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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Like it or lump it, you're quite possibly going to be called Link whether you wish it or not;




No big deal for me personally as I usually name my playthroughs Link - but even if I didn't I don't know if it's a thing that would bother me too much really now. Another sign of new directions, I guess!


Change is not good...



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You can see they're at different times, seasons specifically, as one the WiiU shot there's snow covering the ground to the left of the screen from Link.


That's just the angle the screenshots are taken at, one is higher up looking down and shows a snow covered part that's simply obscured in the other one.


We're literally talking seconds apart in terms of the time of day.


I really don't think we'll be able to judge until both games are out... the switch version will offer more clarity in general, being 900p vs 720p (as I seem to recall.. may be wrong there) but beyond that I suspect there will be very little difference.


Except that there's a huge difference between those two screenshots. It's clear as day, the Wii U version looks muddy and indistinct, the Switch one is anything but. These are brand new screenshots, made to illustrate the two versions at their best for Amazon and the like to use to sell the game.

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I think I'm going to have to try and ban myself from all gaming news sites and videos for the next six weeks, I'm doing all I can to avoid spoilers but everywhere keeps showing clips from the latest trailer or screenshots from it alongside comments from Anouma on 'alternate' endings.

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That's just the angle the screenshots are taken at, one is higher up looking down and shows a snow covered part that's simply obscured in the other one.


We're literally talking seconds apart in terms of the time of day.




Except that there's a huge difference between those two screenshots. It's clear as day, the Wii U version looks muddy and indistinct, the Switch one is anything but. These are brand new screenshots, made to illustrate the two versions at their best for Amazon and the like to use to sell the game.


Looking at the positioning of the sun in both those screenshots I wouldn't say it represented seconds in the day (maybe in our time scale but not in Hyrulian time). Just after the sun rises (and a while before) scenery looks muddy and indistinct. This is in real life. I'm not disputing that the switch version will have greater clarity (it is 180p higher res than the wii u version after all) but simply that we need to see a fair amount of footage (not stills) to get a good feel for the differences. I'd say both screenshots were focusing on the scale of the game primarily, and while they are both within minutes (perhaps seconds) of the same time in game, they are distinct shots and the differences between the two COULD be partially due to weather variations, time differences etc.


In any case, even if they were both of an identical scene, set up in an artificial environment to control for random variations etc, the differences don't warrant the purchase of new hardware... not for me. The portable aspect is the most alluring for the switch version (personally).


What the images do undeniably show is that the Switch is a step up from the Wii U (although how optimised is the Wii U version?) which is still impressive for a handheld.

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But to be able to play it you will need to spend that much. I'm not really sure how you misunderstood that.


There was no misunderstanding, it was just a silly thing to say. I'm buying a Switch to have a Switch. Zelda is the first of many games that I will enjoy on the thing.


Or, if we follow your train of thought, the Switch version of Zelda certainly is worth that much, because not only is it prettier, it also comes with a very impressive portable gaming system. Bargain!

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There was no misunderstanding, it was just a silly thing to say. I'm buying a Switch to have a Switch. Zelda is the first of many games that I will enjoy on the thing.


Or, if we follow your train of thought, the Switch version of Zelda certainly is worth that much, because not only is it prettier, it also comes with a very impressive portable gaming system. Bargain!


And I would only be buying a Switch for Zelda - as there's is literally nothing else I would want. Therefore, I would be spending 340 quid just for a slightly prettier Zelda.


The portability doesn't factor in at all for me as I don't game on the go.

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And I would only be buying a Switch for Zelda - as there's is literally nothing else I would want. Therefore, I would be spending 340 quid just for a slightly prettier Zelda.


The portability doesn't factor in at all for me as I don't game on the go.


Then in your very particular case, where you won't play any other game on the Switch ever, fair enough, Zelda isn't worth £320. For most people who plan on gaming more than one game on the thing, the better version is obviously the way to go.

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Why on earth are people intent on spoiling themselves on games they have yet to play!?


Personally? You've played one Zelda you have a pretty decent idea of the story in all of them. I'm not that fussed for spoilers for games such as this.

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It's still not sunk in that we will have a new epic Zelda game to play. Cannot wait! Main game on the TV, side quests in portable mode amazing!


That's exactly how I'm going to play it as well. Can't wait. These 5-6 weeks are going to feel like months.

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To me, Breath of the Wild is a Switch game so I'm getting it on Switch. Simple as.


You know it's a port though, right? It only started development last spring... it's in no way a Switch game in the most true sense.


In mind of that, I can't wait to see what a ground-up Switch Zelda would be like!

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To me, Breath of the Wild is a Switch game so I'm getting it on Switch. Simple as.


Ha! That's cute.


Then in your very particular case, where you won't play any other game on the Switch ever, fair enough, Zelda isn't worth £320. For most people who plan on gaming more than one game on the thing, the better version is obviously the way to go.


All I'm going to say here is that in the current situation with the Switch - I wouldn't called Somme's case 'very particular'. I think it's been evidenced on the forum there's at least a few other cases that are equally as particular, making it rather less 'very particular'.


The biggest shame for me is that I'll get this on WiiU - and if I ever get a Switch, I probably won't double-dip as I'll have already have been through this. I'd be very interested to see if there's any data on BotWU pre-orders following the Switch presentation; I know that I at least pre-ordered the Wii U version pretty much the next day for concerns of not getting it - I wonder whether I'm not the only one.

Edited by Rummy
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You know it's a port though, right? It only started development last spring... it's in no way a Switch game in the most true sense.


In mind of that, I can't wait to see what a ground-up Switch Zelda would be like!


Lots of games end up on consoles different to the one they began development on. Doesn't stop it being a game for that console.

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You know it's a port though, right? It only started development last spring... it's in no way a Switch game in the most true sense.


In mind of that, I can't wait to see what a ground-up Switch Zelda would be like!


Puzzles involving HD Rumble/improved motion spring to mind. Rolling balls around mazes for example. Hopefully Nintendo will re-use the BoTW engine in a way they did with Majora's Mask from OoT and get another epic out there during the Switch's lifespan. Saying that, the Twilight Princess port to Wii didn't entice Nintendo to release a swift Zelda (outside of crossbow training).


Guessing what Nintendo will do is ridiculous.

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Be interesting to see which one sells better... Probably Wii U short term, Switch long term. But actually anything could happen I guess...


Yeah I reckon Wii U will sell better as well initially, bigger install base and probably more people prepared to spend £40 rather than £60 plus the new console as well.


Saying that if they sell through the 2 million initials Switch's I imagine most will be picking up Zelda, so worldwide could be a different story!


Can't believe I caved and watched that story spoiler video (based on the special edition map) no more! I want Ocarina of Time levels of freshness with this :)

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...I'll get this on WiiU - and if I ever get a Switch, I probably won't double-dip as I'll have already have been through this. I'd be very interested to see if there's any data on BotWU pre-orders following the Switch presentation; I know that I at least pre-ordered the Wii U version pretty much the next day for concerns of not getting it - I wonder whether I'm not the only one.


I've ordered it on WiiU and, if I get a Switch at some point, I won't double-dip either.

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Why on earth are people intent on spoiling themselves on games they have yet to play!?


Thing is, I don't really mind knowing broad details, but Zelda games are full of little moments best experienced in-game. I'm particularly thinking of any scenes involving the dragon Valoo in Wind Waker, or that bit with the three small islands. I hope there are moments in Breath of the Wild on a par with those.


Also, let's be speculative: how does everyone think this game will end?


I honestly think this is an absolute, immediate prequel to Wind Waker, and so will set up that game if you know what I mean ;).


You know it's a port though, right? It only started development last spring... it's in no way a Switch game in the most true sense.


In mind of that, I can't wait to see what a ground-up Switch Zelda would be like!


Definitely agree with the first bit.


I do think though that this is pretty much as good as the Switch can do, and any sequel will have to be along the lines of Majora's Mask/Spirit Tracks in terms of asset/engine re-use.


All I'm going to say here is that in the current situation with the Switch - I wouldn't called Somme's case 'very particular'. I think it's been evidenced on the forum there's at least a few other cases that are equally as particular, making it rather less 'very particular'.


Indeed. Until Mario Odyssey, Switch is a Zelda investment for many of us.


Yeah I reckon Wii U will sell better as well initially, bigger install base and probably more people prepared to spend £40 rather than £60 plus the new console as well.


When there are dual releases, people do tend to see the "newer" version as the main format, ie. Twilight Princess on Wii. That said, at least Nintendo are being fairer this time and not delaying the Wii U version a week.

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