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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I'll not watch it myself, but here's a 2 hour video from them:





Here goes...


*switches on 3DS and prepares to grind in RPG's while watching a two hour video on a game which won't even be out until next year but will surely be well worth the wait*




Well, that was insightful, epic and much more than I could have ever hoped for from a two hour Game Explain video... which is saying a lot. :D


They've really gone above and beyond their usual standards, which are already really high, there is stuff in there which I hadn't really even considered.


I think at around just after the half hour mark I was thinking to myself "will this ever end?" but at the same time still enjoying it on some level, so I can only think of how much of a slog it must have been for them to go to such lengths...


...but they'd only call it a labour of love, because it's what they do, like a reviewer writing up impressions of a game, or a game-maker like Nintendo making such a marvelous digital world. :heart:


What a time to be a gamer, videogames continue to amaze me even to this day, just as the Zelda franchise continues to surprise me with each iteration. :smile:

Edited by S.C.G
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How spoilerific is it? I love their don't want the whole game busted wide open? Is it more conjecture, or have they found a lot of hidden stuff?


Every... single... detail. ;)


Both conceivable and not so as well.


For instance, if you have seen most of the footage which already exists then you will have likely thought to yourself... "I wonder if..." that kind of stuff, so in a way you could say that it's conjecture for the most part because we really don't know that much beyond what it is we've actually been told about the game.


Plenty of subtle detail is picked up on, such as patterning on some of the structures, references to the Sheikah, complete analysis of the topography including the entire map, where landmarks are placed, how big the game is really likely to be, which places from past Zelda games are likely to be in this latest iteration... they even go into just where abouts does the game even fit - if it does - on the Zelda timeline.


So... they go pretty deep, but it has as much or as little depth as you want it to really depending on how much it means to have your views on what you've already seen expanded to a much wider field of view. :)


Personally, its made me more excited for the game in general, whereas others might prefer to not know about certain details if they really are planning on going on a media blackout; I really don't think it spoils anything though, so much as it builds upon what we already know, it's definitely one for the fans and they are more than aware of this I'm sure as the whole video is definitely a passion project of theirs even though it's what they do.


It's fantastic even by their high standards. : peace:

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@S\.C\.G Hmm, think I'll go for it, and if it feels too much turn it off :)




There isn't much by way of real spoilers. It's mostly speculation. The level of detail into the game mechanics and world is fantastic, though and it really goes in depth in showing off most of what we've already seen. If you want to get hyped, watch it!

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  • 1 month later...

This is such a hot ass Zelda game fusing Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and Wind Waker into one fine piece of The Legend of Zelda ass.

Man I love this franchise. The fact that it is such an old series that keeps reinventing itself in certain ways whilst still keeping the charm of what makes it Zelda is amazing!

I definitely want to do a Zelda marathon one day. It is the one franchise I will stay loyal to untill I die.

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The music in those two videos Serebii posted, reminds me of the soundtrack for a Ghibli film or something. Sounds really lovely. I hope the rest of the game uses a similar sort of sound. :)


Game is looking pretty, the weather effects look nice. I really want this game to be good! I think a lot will depend on what you do in the world (don't want an empty shell like in Skyward Sword) and if they have put a decent story in. Yes, gameplay is important, but if there is no compelling reason to play a game (e.g. story or things to do/interact with), then what's the point?


Looking forward to this, but might have to wait a while if we are not getting the Switch day one (and I don't care about the Wii U anymore :P ).

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  • 3 weeks later...

They can take as long as they want with it, this comment of hers has me really really excited...


Breath of the Wild is one of the largest games — if not the largest game — that Nintendo has ever developed. It’s probably larger than Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Wind Waker combined.
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Hopefully it's not too long after March though, I'd hate to have to wait until November for it! I think it will probably come out in May/June at the earliest, two months would definitely be ample time to separate it from launch games. It'll be interesting to see what launch games we get though now, i'd be surprised if Mario came at launch considering we haven't seen anything solid about it yet, but if they went with ports of Splatoon and Mario Kart then it wouldn't placate those who already own Wii U's so there will have to be some sort of unannounced game coming for launch.

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