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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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Finally an excuse to pick up the game and play through it properly, i got it for free with my OnLive sub a few years ago but it just never looked great with all the atrifacting associated with streaming a game online. Off TV Play is fast becoming my favourite buzz word on WiiU games, as ive mentioned previously, if im playing on my screen and sitting next to my girlfriend it still counts as spending time with her ^_^

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I bought it not long ago on the 360 but I've only put a couple hours into it... I may consider getting the WiiU version seeing as I'm not all that far in. What would you guys say?


I'd do it, the missing link DLC was set within a certain point in the story line where time passes and you don't find out what happens during it, but its one of those DLC's that is a separate option in the menu, so to have an ultimate version with it integrated makes more sense to play through IF you aren't all that far in

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@Captain Falcon and anyone else... :p


How much are the things they're fixing for this game an issue to the game overall?... as Amazon are currently selling the PS3 version for under £8!


boss fights are certainly arguably a big issue

and to me the DLC that is set at a certain point of the game not being included in the story made it feel really disjointed, so to have those two issues fixed makes this a near perfect game, as it stands the pc/ps3/360 version is a flawed gem, an unpolished diamond

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You should have gotten PS+ when this game was free. ;)


The boss fights suck but are bearable if you don't mind wasting a few points on combat upgrades, and personally I thought the DLC was a letdown. If they're still making you lose your upgrades for the duration of it, I don't think integrating it into the full game is a big deal, and if anything, it'll just slow the pace down.


If you have money to spare, then sure - go for the improved version. Personally, I'd just go with the cheap option. :p

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yeah the problem with the boss fights all depended on how you raised your character. if you put your points into making your character a fighting machine then it was fine. If you didn't then...



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@Captain Falcon and anyone else... :p


How much are the things they're fixing for this game an issue to the game overall?... as Amazon are currently selling the PS3 version for under £8!


Only the first boss fight is tough, the rest are simple enough, but they are all pretty crap so just being able to avoid a proper fight would be nice. But if you spend 3 praxis(upgrade) points on the Typhoon augmentation, you can just walk into the room, spam that and be done pretty quickly. Depending on how you play, you can get enough Praxis points to upgrade everything but a lot you won't even need so it really isn't the waste of the Praxis points it may otherwise seem if you spend them on that and upgrading your armour. If you do the Tong Rescue mission (part of the explosive mission pack DLC that comes with limited editions of the game and can be bought online), you can get a grenade launcher that will kill the next boss in three shots before he can get to you but you can also glitch the game, depending on previous actions, and take him out in 1 hit.



The Missing Link story DLC is really good compact story based expansion. It takes during the main game and so you would think it makes sense to merge it in directly... but I'm not convinced. The reason why is purely down to the story. The main campaign makes zero mention to the events that happen in the DLC despite the DLC being sandwiched between it. And the story DLC has little to do with the main storyline that is the driving force of Human Revolution from a personal standpoint. The story DLC links to the overall Deus Ex story but ultimately doesn't have much to do with the story of Human Revolution itself. It also takes place near the end of the main game when you are about to infiltrate a base that will mark the final chapter of the game.


So to take you out of that and force you in a seemingly unrelated story sequence is a strange move to make in my eyes. The story is finally coming together and they decide to take you out of it for 8hrs and when you come back from it, there will be no mention of those 8 hrs ever again.



It really comes down to how likely are you to get a Wii U any time soon. Do you realistically see yourself buying one this year? No doubt the game will still be around in a year's time on the Wii U and probably around £8 too - it will also be available for download most likely for the lifespan of the console at a higher price of course. But do you want to spend the opening period of your Wii U catching up on old games that are infact enhanced ports of even older games. The game is brilliant and would still be deserved to be played but I'd be hoping ther were a bunch of other brand new, from the gound up, titles to be enjoying after being out for 12-18 months.



It's £8 mate - for £8 I'll buy it for you :)


yeah the problem with the boss fights all depended on how you raised your character. if you put your points into making your character a fighting machine then it was fine. If you didn't then...


Whilst there is a bit of truth to that image, I still think it's abit unfair. Damage dealt by a weapon is handled completely differently to your augmentations. You can still pough all your Praxis points into hacking skills but that doesn't mean you can't keep a gun in your inventory and apply all the upgrades you find to it to make it powerful - a Magnum with explosive rounds will make short work of anyone regardess of who's Adam wields it. The aim stabalizer and recoil minimizer aren't necessary because he's already a great shot as he is and so even if you are playing it as an 80s action hero, those points would still be more benefitial going into other areas.

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It really comes down to how likely are you to get a Wii U any time soon. Do you realistically see yourself buying one this year? No doubt the game will still be around in a year's time on the Wii U and probably around £8 too - it will also be available for download most likely for the lifespan of the console at a higher price of course. But do you want to spend the opening period of your Wii U catching up on old games that are infact enhanced ports of even older games. The game is brilliant and would still be deserved to be played but I'd be hoping ther were a bunch of other brand new, from the gound up, titles to be enjoying after being out for 12-18 months.



It's £8 mate - for £8 I'll buy it for you :)

Cool, I'll send you my Paypal ;)


Thanks for that though! You've pretty much made my mind up that I should go for the PS3 version. Like you say I don't see myself getting a Wii U until Christmas maybe... and then when I do there will be the likes of Mario, Mario Kart and other First and Third Party games to catch-up on first/instead... plus this game will be even older in gameplay terms by then... plus the next-gen consoles arrive at the end of the year too!


So yeah, decision made. :D


(and yes getting it on PS Plus would have been great! :p at least I have that now!)

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut - Announcement Trailer:


I didn't notice you posted the trailer.


That's the worst trailer voice over I've heard in a long time - absolutely terrible - and slapping the text on screen over gameplay isn't much better. They should have stuck to text and have it on cards that are shown between bits of FMV and gameplay. It just robs it of its style and sophistication as it is.


Maybe they are deliberately trying to market this differently this time, I don't know...

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That voice over was unnecessary for the trailer, as were the cutaways. The trailers they put out originally for the game were fantastic. Why not just reuse those and put in some flash frames with text to say which has been added? It's a little strange as both the voice and music used didn't fit with the feel of the game. Likewise, the improved graphics they were speaking of weren't very apparent, although I'll be honest in that I wasn't expecting any significant improvements that would be that noticeable (and I doubt many others were).


Yeah, still not seeing the point in this release, even with the additions. I thought the game was fine as it was when I played it through for the first time last year. Honestly think Straight Right would be better utilised bring a new game to the Wii U, or at least one that wasn't 2 years old (regardless of how good it is). Seriously, if it's released at anywhere near full RRP for Wii U games (£40-£50) and people willingly buy it, then... I'd be truly baffled about the mentality of those who willingly shell out in that instance.

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Yeah, still not seeing the point in this release, even with the additions. I thought the game was fine as it was when I played it through for the first time last year. Honestly think Straight Right would be better utilised bring a new game to the Wii U, or at least one that wasn't 2 years old (regardless of how good it is). Seriously, if it's released at anywhere near full RRP for Wii U games (£40-£50) and people willingly buy it, then... I'd be truly baffled about the mentality of those who willingly shell out in that instance.


For any other game i'd agree, but this is that good a game i'd pay £40 for it, but then i'm massively biased i own it for xbox (well till the sale on ebay ends) and pc (steam sale) and would happily buy it for wiiU


but in general any other game and i'd be right there with you asking what is this fresh madness


edit Having just watch that trailer.........uhhhh whats with that shitty voice over? thats worse than the changed opening credits for series 2 of Grimm

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I've seen some reports on the internet today that Amazon had May 7th up as the date for this, which disappeared but was stil visible on the mobile site for some time before disappearing, Walmart also (as i type still) shows 7th May as the date


take from it what you will


still active source


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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent vid demoing GP functions. Looks proper bo. He was playing this at the gadget show. Looks excellent for showing what the Wii U means to the more core gamer. Looks like they had NFS and Resi there too. Weird, just noticed they are on WiiUUK official channel... had no idea there was any such thing, just NoE channel. Here's the channel if you didn't know about it either http://www.youtube.com/user/NintendoWiiUUK






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