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Wii U VC


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I know lots of people dislike GAME, but I always check their d/l code prices. smash Wii U is £39.99, which isn't a terrible price.. and the game would still be d/l on the console.

I presume the premium bonus won't apply, I've only ever used them for 3ds codes so don't know from experience, but a saving of £10 is surely worth the sacrifice of not earning a small portion of credit towards a £5 off voucher...


You'd be wrong. The NNP promotion does apply to download codes ;) (You get the full £50 worth of points, regardless of whatever price you paid for the code too!)


Yeah, that does effectively make the game £34.99 :)

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If you got a download code from Game, you would've ended up effectively paying £35... (Download Code = £40, plus you get £50 worth of NNP points - Yes you do get the full RRP value worth of points, even if you got the download code for cheaper, or for free... Yes, the free codes given out during the MK8 poromotion gave £50 worth of points too ;))


Gonna really miss that promotion :(


I know, but I wanted to try the preloaded and wasn't sure GAME are sending codes out yet. ::shrug:

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I finished a couple of VC games yesterday and this morning. Here's my adventures as recorded on Miiverse.


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I'd never played either of them before and found them both to be a blast.

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I really need to start these Megaman games that you love so much. Shall I get downloading the NES original?


Given your dislike of the NES era of games I would recommend you skip them and play the X series instead. They are far more forgiving and the SNES graphics are easier on the eyes. I personally prefer the X series over the originals.

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I really need to start these Megaman games that you love so much. Shall I get downloading the NES original?


Megaman 1 is kinda bad, though. Lacks the direction of the later games.

Megaman 2 is where the series found its footing, and it's a really good game. If you want to try classic Megaman, that's the game to go for.


Alternatively, Megaman X is also a great choice. It's pretty much the Megaman series upgraded to a more powerful console/generation, and it's also a really good game.

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I finished a couple of VC games yesterday and this morning. Here's my adventures as recorded on Miiverse.


I'd never played either of them before and found them both to be a blast.


Glad you liked both of them. They're both really underrated entries in their respective series! : peace:

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I really need to start these Megaman games that you love so much. Shall I get downloading the NES original?


You will get eaten alive playing them, especially the first. They have a high skill requirement.


MM2 for the NES is probably among the greatest action platform games ever made. So if you are going to start, start with that.

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It's another good week this week! :D


Wild Guns and Natsume Championship Wrestling for Wii U (both US 60hz versions) and Lufia GBC for 3DS!


If you've never played Wild Guns before, it's an absolute MUST! A true hidden gem for the SNES! (Definitely one for fans of Sin & Punishment too ;) )

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If you've never played Wild Guns before, it's an absolute MUST! A true hidden gem for the SNES! (Definitely one for fans of Sin & Punishment too ;) )


I downloaded it on Wii in the last year or two but I haven't really given myself a chance to properly get to grips with it yet. It does seem to be excellent, though :hehe:

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A little later than planned but here it is...


: peace:


VC Weekly #314






It would appear to be the first time the original DKC has been reviewed in VC Weekly as well which is explained in the article.


Somehow it feels more appropriately timed though because in less than a week it will be twenty years to the day since Donkey Kong Country originally released in Europe on the SNES! :D


Annnd... now I feel old(er) :(


But anyway, enjoy! :)

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Fabulous little set of reviews there! : peace:


That being said, I do think it's a bit cheeky to not rag on a bit more about how glitchy DK Land can be at times... Plenty of moments when you die by falling down the screen too fast, even though there's a platform below you... (oh and it can be pretty damn hard to make out yourself and the enemies from the backgrounds far too often...)


Otherwise, good stuff all round! :D

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If you've never played Wild Guns before, it's an absolute MUST! A true hidden gem for the SNES! (Definitely one for fans of Sin & Punishment too ;) )


I've just watched a video of it and it looks great. Looks like another game will be added to my VC backlog. :D


Watching the video makes me wish that Sunset Riders was on the VC. I loved that game as a kid and played it in the arcades when I went on holiday to Blackpool.

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I've just watched a video of it and it looks great. Looks like another game will be added to my VC backlog. :D


Watching the video makes me wish that Sunset Riders was on the VC. I loved that game as a kid and played it in the arcades when I went on holiday to Blackpool.


Yeah, I've never played that one myself (always wanted to though! Come on Konami! Pull your finger out and get it on the VC already!!) but it does give me a similar vibe as what Wild Guns does for me!


Very different type of game obviously (and of course SR doesn't pit you against giant robots either!) but it had that same kind of cool but quirky vibe :)


I only got the chance to play Wild Guns when it first hit the Wii VC (it's another obscure, rare and expensive SNES game ;) ), but it's really great! Really underappreicated and pretty dang unique! (It's also secretly one of the best 2 player games that the SNES has to offer too ;) )

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Yeah, I've never played that one myself (always wanted to though! Come on Konami! Pull your finger out and get it on the VC already!!) but it does give me a similar vibe as what Wild Guns does for me!


Very different type of game obviously (and of course SR doesn't pit you against giant robots either!) but it had that same kind of cool but quirky vibe :)


I only got the chance to play Wild Guns when it first hit the Wii VC (it's another obscure, rare and expensive SNES game ;) ), but it's really great! Really underappreicated and pretty dang unique! (It's also secretly one of the best 2 player games that the SNES has to offer too ;) )


That's another game I thought you may have played as a kid. Clearly I hold you up on too high a pedestal. :D


It was awesome. It's a shame the SNES game commands a high price. I think the cartridge alone goes for around £70-80.

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That's another game I thought you may have played as a kid. Clearly I hold you up on too high a pedestal. :D


It was awesome. It's a shame the SNES game commands a high price. I think the cartridge alone goes for around £70-80.


Yup, you clearly do :laughing:


I'm just a guy... A slightly insane and crazy guy who's a bit of a whore for good games and anything Nintendo, but ultimately just a guy :p


Hell I don't even have enough time to play everything I've already got, let alone even more lol!


Most of these classics will come eventually... In the end, I'll get the last laugh cause I'll be getting the best first time with them possible :awesome:


Best not tell him that MHTri was my first Monster Hunter game and that I only went back and played the others afterwards...

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I finished some more of my VC games this week. Here are my latest adventures.


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It felt more of the same really, except with the random battles taken out. I still enjoyed it but I prefer the original game.


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I LOVED playing through this. It felt very arcadey and reminded me of playing Virtua Cop for some reason. :) I thought the soundtrack was brilliant as well. I really loved the stage select music. :heart:


Good recommendation by @Dcubed. :bowdown:

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I finished some more of my VC games this week. Here are my latest adventures.


I LOVED playing through this. It felt very arcadey and reminded me of playing Virtua Cop for some reason. :) I thought the soundtrack was brilliant as well. I really loved the stage select music. :heart:


Good recommendation by @Dcubed. :bowdown:


Of course it was a good recommendation :awesome:


It's even more fun in 2 player BTW! Do make sure you try multiplayer if you ever get the chance!

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I finished a couple of VC games yesterday and this morning. Here's my adventures as recorded on Miiverse.


You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. @Hero\-of\-Time


I really need to start these Megaman games that you love so much. Shall I get downloading the NES original?


Ignore hero, get playing the NES games. You'll still like them and they only take a few hours to complete. Though you really should've bought them when they were all a pound odd each.


You will get eaten alive playing them, especially the first. They have a high skill requirement.


MM2 for the NES is probably among the greatest action platform games ever made. So if you are going to start, start with that.


Haha, luckily you can save at various points to make it easier. I will say about maybe read up about the stupid weapon that's easy to miss that you need for the ending. I struggled with that when I played it recently and ive played mega man many times...


Is @Blade bad at games then? :)


Doubt I ever will. Basically if it's not online then I probably wont to get to play a game in multiplayer.


Aw, come visit me, I'll play with you ;)

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