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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch

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n-europe Review




Here it is, thank you to everyone for your contributions for the quotes section. :D


Also thanks to @Nicktendo for giving his thoughts on the game as well. :)


Cheers to all staff and forum members for your patience.




: peace:


Done a few more bits yesterday - gone wandering a bit more than I previously had. Somehow found 2 more stables, and done either one or two more map towers(think I was en route to the next one). I found a stalfhorse at some point that I nicked off a stalchild and got excited too! Sadly he disappeared shortly later from right underneath my haunches :(


Killed a Stone Talus or two on my adventures - quite fun. Also trying to use my weapons a bit more and got 7 orbs for a spending(probs going stamina+heart or double-stamina for moving around more). Think I got to the edge of the map at one point - bit disappointed to see the weak way they've enforced it after making the world feel so naturally there - a simple pop-up message and you falling off walls with it telling you can't go any further -.- I actually didn't properly realise it was because it was a boundary at first!


I've still yet to find Hetsu, and done some dying amongst groups of mobs(a few I gave up on eventually). Think I'm gonna go for the next map tower I can see and hopefully find a shrine a long the way...


Defeated Ganon yesterday. I loved the music that played as you work your way up to him inside the castle and wondering around seeing it in ruins, finding zelda's diary etc.


I thought the final boss fight was fun but I can't say I cared much for the ending as not very much happened. I had hoped for a grander ending then what I got, but it just felt like I was watching another memory cut-scene. I didn't get the "full" ending as I've not collected all memories, but i hear it only adds a small scene to the ending anyway?


I still have Shrines to find and side quests to complete plus loads of areas I've not actually been to. I was going to attempt to complete the game 100% but now that I've looked at the checklist I'm really undecided if I'll bother, because it seems to mostly be about collecting Korok seeds. In fact Korok seeds make up 72% of the overall 100%. A lot of the fun things i actually like to do, like side quests and defeating mini bosses don't count. So I'll be just doing the stuff I enjoy for now until I get bored.

Posted (edited)

Completed this on Tuesday. I enjoyed the last boss was a lot of fun. The ending was – like the opening – a damp squib.



Can't say I agree with the 10s at all. Technically the game has a bad framerate, it has fiddly controls (a game should never require three buttons to hold just to change your arrow type) and a bad UI (the more food recipes I made the longer it takes to switch through tabs, etc).


Aesthetically all the shrines are styled the same, all the dungeons are styled the same, and all the great fairy fountains, all the dungeon bosses are samey, all the stables are copy-and-paste jobs.


The music was weak, except in Hyrule Castle at the end.


The progression...isn't really there. I never had an issue with my Stamina so I only upgraded it once (because I thought I should, instead of out of need). I got to Eventide island using the ice-block power, so it didn't feel like I had to work to get there (again stamina wasn't required). I think stamina might only be essential when taming a horse...but I'm pretty sure an elixir and a stay in a nice inn would get me over that hurdle.


Yeah, it's an open world but that shouldn't mean everything is accessible at all points. I feel a lot of people have read this as 'unparalleled exploration', to me it's uncurated and lazy. So no progression in exploration (except when you need to dress as a woman to access Gerudo Town, I enjoyed that).


I can make food but it was weird that I couldn't craft items like arrows (I ended up with a lot of moblin teeth and wood, it's not really a stretch to think they could be combined); by the end of the game I had between 20 and 50 odd of all the elemental arrows but running out of the normal ones constantly.


There was really basic 'why is the game designed like this' functions like all the Divine Beast powers. I get the ressurection one because its a one-time use thing but for the other three...it didn't make sense they they recharged in batches of three. So I use the wind jump twice...maybe I should use the third one so I can have three at the ready in a bit...at the cost of not having them at hand now? Sure that would make sense in a risk/reward type way except that choice is never forced on you by the game's design. The Master Sword gets weak...'I should smash it so I have it ready to go in 10 minutes'.


Why do I even need to do shrines? Stamina isn't an issue. I guess I needed 13 hearts to retrieve the Master Sword but when you're carrying a virtually limitless supply of health items and can get extra hearts just from eating food and you can carry (at least?) four fairies (plus the recharging Divine Beast power that not just revives you but gives you extra hearts as well) what is really the incentive. Really they were most useful as fast travel points. I suppose the extra health was convenient when fighting the final Ganon. Except it isn't a tough fight and like I said, meals, elixirs and fairies make it a breeze.


I wasn't bothered by opening chests toward the end because I was carrying enough weapons and I knew there would be nothing that was actually essential. I didn't need the rubber armour set because I just drank an easily made shock-resistant elixir.


For all those complaints – and I really need to stress this because it sounds overly negative – it was an enjoyable game. But I just can't believe anyone with any real critical eye thinks that this is even close to a 10 or a perfect game. I can't think of another game that would get away with these issues unscathed.


It was heading for a good 8 out of 10 for me and then the ending happened and deflated me and the score to a 7. I kind of thought Jim Sterling was being overly harsh, and I don't agree with everything he says, but there we have it.

Edited by Daft

For all those complaints – and I really need to stress this because it sounds overly negative – it was an enjoyable game. But I just can't believe anyone with any real critical eye thinks that this is even close to a 10 or a perfect game. I can't think of another game that would get away with these issues unscathed.


I imagine a lot of other games/franchises wouldn't. I think it's a combo of not having a new 3D Zelda in years + a new console launch that has allowed it to get away unscathed.


If I'm honest I think a lot of reviews must've been written before they actually got to the endgame. The exploration has a wonderful atmosphere to it and the game does fantastic things for Zelda. It's like the difference between ALttP and OoT. It also undoes a lot of awful misdirections the series went through in the last two games, like Phi warning you that your wii-mote batteries are dying or you need to take a break.


At the same time, it falls short of a perfect polish. I still maintain that it's an unfinished game. There wasn't enough testing to point out the flaws with not recharging abilities/master sword before they're depleted. And there wasn't enough time or budget to add another couple of towns or fill the ruins with lore. Hyrule Castle hinted at what could've been done in every dungeon, but wasn't.


And if anything, I know Nintendo will know this. In an ideal world, they're squirreling away on DLC that ramps Hyrule up to 11, or a sequel that takes everything they've already got, and starts it as a base for an even richer experience.


@Daft, you're spot on. It's a good game, but because of several issues - most of which you adressed - it falls short of being great.


The inevitable sequel (which I hope will be released in 2 1/2 years at the latest and be highly optimized for the Switch) will most likely be much better, unless Nintendo drops the ball and doesn't improve the experience at all.


I've barely scratched the surface of this game but I think the complaints of not needing to get certain items as elixirs offer the same result are what makes it so great. You are not forced down a certain route you can get the same result in different ways. It really makes the game a unique experience for every player.

My only issue thus far is that it's too big. You can lose days just wandering about without actually achieving anything.

If I'm honest I think a lot of reviews must've been written before they actually got to the endgame.


I think that's a little presumptuous and unfair. Most reviews I read mentioned the endgame.


Personally I think the game is pure magic.


I think it's funny how a couple of years ago we were all talking about how Zelda had a lot to live up to after modern games like Witcher and Fallout. Now I'm thinking future openworld games have a lot to live up to to be as good as Zelda. Not so much in terms of the nitpicks like Shrines all looking the same, or controls but on the world design and the systems and physics based gameplay.


You can say people are being over generous because of it being a Zelda but there are plenty of people knocking the game down likely because of the hype

Posted (edited)
when taming a horse...but I'm pretty sure an elixir and a stay in a nice inn would get me over that hurdle.


Ohohoho - I'm very easily entertained. Nonetheless - whilst I'm still continuing on my quest(few more shrines today, think 3 more than my post this morning before I went to work) and two more map towers down I'm feeling a bit more...reassured? I disagree on the stamina, as that's what I've maxed most and I do find myself occasionally running out just as I'm almost hitting a peak(without an X jump making the difference) but I do agree that if I was such inclined - an elixir or something could probably sort me out in a lot of occasions where I'm opting for a different choice. That's some of the great stuff about the game though - there are various choices(even in the cooking/crafting aspect, though I agree interfacing for the game generally feels quite clunky) - I recall doing the 'Impeccable Timing' shrine earlier and I fucked up with the thing - ended up just doing it via cryonis in the end which admittedly felt exceptionally cheap but I'd also clearly already understood the puzzles anyway.


So I possibly disagree on the stamina/hearts thing but that's probably just how I'm playing - I do very much enjoy my time with the game when I sit down to it but I often feel like I cba to actually take that step to sit down with it(possibly more WiiU related) - but on the whole I constantly find the game rather constantly tedious in small ways that are always bothering me despite the goodness. I thought it even in my first few hours but even still now I can't see myself personally giving this over 7-8/10 though I'm still hopeful sometime might blow my mind as I haven't done any bosses/dungeons really yet. Still yet to find that prick Hetsu too - which just isn't conducive to the experience imo.

Edited by Rummy
You consider bad voice acting a positive? :D


I've not found it to be bad. ::shrug:


It's not great, but it's ok... I find it less annoying than many other games, The Witcher 3's accents do my head in more than any of the voice acting in Zelda!

I've not found it to be bad. ::shrug:


It's not great, but it's ok... I find it less annoying than many other games, The Witcher 3's accents do my head in more than any of the voice acting in Zelda!


I've yet to play The Witcher so I can't really comment on that.


It's certainly a lot worse than many of the games i've played, even Nintendo's own Kid Icarus had fantastic voice over work, so it's not me just having a shot at Nintendo.


I sometimes find shoddy voice over work quite funny and it adds to the charm of the game. Digimon on the PS4 had this but the game didn't take itself too seriously, whereas this does.


For me, some good VO work could have elevated the game and the story. As it stands, the whole thing just felt flat and seemed to be an after thought, without much care and attention given to it.


I think at least for me its possibly that because there is so little voice acting compared to other games, the bad stands out all the more. Zelda and red fishy whatsherface were terrible!


The Zelda VA is the worse offender. It really made me hate her character.


I dunno, I guess i'm just used to having a higher quality of VO work in the games I have played, especially in recent times.

Maybe it's just me, I've felt Zelda's character has been great! ::shrug: haha


I agree with this...But only after i collected all the memories and then rewatched them in order!


I went from finding her irritating to it actually being an incredibly nuanced performance; she's 16 almost 17, got all this pressure on her shoulders so she is young but also on the edge with this impending doom coming, I became incredibly sympathetic to her after going back over it all :)

Posted (edited)


The Zelda VA is the worse offender. It really made me hate her character.


I dunno, I guess i'm just used to having a higher quality of VO work in the games I have played, especially in recent times.


Worst offender is the Deku Tree surely. Sounds like a 20 year old trying to do a wise old man voice. I was disappointed at the lack of range of accents in the proper voice acting, I love the snippets of Gerudo that you hear when you're interacting with them in the world but Urbosa speaks with an English accent and it just ruins it a bit. There does seem to have been a lack of effort to cast appropriate people in each role which is a shame because when they did cast appropriate people like for Sidon and Daruk it works really well. At its best it's obviously not GTA/Red Dead level voice work but it's at least as good as a decent anime dub.


I think the only voice work that I really disliked was that of the Deku Tree, King Rhoam and to some extent Impa. Zelda's ranges all over the place really, she can be really endearing but she can also be irritating when she adds that weird English inflection to the end of words. I don't know for sure but it definitely sounds like they cast an American or non-English actor in the role and asked her to do an English accent.


And @Daft your opinion is obviously valid but I feel like you could have shown some restraint and disabled the powers you got for completing the divine beasts and not got the Master Sword so soon or at least only used it on Lynel's and Ganon. I feel like a lot of your complaints were just about the way you chose to play the game, you would have seen a lot more natural progression if you hadn't made yourself feel so over powered. Agree with you on the framerate and the sometimes fiddly controls but those are also issues that plagued the original Dark Souls and that received universal claim across the board and a lot of 10/10's so I don't think you can say it's just because it's Zelda that it got such a high watermark. I think conversely gamers are judging it more harshly because of the raft of 10/10 reviews it received and because it's a Zelda title.


Personally, I don't feel like it's the greatest game of all time but the game it reminds me most of is Super Mario 64. That game seemed so full of possibilities when it came out, allowing you to experiment and come at things your own way. It gave you all the tools you needed at the beginning to use Mario's abilities to solve any problem that reared it's head and that's exactly what Breath Of The Wild does. After 130 hours I'm still discovering things I haven't seen and still enjoying the process of exploring. The sense of choice and freedom is not about being able to go anywhere you like when you first boot up the game, it's about being able to approach any situation in any way you can think of. That magic is what overwhelms any problems that might arise from the framerate, controls, voice acting or weapon durability.

Edited by killthenet

The Voice Acting I can kind of get over. But it's ridiculous that not everything was voice acted. I found it really pulled me out of the moment when a character who was just speaking boastfully suddenly went mute. It's just bizarre when a game like Persona 4/5, Witcher 3, etc, have fully voiced...everything and Zelda – Nintendo's premiere franchise – is not treated with the same kind of commitment.

Yeah, it's an open world but that shouldn't mean everything is accessible at all points.


Quite. To me, there is nothing wrong with using item gates (which this game doesn't do, apart from the ability to leave the Great Plateau). I thought it was unwise that, as soon as you have visited a couple of villages, you can access the entire map, but are given no clues as to which bits are the priority.


If I had seen Hookshot points, for example, or heavy stones that needed the Power Gauntlets, it would have given much more idea of which areas were to be explored first, and which to save for later.


I know people have complained about this in the past, but it only really got a bit out of hand with niche-use items like the Spinner in Twilight Princess. It was never a problem in OOT or WW, where you actually did need your items in several situations.


There was really basic 'why is the game designed like this' functions like all the Divine Beast powers. I get the ressurection one because its a one-time use thing but for the other three...it didn't make sense they they recharged in batches of three. So I use the wind jump twice...maybe I should use the third one so I can have three at the ready in a bit...at the cost of not having them at hand now? Sure that would make sense in a risk/reward type way except that choice is never forced on you by the game's design. The Master Sword gets weak...'I should smash it so I have it ready to go in 10 minutes'.


Yes, I've done this so many times with all the rechargeable skills/items.


I imagine a lot of other games/franchises wouldn't. I think it's a combo of not having a new 3D Zelda in years + a new console launch that has allowed it to get away unscathed.


Yep, and I think it was genuinely impressive to go from Skyward Sword to this. Especially if you're like me and mainly play Nintendo consoles, the scale of the game world and the level of physics is amazing. When the dust settles, I think people will see Breath of the Wild more clearly as not a bad piece of software by any means, but a rather formless one.


I just don't know what to think of this game, because I'm still not sure what "the game" is. I beat the final boss, but that didn't really feel like any kind of closure. So I did the Shrines, but I'm still addicted (frankly). I don't say this to be disparaging, but it really is feeling more like Animal Crossing (which I do enjoy in its own right) a lot of the time. I don't feel like I've had the Zelda "ride".


And @Daft your opinion is obviously valid but I feel like you could have shown some restraint and disabled the powers you got for completing the divine beasts and not got the Master Sword so soon or at least only used it on Lynel's and Ganon. I feel like a lot of your complaints were just about the way you chose to play the game, you would have seen a lot more natural progression if you hadn't made yourself feel so over powered.


This is kind of bizarre. A game that is built on choosing your own way to play...except for the one I picked?


It's not my job to curate the experience Nintendo presents. I might understand if you asked me to play it on a harder difficulty, I've done that plenty of times (and that option doesn't exist in this game), but to moderate myself? To me that flies in the face of what the openness and freedom this game presented. At what point do I start to play the game correctly? What's an inventive solution to a puzzle and what is me breaking the game?


And it wasn't really a case of feeling overpowered. I didn't really feel overpowered. I got one-shot enough to know I wasn't OP. It was more a case that you basically have an infinite amount of health and, for most of the game, the challenges weren't worth the rewards. Same with Stamina, it was never a problem; climbing gear, elixir, Revali's Gale. Why give me these things if I shouldn't use them? (And honestly, I didn't need to resort to these stamina tricks bar a couple occasions.)

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