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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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To be honest, this situation stinks. It hurts knowing that you've spent money on a (relatively new) gaming machine that will either feature gimped versions of third party games, or it won't receive the game at all. It fucking sucks that we don't even know if the game will be coming out on the Wii U (I reckon it won't be).


I'm tired of this bullshit. It's a con. Why should we have to feel "grateful" for a game appearing on a platform much later than it does on other systems or "happy" that it appears on there at all? It's a load of crap. It's like when games get announced for a Nintendo system and you hear that it has "some WiFi features" or some bollocks. Great...but this is the 21st Century, stuff like this should be a given by now.


200 fucking quid down the drain.


I agree with all of this, consider yourself lucky it was £200, I know it's still rotten. For me it was €400 down the drain at launch. If I was looking at buying the Wii U now instead of back then, I wouldn't touch it unless it was £150, maybe even lower and even then you'd know you've just bought a dead console barring a handful of Nintendo titles.

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You lot make it sound like you've got nothing out of the Wii U so far and that you're never going to use it again! :hmm:::shrug:


Sure, the situation is far from ideal, but I've still managed to get get over 1000 hours playtime out of the Wii U to date (Monster Hunter was almost half of that ;)) and when MK8 arrives that number will easily see another 500+ hours added to it. Then there's still Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros., Yarn Yoshi, X, Zelda and a multitude of indie/eShop stuff on the way, plus there are almost certainly going to be some surprise announcements from Nintendo around E3 time.


At the end of the day, if you enjoy a variety of genres and pick up the right games, the Wii U is a worthwhile investment.

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You lot make it sound like you've got nothing out of the Wii U so far and that you're never going to use it again! :hmm:::shrug:


Sure, the situation is far from ideal, but I've still managed to get get over 1000 hours playtime out of the Wii U to date (Monster Hunter was almost half of that ;)) and when MK8 arrives that number will easily see another 500+ hours added to it. Then there's still Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros., Yarn Yoshi, X, Zelda and a multitude of indie/eShop stuff on the way, plus there are almost certainly going to be some surprise announcements from Nintendo around E3 time.


At the end of the day, if you enjoy a variety of genres and pick up the right games, the Wii U is a worthwhile investment.

Absolutely. I have 19 retail titles, average of 20 hours on each, loads of download titles and virtual console ones too. Spent more money and time on it than on my PS3 and it's not that far behind my 360, which was my most used console last gen. Definitely worth the investment for me. I haven't regretted it for a second.

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There's plenty of great games available (I'm up to 16 retail titles and 13 downloaded ones, not including VC games) and most of the good ones are actually exclusive to Wii U too!


Hell I already have more retail games for the Wii U than I have for either the PS3 or the 360! (not combined though. We're not quite there yet...)


If you're not interested in Nintendo's own titles or the variety of titles that sit outside of the typical mainstream (COD, Fifa, AC etc) then I have to question why you'd buy the console in the first place though...


...Even though that's where all of the really good games actually reside...


New generation, same old story (in all respects)...


Eitherway, this game (Watchdogs) is looking to be a stinker anyway, so I wouldn't consider it to be much of a loss personally if it doesn't actually get a Wii U release in the end... So much lost potential...

Edited by Dcubed
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If you're not interested in Nintendo's own titles or the variety of titles that sit outside of the typical mainstream (COD, Fifa, AC etc) then I have to question why you'd buy the console in the first place though...


I think a lot of people were hoping that the Wii U would get some good 3rd party games, as well as the usual Nintendo stuff. Sadly this didn't go to plan and what people are left with are Nintendo titles that are few and far between and gaping holes in the release schedule that are usually filled with 3rd party content.


I'm fine with my Wii U ( still think it's the worst console Nintendo have ever produced ) and have 30 retail games on the shelf, but I can see why people are upset over how the console has been handled, especially if you're not a multi console gamer.

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Hell I already have more retail games for the Wii U than I have for either the PS3 or the 360! (not combined though. We're not quite there yet...)


When I read posts like this I can't help but think people are perhaps deliberately remaining ignorant of great games on other consoles. Ok, the Wii U has a few really good titles and perhaps some more decent ones, but it's almost unthinkable, at least to me, to compare this to library on a console that has consistently delivered for 7 years.


I get that people have different tastes, but for me the Wii U hasn't even delivered much fresh/intriguing in the way of first party Nintendo games, which is really what this console is for now.

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When I read posts like this I can't help but think people are perhaps deliberately remaining ignorant of great games on other consoles. Ok, the Wii U has a few really good titles and perhaps some more decent ones, but it's almost unthinkable, at least to me, to compare this to library on a console that has consistently delivered for 7 years.


Different tastes I suppose.


I do agree though that the wealth of quality games on both the 360 and PS3 over shadow those on the Wii U. As you said though, those consoles have been on the market for a lot longer.

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I think a lot of people were hoping that the Wii U would get some good 3rd party games, as well as the usual Nintendo stuff. Sadly this didn't go to plan and what people are left with are Nintendo titles that are few and far between and gaping holes in the release schedule that are usually filled with 3rd party content.


I'm fine with my Wii U ( still think it's the worst console Nintendo have ever produced ) and have 30 retail games on the shelf, but I can see why people are upset over how the console has been handled, especially if you're not a multi console gamer.


Same thing happens every generation. Granted, it's worse than ever before now, but it's still not like we haven't gone through this song and dance before...


Of course it's upsetting, of course it sucks and of course it's unacceptable; but it's also not exactly unprecedented. But time and time again we come for the exclusive games that we love so much and they always make the whole thing worthwhile :)


You know full well that despite the horrible release schedule and the near enough non-existent 3rd party support that the console still has the games that you want and more than enough of them to justify that pricetag. It's just that you'll have to look elsewhere for all of the big AAA mainstream titles in addition to what Nintendo offer...


It sucks, but nothing is ever going to change this because the major publishers don't want to support Nintendo...


When I read posts like this I can't help but think people are perhaps deliberately remaining ignorant of great games on other consoles. Ok, the Wii U has a few really good titles and perhaps some more decent ones, but it's almost unthinkable, at least to me, to compare this to library on a console that has consistently delivered for 7 years.


I get that people have different tastes, but for me the Wii U hasn't even delivered much fresh/intriguing in the way of first party Nintendo games, which is really what this console is for now.


There just isn't much that interests me on those consoles... I'm not interested in most AAA budget western made productions, annual sports games or the typical dudebro rubbish that dominates today's market ::shrug:


It's not like there aren't games that interest me on those machines (the likes of Valkyria Chronicles, God of War 1-3, Bioshock 1, Bayonetta, Heavy Rain, Devil May Cry 4 etc have been brilliant over the last generation), it's just that the ones I like are far and few inbetween and are largely dying out :(

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Aye, that's what I mean. Unless someone's pallette is ridiculously distasteful of most games that aren't Nintendo first party, I just don't get the 'I have more games on the Wii U than the last gen consoles', unless people are purposefully avoiding games on other consoles. There's really so much more on the other formats.



I also don't agree with the 'why buy a Nintendo console if not for first party' mentality. Nintendo should have got decent support and not leave people to utter this. The N64 days with Rare were absolutely brilliant, and at the beginning of the Wii U's life the developers were with it. In truth, they're gone primarily because Nintendo fucked up with the specification of their system.

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Same thing happens every generation. Granted, it's worse than ever before now, but it's still not like we haven't gone through this song and dance before...


Yeah, but Nintendo were all singing and dancing about this console being for the core and having 3rd party support and look how it's turned out.


It doesn't bother me in the slightest as i'm happy to drop my money on games for another console and take my business elsewhere, but others aren't and are stuck with the decision they've made.

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Ah, this classic again... Sheikah calls people ignorant for saying they have more nintendo games than other consoles, but slags the wii off all the time... Is it really that difficult to understand that people have different tastes, wants and needs; which is why it is EXCELLENT there is the variety in the market than 3 identical machines. Would it be great if there was one super duper console which had all games, of course! But there isn't...


As for what the wii u has, I don't quite understand the huge complaints, it hasn't panned out how we expected or wanted, but there is still a lot of games on the system, and there are some big games coming, and obviously nintendo will release all their big titles over the years.


Maybe we should still be unhappy we don't get the big third parties; but ultimately I see it as this - I personally think W101, Lego, Mario 3D, Donkey Kong, Zombi U is a better CURRENT lineup than what the xboxone and PS4 can offer, obvious as it's been out a year. What is coming for the rest of the year, for me, there is no more exciting games than Mario kart and Smash Bros - bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule warriors aren't bad other exclusives; this trumps what the other console are offering this year. Beyond that, NO ONE KNOWS!!!!


And don't start the same old bullshit - "we're buying into the future", because we don't know the future, if people bought into the future of the ps3 at its start then they would have missed on a brat console; we don't know. You are buying into a promise which in the recent history has been fulfilled, but we have no idea whether it will in the future.


All everyone can do is look at the games on the systems that are our, and are definitely coming out. And I know I'd miss intends games a thousand times more than anything I'd miss with just a wii u!

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I don't know really, i kind of love my WiiU and hate it at the same time

I've got about 20 retail games, and i've yet to finish them all, i don't have time...i think at the start i bought every wiiu game released to give the console support...a failed exercise i was a drop in the ocean


but that said its become my primary console at the moment, because right now multiplats are better on my PC, and nintendo is the only one currently putting out the most frequent high quality 1st party exclusives.....but thats only really because the PS3 is being phased out, and the ps4 games are in development


I think this gen i'll be PC>PS4 (when i get one)>WiiU that way i'm covered for the best multiplats and the best first party offerings

I'll miss out on qunatum break but its not worth a new console (titanfall will be mine on PC and its the only other good Ms game right now)


but its very disheartening how badly the Wiiu is doing and how its being treated, its a horrible catch 22 situation; the sales are bad so third parties won't support the console....but the sales are bad because third parties won't support the console thus leaving it with the infrequent Nintendo offerings


*sigh* role on E3 where as a gamer i can be happy, and as a nintendo fan i can see a few good games supporting the Wiiu...


i suspect the WiiU is in the last year or so of its life cyle already, with Nintendo already producing a replacement, potentially as part of this life non wearable mumbo jumbo they are talking about




but this is all general WiiU topics...man this WATCH DOGS thread is derailed

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Ah, this classic again... Sheikah calls people ignorant for saying they have more nintendo games than other consoles, but slags the wii off all the time... Is it really that difficult to understand that people have different tastes, wants and needs; which is why it is EXCELLENT there is the variety in the market than 3 identical machines. Would it be great if there was one super duper console which had all games, of course! But there isn't...


As for what the wii u has, I don't quite understand the huge complaints, it hasn't panned out how we expected or wanted, but there is still a lot of games on the system, and there are some big games coming, and obviously nintendo will release all their big titles over the years.


Maybe we should still be unhappy we don't get the big third parties; but ultimately I see it as this - I personally think W101, Lego, Mario 3D, Donkey Kong, Zombi U is a better CURRENT lineup than what the xboxone and PS4 can offer, obvious as it's been out a year. What is coming for the rest of the year, for me, there is no more exciting games than Mario kart and Smash Bros - bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule warriors aren't bad other exclusives; this trumps what the other console are offering this year. Beyond that, NO ONE KNOWS!!!!


And don't start the same old bullshit - "we're buying into the future", because we don't know the future, if people bought into the future of the ps3 at its start then they would have missed on a brat console; we don't know. You are buying into a promise which in the recent history has been fulfilled, but we have no idea whether it will in the future.


All everyone can do is look at the games on the systems that are our, and are definitely coming out. And I know I'd miss intends games a thousand times more than anything I'd miss with just a wii u!


Amen to that mate!


I have 20 retail games on the Wii U already and some of them are utter classics. I also have all the retro games released for 30p and there's still eShop and retail releases I want to pick up.


It is hilarious how when someone claims they love their Wii U they are either blinkered mad man or a liar simply defending their purchase. However if someone has enjoyed their PS3 or 360 it's pure fact and everyone who hasn't got one should have on their say so!

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The lack of 3rd party sux but if there was a constant stream of Nintendo published games then the blow would be a lot softer.


However the main problem for me is I don’t use the console enough simply as there are not enough games for me. Played Mario and then went a couple months waiting for DK. Am playing that but not that often as I just feel like it wasn’t that long ago I was playing DK on the 3DS.


Next game isn’t until the end of May and then after that we have what exactly? It’s just drought after drought after drought. It’s extremely difficult feel anything but apathy for the console when no games are released for it.


Not convinced watchdogs is for me and if so I will get it on PS4 but still it blows to see another third party just treat the wii u version as the ugly duckling of the family.


I paid £200 for the console on day 1 but still more than a year later I can’t really recommend the console to someone who asks is it worth the purchase.

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Ah, this classic again... Sheikah calls people ignorant for saying they have more nintendo games than other consoles, but slags the wii off all the time... Is it really that difficult to understand that people have different tastes, wants and needs; which is why it is EXCELLENT there is the variety in the market than 3 identical machines. Would it be great if there was one super duper console which had all games, of course! But there isn't...


As for what the wii u has, I don't quite understand the huge complaints, it hasn't panned out how we expected or wanted, but there is still a lot of games on the system, and there are some big games coming, and obviously nintendo will release all their big titles over the years.


Maybe we should still be unhappy we don't get the big third parties; but ultimately I see it as this - I personally think W101, Lego, Mario 3D, Donkey Kong, Zombi U is a better CURRENT lineup than what the xboxone and PS4 can offer, obvious as it's been out a year. What is coming for the rest of the year, for me, there is no more exciting games than Mario kart and Smash Bros - bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule warriors aren't bad other exclusives; this trumps what the other console are offering this year. Beyond that, NO ONE KNOWS!!!!


And don't start the same old bullshit - "we're buying into the future", because we don't know the future, if people bought into the future of the ps3 at its start then they would have missed on a brat console; we don't know. You are buying into a promise which in the recent history has been fulfilled, but we have no idea whether it will in the future.


All everyone can do is look at the games on the systems that are our, and are definitely coming out. And I know I'd miss intends games a thousand times more than anything I'd miss with just a wii u!


Let me just wipe the venomous spittle coming from that post, first. And CAPS!


I don't disagree with you about the Wii U games out being better than the current PS4 games (it has been out longer, after all).


And I'm all for different tastes. But I know @Dcubed has tastes for more than just Nintendo. So my point was, unless he was purposefully ignoring good games on other systems I just didn't see how what he said could be true, given one has been out for 7 years with a consistent and solid output (of far more than just Western blockbusters), while the other has not been out long and has a limited range of stellar games that haven't already been released elsewhere.


I'm not trying to flame, I'm just generally curious how someone can boast such.

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I agree.


However, there are loads of top quality Nintendo and indie titles coming to Wii U. It's not a total waste


There are some top quality Nintendo games, but there's also top quality third party games that are passing the system by. South Park has been released and the Wii U didn't even get a look-in with that. Although Colonial Marines didn't live up to the hype, I was really looking forward to playing it. Arkham Knight won't be coming to the Wii U. No Dark Souls II, it hasn't got The Walking Dead game, no Tomb Raider and it won't be getting Alien: Isolation. These are all games that I'd like to play on a Nintendo system.


However, it's bullshit that these won't be coming or haven't come already. I was really looking forward to playing an Aliens title with the GamePad and we didn't get a chance. What's the point in having a great interface if there's nobody taking advantage of it.


I agree with all of this, consider yourself lucky it was £200, I know it's still rotten. For me it was €400 down the drain at launch. If I was looking at buying the Wii U now instead of back then, I wouldn't touch it unless it was £150, maybe even lower and even then you'd know you've just bought a dead console barring a handful of Nintendo titles.


If I could go back in time, I doubt I'd have picked it up. Yes, some of the games that I've played have been great. Notably ZombiU, Pikmin and Wonderful 101. But, I could just as easily have got some of my other games for cheaper on another system and the back catalogue would already be there. In the long term, it probably won't be a great investment for me. Considering I absolutely loved the Wii, played it to death and own at least 65+ games for it, the Wii U isn't living up to it.


You lot make it sound like you've got nothing out of the Wii U so far and that you're never going to use it again! :hmm:::shrug:


Sure, the situation is far from ideal, but I've still managed to get get over 1000 hours playtime out of the Wii U to date (Monster Hunter was almost half of that ;)) and when MK8 arrives that number will easily see another 500+ hours added to it. Then there's still Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros., Yarn Yoshi, X, Zelda and a multitude of indie/eShop stuff on the way, plus there are almost certainly going to be some surprise announcements from Nintendo around E3 time.


At the end of the day, if you enjoy a variety of genres and pick up the right games, the Wii U is a worthwhile investment.


We haven't got dates for X, Bayonetta, Zelda or Smash Bros. It's far too up in the air. Even then, the point is why can't you have BOTH the Nintendo titles and the third party games? This was something that was promised (ish) before the Wii U's launch and it feels like a con. Why must we choose between playing Nintendo games OR third party titles?


Even then, the likes of Sony are building a decent first party line-up/exclusives. So, they're proving that you can have both. I only own one console and I only really have time and money for one system. At the time of Watch Dog's reveal and announcement of it being on the Wii U, it excited me and I was looking forward to giving it a blast. Even if the game does come, we have no idea if it'll even use the main features of the GamePad, or we don't even know how "complete" this version will be in comparison to the others. That's before we even know if the game itself is any good or not.


It's a piss take.

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I got a call from Gamestop this evening on way home from work saying they cancelked my pre-order for this said it was officially cancelled this afternoon. A quick google and still only finding news bout the delay so maybe gamestop just cancelled it off their own system till it has an actual release date..... Or they're a step ahead

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I got a call from Gamestop this evening on way home from work saying they cancelked my pre-order for this said it was officially cancelled this afternoon. A quick google and still only finding news bout the delay so maybe gamestop just cancelled it off their own system till it has an actual release date..... Or they're a step ahead


It hasent been cancelled Ubisoft say its still comeing out





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When I read posts like this I can't help but think people are perhaps deliberately remaining ignorant of great games on other consoles. Ok, the Wii U has a few really good titles and perhaps some more decent ones, but it's almost unthinkable, at least to me, to compare this to library on a console that has consistently delivered for 7 years.


I get that people have different tastes, but for me the Wii U hasn't even delivered much fresh/intriguing in the way of first party Nintendo games, which is really what this console is for now.


Sorry, but I feel Sheikah has a fair point. I too am curious to know how/what current Wii U offerings surpass that of the PS3 and 360 - It gives the impression that a select few are simply moaning for no reason...


But there is a reason for it.


Even some of the members who disagreed with the above post, at some point agreed that the Wii U's offering isn't enough - so what is really the deal here? We're all Nintendo fans and want to see the company and Wii U do well, but I can't help but be realistic and say, no, the Wii U simply does not provide a mass of quality or variety in software at the moment.


But please let me know the 20 Wii U games that are providing you with such satisfaction and I will honestly look into buying them, with reason.

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The main sticking point for me about the comment was that there are likely games similar to those people are buying on Wii U if they have 20 games on the system (since they can't all be Nintendo's own games), but games they don't have.


Once I know someone's interests I reckon I could find them several games they'd like on the other consoles that they haven't bought. I don't think it's a case of 'that console doesn't have games of the type I like' since there is such a large range of games on those systems. They just have to check them out.

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Hang on, you can't dismiss a game on the wii u because it's on another console, it doesn't take away the fact it's a quality game on the console...?!


I'll give you 15 games as a matter of a fun debate



Zombi U

Super Mario U

Rayman Legends

Donkey Kong Country

Pikmin 3

Wonderful 101

Lego City Stories

Need for Speed

Deus Ex (great wii u exclusive functionality)

COD Ghosts (good gamepad functionality)

Sonic Racing Transported (5 player local play with gamepad)

Mario 3D World

Batman Arkham City (fantastic gamepad use)

Monster Hunter 3



10 are exclusives! Not bad!


Not mentioning the Assassins Creeds which I don't like, Splinter Cell, Injustice or Tekken which are both great beat em ups, or that Fifa 13 has some brilliant functionality (and the last decent playing FIFA engine)...


Doesn't include some excellent virtual console games, however crap the service is as a whole, it as a good dozen great games, eshop has at least a dozen great games.

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But he has the other console where those games came out first/earlier on. Which basically comes back to my original point - so you like that kind of game, but you didn't get it when it was on the original console (and much cheaper). I was wondering why people ignore the content on other consoles, but check it out on Wii U, then comment they have more titles on Wii U and its library is more to their tastes.


(I totally get that you don't get Nintendo's own games on other consoles. I'm just talking about third party/other console games of similar genres).

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