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One of the few announcements that actually got my attention.


Was quite disappointed to see what is essentially a movie trailer (not even a gameplay clip?), but at least the concept sounds interesting. Like an action/platforming version of Katamari Damacy.

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One of the few announcements that actually got my attention.


Was quite disappointed to see what is essentially a movie trailer (not even a gameplay clip?), but at least the concept sounds interesting. Like an action/platforming version of Katamari Damacy.


Early gameplay was shown in the background to demonstrate the hardware features.


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During the conference I thought this was shit. Now I've looked back and watched it again I'm really looking forward to it. Seems to offer something new. This breaking down in pieces mechanic looks like it could be interesting.


Its looks great. Mark Cerny did a great job at the presentation and the fact he also worked on this game is impressive. If anything there was real time it looked great lol.

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I'm now actually getting this at launch, I swapped my Bundle to one that contains Killzone Shadowfall and Knack, I'm actually looking forward to playing both.


When I got my Xbox 360 my launch day games were Perfect Dark Zero plus Kameo: Elements of Power so perhaps I'm trying to recreate that same launch-day feeling, only this time with - hopefully - better games. :D


Knack has certainly been shaping up nicely despite there not being much of a buzz around it, I think it'll turn out to be a solid enough action platformer with enough to offer at launch, it'll also most likely be the first game I try out the new 'remote play' with. :)

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I'm now actually getting this at launch, I swapped my Bundle to one that contains Killzone Shadowfall and Knack, I'm actually looking forward to playing both.


When I got my Xbox 360 my launch day games were Perfect Dark Zero plus Kameo: Elements of Power so perhaps I'm trying to recreate that same launch-day feeling, only this time with - hopefully - better games. :D


If I was getting a PS4 at launch I would be doing the same.


I don't care for your knock at Kameo. :angry: I loved that game to bits. Feel free to slag PDZ off some more though. :D

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If I was getting a PS4 at launch I would be doing the same.


I don't care for your knock at Kameo. :angry: I loved that game to bits. Feel free to slag PDZ off some more though. :D


Yeah it definitely seems like a game that I'm sure you'd love given the time you've put into similar games. :)


And I wasn't particularly knocking Kameo or Perfect Dark Zero, I actually love both games - for my sins in the case of PDZ - but yes, more Kameo as it was a sublime launch title, what I mean is for the launch of a new console I think Killzone/Knack will show off more of what the PS4 can really do more than PDZ/Kameo did for the Xbox 360 as ultimately they changed platforms during development many times and it certainly showed. ;)


Knack is certainly shaping up to be a decent, viable launch day purchase. :D

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I might have to get this game now. Admittedly I knew nothing about it previously, just panned it off as a PSN game. Watched the trailer though and my first thought was it reminded me so much of Kameo. I absolutely adored that game and I hope this is similar in design.

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IGN Video Review 5.9





That's one of the things that bothers me about the game. That when you are giant Knack fighting in a big landscape against big enemies or bosses, you can't get shrunk down to little Knack and then either have to build your way back up, or experience the areas from a small perspective and have to completely re-evaluate the scenario and change tactics.


Would have been very cool to have different ways to approach the same situation based on your size and to see bosses now towering above you etc...

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Quite mixed reviews then... :hmm: (highlighted the 'better' ones)


Eurogamer – 4

CVG – 6

Kotaku – yes

Everyeye.it – 7

Polygon – 6

Destructoid – 7

GN – 5.9

Joystiq – 1.5/5

Game Informer 8.25

Game Trailers – 5

Gamespot – 4

PlayStation Nation – 8

Games Radar – 2.5/5

Venture Beat – 70/100

Gamer.nl – 6.5


But I try not to take too much notice of scores... still buying it! :D

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If you listen carefully you can hear the click click click of online pre-orders of Knack being cancelled all over the country.


Why spend £50 on mediocrity? Don't worry give it a month or two and it will be in the bargain bin or on Playstation Plus!


Cerny you may be a genius but your game sucks like a Dyson.



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Sod it... who am I trying to kid? I can't really justify spending £45+ on an 'OK at best' game.


*waves bye to Knack*


Killzone and Resogun will keep me entertained enough, it's not as if I don't have other games to play elsewhere as well. :p


These last months of the year are going to be expensive enough as it is, plus I do kind of feel guilty at buying a new console so close to Christmas as it is, so at least I can spend the money elsewhere where it will be appreciated more. :)


Ahhh a brief moment of clarity in the release-schedule chaos that's currently about to unfold. : peace:


For now.... I'm out!



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