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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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So while the website for checking which Charm table you're on remains offline, there is actually another way to find out.


If you download this program, and input the charms you've collected, eventually it will tell you which table you've got. :smile:


It's a bit of a faff though as you need to add quite a lot of charms before it can narrow it down. I had to add just over 30 before it would give me a result.

Anyway, it seems that I'm on Table 2 which is cool.

I'm just happy to have avoided a cursed table. :yay:


Just downloaded it and ran it.... not entirely sure what info am I meant to be entering into it?

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Just took on Arzuros in the single player capture mission. Such a great feeling, I discovered how to combine herbs and mushrooms and honey and stocked up on potions, made my own traps and paintballs and felt so prepared. I waltz up and undertook an epic battle, I had set up traps to corner him and everything worked a treat.


I feel like I've got a bond with the big guy now, and am now questing to get a full set of Arzuros armor :bowdown:

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Was in my local shopping centre last night and wandered into Game to see if they had any circle pad pros left, in typical Game fashion they had a pre-owened one for £7 and a brand new one for £5! God it makes playing the 3DS game infinitely easier, though im going to have to start looking for a bigger case now that my 3DS has put on a few pounds lol.

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Just downloaded it and ran it.... not entirely sure what info am I meant to be entering into it?
You need to click on the "My Charms" button (it'll have +10 Auto-Guard there by default), and then start adding whatever charms you've collected in the game so far.


Once you've done that, click on "Detect Table". It'll either tell you which table you're on, or say that you need to add more charms.

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Thanks Red, downloaded the program and table seems to be 6.


With the servers being busted I decided to crack on with the single player mode. After a big session I have finally unlocked the 9 star quests.


Ha, I just got to 9-star village quests too : D I just did all the key quests, i.e. skipped Jhen etc. Gear setup seems to be working pretty nicely, as I didn't really have much problems with the new monsters. The only exception to this was Brachydios, which actually put up a real fight. Got carted twice and health items were down to just herbs...luckily I had brought a trap with me, so managed to capture him in the end. Must be the hardest monster thus far...can't wait for the online to be fixed so I can group hunt him again. Soloing was quite painful...


Zinogre was actually really cool, and quite easy with the GL. Just guard and slash when there's an opening, he basically just skewers himself on your weapon...


In other news, the special "being a totally annoying bastard" -award goes to Quru. Good lord I've started to hate her...always calling unwanted visitors, especially in high rank the you-know-who...I just want to fight, and not do a constant Benny Hill show with crap bombs... >_>


Hopefully we get online back tomorrow. Need some Brach and Barioth Sub pieces for the next weapon upgrade...

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Don't forget - ALL Monster Hunter strugglers, losers and noobs; tonight is the night the Fail-owhship rides!


I've not gone online with it yet, as my copy only arrived on Monday. I'll be online from 6 to play with all crap players who need to do basic quests so I can level up a bit!

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Just fought Nibelsnarf for the first time with some buddies...


We were on our last life, it limped off to area 11 to die, we followed it off the cliff. First my friends jumped off and I followed in tail...


RIGHT INTO NIBELSNARF'S MOUTH! (no, really, I didn't even hit the ground! Just fell straight into his upwards pointing gob, as if he was waiting for me to plop into his mouth like a tasty snack...)


Quest failed :laughing:

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Does anyone know if 3DS save transferring is locked to the cart/system or could I for example play on the go on a 3DS rental copy, fire the save back to Wii U and then transfer the same save across to a new 3DS cart when I buy my own copy? Apologies for the confusion.

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I've just clocked in 101 hours and I helped my fiance along with one of my friends and another random guy up to HR 2, I haven't done much level advancing myself but we did hunt Lagiacrus quite a lot which is a help to me seeing as I'm aiming to craft all of his armour. :)


All in all, a fantastic night. : peace:

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Does anyone know if 3DS save transferring is locked to the cart/system or could I for example play on the go on a 3DS rental copy, fire the save back to Wii U and then transfer the same save across to a new 3DS cart when I buy my own copy? Apologies for the confusion.


I think, as long as you have the data transfer software on both consoles, it shouldn't matter about the cart. I have both and haven't had to register cart or seen a message saying it can only be used now on this machine etc, so should be good to use on multiple carts/systems! That's not official though (covers own back...)

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Had some good hunts with @Mokong X\-C last night. I tried joining @Ville a number amount of times but it wouldn't let me and I was greeted by an error message everytime. I imagine others were having the same issue as there was only 3 people in the town for ages.


I reached HR7 last night and i'm amazed on how many people seem to have leeched their way to the top. I have seen loads of players getting destroyed at G rank purely because their armour is far too underpowered. It shows that they clearly have just found higher ranked players and stood by and let them do the work. Shameful!


I told my nephew that he needed new armour if he was to head into the G Rank so we farmed S. Uragaan. Lost also knows he needs new armour and no doubt we will be farming his stuff as well. This is how it is done, not just standing by the base letting others do the quest for you.


I managed to upgrade my sword this morning and i'm doing a stupid amount of damage with it now. Just need to unlock and harvest a G Rank S. Uragaan before I can get the final upgrade.

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Just collecting resources for my new armor and it's asking me for bnhabara shells. But my great big bloody sword just keeps annihilating them so they disappear.


I randomly forged a boomerang last night. If i hit them with that will it stun them?

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Just collecting resources for my new armor and it's asking me for bnhabara shells. But my great big bloody sword just keeps annihilating them so they disappear.


I randomly forged a boomerang last night. If i hit them with that will it stun them?


I don't know bout the bomerang, never used it yet.


Is there an offline quest in teh story mode that asks you to kill a bunch of Bnhabara? There was on Tri, if there is one and you have it you could do that and you'll prolly get the Shells in the rewards at the end of it.


If you really want to try carving it from them though.


I would just a Sword and Shield and just try hitting them with the Shield bash move. It'll sometimes break them apart too but it will also sometimes make them just fall down.


Another good way is to poison them. Either make/bring a (weak) weapon with a poison effect. Or use Poison Smoke Bombs (combine Bomb Casing and Toadstools or Poison Sac)


Once they are poisoned just wait for them to fall :D

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Had some good hunts with @RedShell, @lostmario and @Mokong X-C last night. I tried joining @Ville a number amount of times but it wouldn't let me and I was greeted by an error message everytime. I imagine others were having the same issue as there was only 3 people in the town for ages.


I reached HR7 last night and i'm amazed on how many people seem to have leeched their way to the top. I have seen loads of players getting destroyed at G rank purely because their armour is far too underpowered. It shows that they clearly have just found higher ranked players and stood by and let them do the work. Shameful!


Hmm, sounds really weird. I mean what could it possibly even be...other than that, my online is working just fine. Stupid that it doesn't allow you guys to join : o


Haha, haven't had to deal with any leechers yet. So far I've been the one with the worst armour, but GL with guard+2 have compensated nicely for that...plus a lot of health items. It does seem that the G Rank is the new High Rank, i.e. the monsters hit a lot harder now.

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Not sure if anyone is playing this on 3DS, but if you're a non-3D gamer like me and are sick of everything looking blurry with 3D switched off, disable 3D from the start screen options menu. It'll stop the game rendering the picture twice for the 3D effect and while the anti aliasing will be removed resulting in a slightly sharper picture, the frame rate will jump up.


This doesn't help with the issue of the ugly-as-sin font though - what a horrible decision that was.

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I always feel really bad about asking someone to help me progress. When I see someone like @Hero\-of\-Time online, HR 3424 or whatever... and I just need to do some HR 1 challengers... I really feel like a burden.


I'm home home for the weekend so I can't play but next week I wanna organise some proper sessions with you guys!

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I always feel really bad about asking someone to help me progress. When I see someone like @Hero\-of\-Time online, HR 3424 or whatever... and I just need to do some HR 1 challengers... I really feel like a burden.


I'm home home for the weekend so I can't play but next week I wanna organise some proper sessions with you guys!


Im a steady HR2 at the moment so don´t mind helping you with your quests next week

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I always feel really bad about asking someone to help me progress. When I see someone like @Hero\-of\-Time online, HR 3424 or whatever... and I just need to do some HR 1 challengers... I really feel like a burden.


I'm home home for the weekend so I can't play but next week I wanna organise some proper sessions with you guys!


Don't ever feel like that. I'm more than happy to help out when/where I can. Just fire me a message and ill give you a hand.

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As someone else who is basically terrified of being a burden on Monster Hunter, it's awesome to know you higher rank people are happy to help. This game is immense and it's really easy to just start feeling lost with all the different things to do and ways to do them.

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So in order to do this thing for the farm I needed to obtain a super sized shit. @Mokong X\-C explained to me that I get one from the herbivore things in the forest.


So I go to area two and slaughter the herbivores and carve them. Nope i dont obtain a super sized shit but raw meat instead.


So i thought..."I know I will wait for one of the herbivores to have a shit"


I waited for about 40 mins, watching this herbivore and waiting for it to have a shit. I watched it eat grass, drink water, go to sleep but not once did it have a shit. I even laid down some meat thinking that it would eat it and maybe cause a bowel movement. But no shit came!

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