3. X less sure about.


I can't set the bar any lower or I might just end up cleaning the garage out instead. ::shrug:


I can't wait for GAME & WARIO, but I feel as though we've seen enough of that already. Hopefully a release date for 101, perhaps in the Summer! That would be really awesome.


Oh yeah and Pikmin 3, but I've given up hope on that, fucking hell.


"We will withdraw from the television console market to focus on the handheld market where we are THE FUCKING BOMB.




Please understand..."



That Iwata/Kaz gif is incredible by the way. Laughed my ass off this morning.

  Guy said:
"We will withdraw from the television console market to focus on the handheld market where we are THE FUCKING BOMB.




Please understand..."



That Iwata/Kaz gif is incredible by the way. Laughed my ass off this morning.



Not going to happen

  Serebii said:


Not going to happen


That's my current hope for Nintendo but yeah, you're right. There's no way that'll happen any time soon. Maybe in a few years. It all depends on how long Wii U remains viable.

  Guy said:
That's my current hope for Nintendo but yeah, you're right. There's no way that'll happen any time soon. Maybe in a few years. It all depends on how long Wii U remains viable.

It'll never happen. They're already developing their next hardware


I won't be able to see this live - work :/ - but if I return home and see at least one positive thing from this latest Nintendo Direct then I'll be happy...



... yep, that's how high I'm setting my expectations! :wink:


In fact the only thing I want from Nintendo right now is some kind of unified account system or at least a fail-safe for if things go wrong, an easy way to recover your Nintendo Network ID if it gets deleted because at the moment there isn't one which I find ridiculous - this may be the same for 3DS I assume? - yes I'm aware that they do have ways of reinstating games or reimbursing you but it's still the principle of losing the account.


Something a bit more 'secure' brought in with the summer update would be awesome because currently although I'm buying a few downloadable titles, I'd be inclined to buy a lot more if I knew they were a bit 'safer' and I can't be the only one who feels this way surely?


But if they reveal all the lame stuff now, like release dates for this summer etc. They will have more time at E3 to talk about exciting stuff ;) , without having to mention all these smaller things.


Downloadable content (or even an update)for Nintendoland would be great :D

Imagine a new attraction to hype a future game :)


For example "Smash Bros Boxing" or "Star Fox Airbattle" ;)

  Gentleben said:


Game and Wario Wii U

The Wonderful 101

Pikmin 3

Pokemon Rumble Wii

Mario Golf ?


That is all.


I'm hoping for a little info., maybe a release date of Deus Ex.

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