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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Amazon have fucked me over on my Wii U copy.


Ever since I ordered it has said delivery on 3rd March. Wake up this morning to say my item has been delayed and won't be here until Tuesday.


Get onto the live chat and see if they can do anything. Not being very helpful. It's available on Prime Now in my area for £47.99, but because I'm not a Prime member and Prime Now works separately from normal Amazon, they can't help me get it through there.


They offered me Prime delivery on the delayed order and a £5 credit, but I said that's really not good enough as they've fucked me over after promising release day delivery. You can't just tell someone at 3am on the day something is meant to be coming that it's not going to come. It's been passed onto a supervisor who is supposedly going to email me back.


I've stuck a reservation down at Argos, at a shocking £48.99. Does anyone know, if I pick up a copy from there, and then return them the sealed Amazon copy whenever it arrives, will I have any problems?


Whaaaat? When did you pre-order with Amazon?? I put mine down the day after the Switch reveal iirc and last I knew they said it was coming for today. I hope that's still the case!! Shocking that they seem unable to sort it out/help you much too - especially strange they can't help with PrimeNow given it's generally all under their banner; whether run by them or not.


As for the Argos/returns question - can't see any reason why not at all. I've done it a few times since I was a kid with stuff that didn't turn up on time - if it's a sealed copy on what grounds can they really refuse you? Nobody bothers to particularly mark them or anything unless it's somewhere like Game etc where they gut the games and use the boxes on shelves. EDIT: Just seen Hero's mention about the stickers but I don't know if they do that for every single product; tbh even if someone questioned it I'd just feign innocence and say I got it like that - as I said who's all that likely to refuse a sealed game with receipt?


Put about 5 hours into the game now but it's still not grabbing me. The overworld just feels really empty, which was always a concern of mine. There's tiny pockets of life scattered around but because the world is so huge I've often ran around for ages not seeing a single thing.


That's my biggest gripe with BotW so far (besides breakable weapons...GOD, I hate that :D). I wander around a lot without doing anything really...I spot a shrine and on my way there I fight the occasional monster and that's it. :hmm: It got stale very quickly.


Rather disappointed hearing this from both of you, but I'm still hopeful it won't bother me too much as I don't think I'll have been as spoiled by other experience. The one question I would ask though - how does its barren feeling compare to that of TP? They made a huge world there and left it mostly empty; which was an early concern of mine for this so I was curious how you felt it compares?

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Yeah good idea, I did think of going to one of those, but again doubted there being any Wii U stock. Gotta get my day's work done first, but was thinking of heading up to Wood Green where there's the shopping centre with GAME, Argos, and a Morrison's up there too.


I really wouldn't be this fussed if it wasn't Zelda, I just wanted it by tonight!


Supermarkets can be tricky to get through to, but you can try ringing and reserving (Morrison's Camden 020 7428 0405 and Sainsbury's 020 7482 3828).


You in the office though? If so there's a huge Sainsbury's at Nine Elms (0207 705 1990). You could make it on foot or I think the 36, 185 and 436 will all get you there.


If I wasn't waiting for a plumber I'd pop to the independent near me and see what their situation was.

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I like that approach. I get to see lots of locations early on and it makes jumping around the map a lot easier once the whole thing is unlocked.


You're right, I totally forgot about the fast travel mechanic. I think I'll go back to unlocking them travel points again :laughing:


How have you still only got 3 hearts? Wait, I guess you upgraded your stamina first then, yeah? I regretted getting an extra heart first, although I can now afford an another upgrade so I will be certainly be going with stamina next.


Don't it is not worth it in my opinion. I upgraded stamina twice hoping to get a good chunk but that extra bar is depleted soooo quickly...I actually regret not getting extra hearts. :D


Yeah, the framerate can get rough during combat. I watched the Easy Allies review and they show lots of footage on it there


The framerate is what caused my deaths so far. It can get pretty annoying.


Rather disappointed hearing this from both of you, but I'm still hopeful it won't bother me too much as I don't think I'll have been as spoiled by other experience. The one question I would ask though - how does its barren feeling compare to that of TP? They made a huge world there and left it mostly empty; which was an early concern of mine for this so I was curious how you felt it compares?


Oh my, it's been ages since I've played TP. I don't think I can reliably compare BotW and TP, sorry.


I do question my awareness when apparently there are so many secrets at every corner and I seem to miss all of them...?

On my way from a shrine to a quest marker I've come across one additional shrine, a group of monsters guarding a chest (which contained a weapon that broke after one !!! fight; I don't consider that a secret) and the occasional wild animal. And I deviated from the path (which was quite lengthy) to my destination a lot.


I like to think of myself as someone who is perceptive enough to find secrets, especially considering the amount of exploration games I've played, so I don't know where the problem lies. ::shrug:

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Rather disappointed hearing this from both of you, but I'm still hopeful it won't bother me too much as I don't think I'll have been as spoiled by other experience. The one question I would ask though - how does its barren feeling compare to that of TP? They made a huge world there and left it mostly empty; which was an early concern of mine for this so I was curious how you felt it compares?


It's probably about the same as TP but feels worse because of the size of the game. There are little pockets of enemies you can come across but they ave been few and far between. However, I did come across an area this morning that had more things going on, so hopefully it's just a case of the further you get the more the world becomes inhabited. I suppose it could just be a mechanic of easing the player in.


An extreme case was the following. This morning I moved from where I started, to a marker I seen in the distance. I walked there, which took about 10 mins, and didn't come across any enemies or wildlife. I actually sat and wrote an email for work while just holding up on the gamepad as nothing was happening. :D

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Whaaaat? When did you pre-order with Amazon?? I put mine down the day after the Switch reveal iirc and last I knew they said it was coming for today. I hope that's still the case!! Shocking that they seem unable to sort it out/help you much too - especially strange they can't help with PrimeNow given it's generally all under their banner; whether run by them or not.


As for the Argos/returns question - can't see any reason why not at all. I've done it a few times since I was a kid with stuff that didn't turn up on time - if it's a sealed copy on what grounds can they really refuse you? Nobody bothers to particularly mark them or anything unless it's somewhere like Game etc where they gut the games and use the boxes on shelves. EDIT: Just seen Hero's mention about the stickers but I don't know if they do that for every single product; tbh even if someone questioned it I'd just feign innocence and say I got it like that - as I said who's all that likely to refuse a sealed game with receipt?


Yep pre-ordered straight after Switch reveal and then when the BIGTHANKS code came up, I got them to add it to my order. Have you checked your order? Has it been dispatched?


Supermarkets can be tricky to get through to, but you can try ringing and reserving (Morrison's Camden 020 7428 0405 and Sainsbury's 020 7482 3828).


You in the office though? If so there's a huge Sainsbury's at Nine Elms (0207 705 1990). You could make it on foot or I think the 36, 185 and 436 will all get you there.


If I wasn't waiting for a plumber I'd pop to the independent near me and see what their situation was.


Thanks for the info, it's really much appreciated. Nah, I'm working from home in Highbury today, so will try and check in at the supermarkets up here.

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Surely you get some kind of break and can run to the shop? I've "worked from home" while out and about in central before :heh:


This is the game I really want (but a decent pizza):



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Yep pre-ordered straight after Switch reveal and then when the BIGTHANKS code came up, I got them to add it to my order. Have you checked your order? Has it been dispatched?


Thanks for the info, it's really much appreciated. Nah, I'm working from home in Highbury today, so will try and check in at the supermarkets up here.


Yeah they sent my dispatch e-mail yesterday saying due for today and I just tried tracking and it says due for today. Do you think adding the code could have done something to its priority on their side?


If you get caught really short and can't find a copy(which is hopefully unlikely) and don't mind trekking a bit out into southeast you can have my copy this evening if it comes to it - I'm out tomorrow afternoon-late and working Sunday so I'm not going to miss it too much for the weekend.


It's probably about the same as TP but feels worse because of the size of the game. There are little pockets of enemies you can come across but they ave been few and far between. However, I did come across an area this morning that had more things going on, so hopefully it's just a case of the further you get the more the world becomes inhabited. I suppose it could just be a mechanic of easing the player in.


An extreme case was the following. This morning I moved from where I started, to a marker I seen in the distance. I walked there, which took about 10 mins, and didn't come across any enemies or wildlife. I actually sat and wrote an email for work while just holding up on the gamepad as nothing was happening. :D


:( Not very happy to hear that! However I was thinking similar to yourself that it's hopefully something that ramps up as you progress a bit more - do let me know how it goes! 10 minutes of non-eventful walking sounds like it might grind on me if it happens too much; did they learn nothing after the wind waker's stupid sea?!

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Surely you get some kind of break and can run to the shop? I've "worked from home" while out and about in central before :heh:


This is the game I really want (but a decent pizza):




Haha yeah I can sneak out but need to get some work done first :p


Yeah they sent my dispatch e-mail yesterday saying due for today and I just tried tracking and it says due for today. Do you think adding the code could have done something to its priority on their side?


If you get caught really short and can't find a copy(which is hopefully unlikely) and don't mind trekking a bit out into southeast you can have my copy this evening if it comes to it - I'm out tomorrow afternoon-late and working Sunday so I'm not going to miss it too much for the weekend.


Thanks for the kind offer, I really do appreciate it but I'm sure I'll be able to pick up a copy at some point today and then do the whole switcheroo :)


Sounds like you were one of the lucky few then! They've clearly had stock issues and aren't getting in a shipment of games they were expecting pre-launch until Sunday by the looks of it!

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:( Not very happy to hear that! However I was thinking similar to yourself that it's hopefully something that ramps up as you progress a bit more - do let me know how it goes! 10 minutes of non-eventful walking sounds like it might grind on me if it happens too much; did they learn nothing after the wind waker's stupid sea?!


At least with the Wind Waker you had this amazing tune to keep you going.


Broadcast Yourself


This game has a different approach and doesn't really have an overworld theme. There are little tunes dotted about and it goes for a more subtle approach. I'm still not sure how I feel about it as I do love a good Zelda overworld theme but there's also something nice about the way this is. For example, when I was trekking up in the snowy mountains the little notes that played here and there gave a sense of calm, which really matched the area I was in and scenery I could see.

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Thanks for the kind offer, I really do appreciate it but I'm sure I'll be able to pick up a copy at some point today and then do the whole switcheroo :)


But I thought you were trying to find a Wii U version?? Ohohohohoho!


I was super worried that WiiU demand was gonna go up after the conf which is the only reason I preordered it really. I'm half hyped for it atm but also half indifferent, and the news of the sometimes barren feeling has just knocked it down a bit. I'll still be playing and loving it no doubt as I did TP, but it was something I was really really hoping wouldn't be too much of the case.


'Open world with too much collecting and craft just turns into admin work in a field' - my mate's thoughts on the matter :laughing:


This game has a different approach and doesn't really have an overworld theme. There are little tunes dotted about and it goes for a more subtle approach. I'm still not sure how I feel about it as I do love a good Zelda overworld theme but there's also something nice about the way this is. For example, when I was trekking up in the snowy mountains the little notes that played here and there gave a sense of calm, which really matched the area I was in and scenery I could see.


I didn't actually used to rate Wind Waker's soundtrack all that much - something about the general theming/sound underneath didn't sit so favourably with me at the time, but it's grown on me since. Your description of how this approaches it sounds good to me though - have a feeling I'll appreciate that more; sometimes too much repetitiveness in a game just irks me. I was trying to think of my favourite Zelda music - it's probably from MM/OoT(dat gerudo valley). A piece of music from MM randomly comes into my head about once every few weeks too - either from the observatory in town, by the lake, or the Zora place, and I always forget which it is. Weird to think a piece of random Zelda music persists to haunt me.

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@Hero\-of\-Time Have you left the plateau yet? I'm 2 hours in, have done 3 shrines so far and found quite a few Zelda style secrets.


Im talking things like chests at the bottom of lakes that you have to magnet out, moving boulders into tree stumps to get the Korkiri.



I'm not saying the start has me like OoT did but so far Iv found plenty to do in the small time Iv played.


The frame rate drops have been bad though and Nintendo should be dissapointed with themselves.

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@Hero\-of\-Time Have you left the plateau yet? I'm 2 hours in, have done 3 shrines so far and found quite a few Zelda style secrets.


Im talking things like chests at the bottom of lakes that you have to magnet out, moving boulders into tree stumps to get the Korkiri.



I'm not saying the start has me like OoT did but so far Iv found plenty to do in the small time Iv played.


The frame rate drops have been bad though and Nintendo should be dissapointed with themselves.


Yeah, I left the Plateau last night.


Took a while though as it took me ages to figure out how to survive the cold. :D



Yeah, I would call those secrets but the rewards need to be more substantial for them to be worth looking for. The ones i've uncovered have just been weapons or crafting items. Although I don't know what else I was expecting to find as I think things like heart pieces can't be found in the same manner as i'm used to finding them.

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Yeah, I left the Plateau last night.


Took a while though as it took me ages to figure out how to survive the cold.




Yeah, I would call those secrets but the rewards need to be more substantial for them to be worth looking for. The ones i've uncovered have just been weapons or crafting items. Although I don't know what else I was expecting to find as I think things like heart pieces can't be found in the same manner as i'm used to finding them.


I figured out how to survive up there but didn't have time to sort it before I set off to work, was totally taking the switch with me until I realised I didn't have a case or screen protector yet.


I can see me putting 50 hours into Zelda over the next week. Then I'm struggling for games :(

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Yeah, I would call those secrets but the rewards need to be more substantial for them to be worth looking for. The ones i've uncovered have just been weapons or crafting items. Although I don't know what else I was expecting to find as I think things like heart pieces can't be found in the same manner as i'm used to finding them.


That's the thing. Those little "secrets" don't feel like secrets to me because the reward aren't anything to write home about.


As for what I'd like to find:

If weapons weren't breakable I'd be happy to find some weapons with unique abilities or stats. But as it stands I don't really use any good weapons because they break...too good to use syndrome, I guess.


Heart pieces would be great to find, too. But not sure if it's such a good idea in a world this big to have heart pieces scattered around. Might be a pain to find them.

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An update on my Amazon copy!


Had an email from Vishal the supervisor and he has applied £10 promotional credit to my account, and it will be dispatching tomorrow for delivery on Monday. Will still be heading out for a copy today, but glad that moaning a bit has got me somewhere in terms of some compensation for the inconvenience.

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Interesting, the actual game box for the Limited Edition doesn't have the age rating logo on it, just on the outer box.


I shouldn't have read the soundtrack track list, just spoiled some locations for myself. :x

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My mum has Prime at the moment so ordered it on Prime Now through her account. Now when my copy arrives, I will return that through her account. It'll be here within the next couple of hours, so don't even need to go out in the rain!


Now to get all my work done in the next 2 hours!


Thanks @Ashley and @Rummy for your help/consideration in helping me find a copy, but i'm now sorted!

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My mum has Prime at the moment so ordered it on Prime Now through her account. Now when my copy arrives, I will return that through her account. It'll be here within the next couple of hours, so don't even need to go out in the rain!


Good stuff! Hope you enjoy the game. : peace:

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I'm a Amazon Prime member and pre-ordered zelda. And yet:




Edit- just checked my emails and there's one from amazon alerting me about this. Not too bothered, but I would have loved to start playing Zelda today.

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Bought my first Switch game! Went out for lunch and seen the Argos that's inside of Sainsburys had the Zelda special edition for sale. I picked it up as I want the Master Sword sitting on my shelf. I'll just stick the game on the shelf ready for when eventually buy a Switch.

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