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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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@Wii, I thought you hated Reggie and his "lies", you want to listen to two hours of PR speak from him?


I really liked their Digital Event this year, it was a fun mix of trailers, dev diaries, the Robot Chicken sketches etc. No time wasting just game after game. I'd actually prefer if they keep the same format for next year. Maybe go back to a stage show for big console reveals but for just game announcements leave as is :)

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I prefer Nintendo's new E3 mentality far more than conferences.


The latter, at the end of the day, are just shallow hype. It made sense to have them in an age where you would see them on dedicated news programmes, or even in magazine CDs: that trickle of info really was the only thing the folks at home would be able to see in the first place.


Now, at the age of Streaming, Youtube and Let's Plays? The thing they came up with is actually, surprisingly, much more fitting of today's information age. A couple of small Direct-to-Internet presentations to tell you in a nutshell what is it they're going to have (now and upcoming), and then the more in-depth demonstrations of the games themselves, which you get to watch as much as you want/can (and only the games you're interested in, anyway).


For all we criticise Nintendo's decisions for being behind the times, last year's E3 was not one of those decisions.

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The coverage of what they had was terrific what with the Treehouse stuff. But it was of what they had. For me there wasn't enough and some of it I've no time for. Pandering to the media? How's about pandering the fans? I miss the conferences and I want them back. I think it was @Hero\-of\-Time who had a thread of all the old conferences. Some of them were brilliant. The Twilight Princess reveal for me is still the best. And some of the last few were sh1tty, really sh1tty. Forgettable in fact. I think they had to find a way of making what little they had interesting and presentable.

They did pander to the fans. That's the whole Digital Event.

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I prefer Nintendo's new E3 mentality far more than conferences.


The latter, at the end of the day, are just shallow hype. It made sense to have them in an age where you would see them on dedicated news programmes, or even in magazine CDs: that trickle of info really was the only thing the folks at home would be able to see in the first place.


Now, at the age of Streaming, Youtube and Let's Plays? The thing they came up with is actually, surprisingly, much more fitting of today's information age. A couple of small Direct-to-Internet presentations to tell you in a nutshell what is it they're going to have (now and upcoming), and then the more in-depth demonstrations of the games themselves, which you get to watch as much as you want/can (and only the games you're interested in, anyway).


For all we criticise Nintendo's decisions for being behind the times, last year's E3 was not one of those decisions.


If only Sony and Microsoft could catch up on Nintendo. They clearly don't know what they're doing and spending money on advertising is a thing of the past. The competition have so much to learn.


Yes the Treehouse stuff was great and I expect it'll be copied next year but it's not a case of either/i there. We can have both.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is from the same Famitsu interview I posted on the last page but it's better translated and further expanded upon.


Zelda Wii U “Looks Even More Amazing” Than it Did at E3


The game’s producer reveals some new information regarding The Legend of Zelda series’ Wii U debut.


The upcoming The Legend of Zelda game for the Wii U looked beautiful during its short showing at E3, and its producer Eiji Aonuma has revealed some new facts about the game that suggest it’s got even more gorgeous since we last saw it.


Speaking to Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, Aonuma said the game is now “even more amazing.”


“Everyone has been imitating this (snaps fingers) (laughs). I was told by many people that it was “beautiful,” Aonuma said. “I thought about various ways to make the graphical style fit the vast new Zelda world; imitating the real world attached an important feeling of realism, and making it look different to the past [Zelda titles], this was done by drawing inspiration from Japanese animations. Now, compared to what we showed you at E3, it has become something even more amazing.


Aonuma also elaborated upon the enemy that was seen chasing Link in the E3 trailer, saying: “It’s an enemy which emits a laser while running, an enemy that moves with amazing speed; like this it can capture you while trying to escape on horseback, something not seen until now.


“In the Wii U version, we are trying to make people think “if an enemy like this comes out, how can I defeat it?” and we showed a glimpse of this at E3. After all, I am changing various elements, following the theme of “changing the Zelda conventions.”


Aonuma also revealed that the game would make an appearance at E3 2015, saying that more of its gameplay will be revealed during next year’s convention. A release date for the Wii U game has yet to be announced, though it is expected at some point in 2015.



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haha, either differentiating from previous iterations on other platforms, or perhaps this will be the next twilight princess? I think the first option is most likely though.


Although I noticed recently, if you look at the Wii U game box art, each with that blue Wii U curve at the top....

Then look at a gamecube game box art... each with that black gamecube curve at the top...

So I guess it has so much in common with the gamecube perhaps it will also share the Windwaker followed by a dual console zelda thing...

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Some details regarding the game from the new trailer.


– First gameplay

– Can use the GamePad to look around in first-person

– Map on the GamePad

– Can mark points on the map

– Sailcloth is in the game

– Epona is back

– Swing sword on Epona, shoot arrows

- Epona's movement is partially automated, doesn't run into trees

– Insects and animal life

- You can pick and eat apples from the trees

- Arrows make a metallic sound when you hit enemies sweet spot

- The world is absolutely huge

- At one point Link is atop a mountain, picks a point on the map way off in the distance to go to, floats down part of the way using the sail float before mounting Epona and travels a bit and Aunoma says they're still about 5 minutes from their target

– Can volt off the horse, jump and shoot and arrow

– This happens in slow motion so it’s easier to aim

– Aonuma says the game will be released next year


I hope we get direct footage of that video because it's hard to make things out clearly. A couple of more things I noticed.


- From the map, Link, I don't think we're in Hyrule anymore.

- The time of day is on the gamepad.

- The bottom right icon I think is to switch to inventory.

- Judging by the distance marked on the map from Link to that tower it's a fair distance and even when they've travelled a bit they were still about 5 minutes away on horseback. So if you compare that to the lake to the West it's roughly the same length. How will Link get around that quickly? There's a lot of water with much of it interconnected. Maybe there'll be some kind of sailing.

- There's a magic meter.

- The enemies he hits with the arrows look similar to bokoblins.

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That demo looks really early still...


The overworld might be huge but it looks very empty, meanwhile, things like the onscreen display look very early in development still, there's no music outside of enemy battles and Link has no idle animations...


This is so not gonna be a 2015 release, no way.


Also, colour me a bit disappointed that there's no Wii Remote 1-1 motion controls (yeah I expected it to be Gamepad only, but I do have to admit that I was sort of hoping for a ridiculous Wii Remote & Gamepad sword n' shield control setup :p )


Well I suppose they've already done it once before, so it's better to see them try something different I guess. Good on em' for holding true to their promise of that first trailer being actual gameplay footage though! That arrow shooting gameplay looks awesome! (I wonder if the sword in general might actually end up being de-emphasised in favour of other items this time around?)


I get the feeling that this game is gonna end up being the complete polar opposite to Skyward Sword. Instead of having relatively small disconnected levels that are very densely populated, you're gonna get a huge interconnected world that is very sparse and desolate. Traditional control setup instead of motion controls. Focus on exploration and discovery of naturally designed environments instead of traversing environments that are designed around raw gameplay mechanics, with the way that they are visually designed being a byproduct of that.


The fact that they've made two reveal videos that focus on the technology of the game and how BIG the world is also has me concerned. Who cares if you have a massive world if there's nothing interesting to do in it? I get that suspicion that their focus is not in the right place with this game... Not really feeling it so far...

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It does look a bit lifeless alright and some of the textures especially the rocks don't look great. I'm sure it'll be fine when it's finished. I don't think or at least I hope it won't be an empty world. They surely are aware that that was a common complaint about Twilight Princess. I don't see a castle on the map or where it's likely to be. You'd imagine it would be central. Maybe there isn't one.

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It does look a bit lifeless alright and some of the textures especially the rocks don't look great. I'm sure it'll be fine when it's finished. I don't think or at least I hope it won't be an empty world. They surely are aware that that was a common complaint about Twilight Princess. I don't see a castle on the map or where it's likely to be. You'd imagine it would be central. Maybe there isn't one.

Go record a game with a camera which is on a TV screen in a bright room and then upload it towhere it is horribley compressed.


Even the best looking games won't look amazing in such scenarios


That demo looks really early still...


The overworld might be huge but it looks very empty, meanwhile, things like the onscreen display look very early in development still, there's no music outside of enemy battles and Link has no idle animations...


This is so not gonna be a 2015 release, no way.


Also, colour me a bit disappointed that there's no Wii Remote 1-1 motion controls (yeah I expected it to be Gamepad only, but I do have to admit that I was sort of hoping for a ridiculous Wii Remote & Gamepad sword n' shield control setup :p )


Well I suppose they've already done it once before, so it's better to see them try something different I guess. Good on em' for holding true to their promise of that first trailer being actual gameplay footage though! That arrow shooting gameplay looks awesome! (I wonder if the sword in general might actually end up being de-emphasised in favour of other items this time around?)


I get the feeling that this game is gonna end up being the complete polar opposite to Skyward Sword. Instead of having relatively small disconnected levels that are very densely populated, you're gonna get a huge interconnected world that is very sparse and desolate. Traditional control setup instead of motion controls. Focus on exploration and discovery of naturally designed environments instead of traversing environments that are designed around raw gameplay mechanics, with the way that they are visually designed being a byproduct of that.


The fact that they've made two reveal videos that focus on the technology of the game and how BIG the world is also has me concerned. Who cares if you have a massive world if there's nothing interesting to do in it? I get that suspicion that their focus is not in the right place with this game... Not really feeling it so far...


To be fair, they're not going to show all the intricacies and hidden areas of the overworld now. There were areas where it was noticeably cut. Leave them wanting more.


Relax. Come E3, we will have our socks blown off. Mark my words :)

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It does look a bit lifeless alright and some of the textures especially the rocks don't look great. I'm sure it'll be fine when it's finished. I don't think or at least I hope it won't be an empty world. They surely are aware that that was a common complaint about Twilight Princess. I don't see a castle on the map or where it's likely to be. You'd imagine it would be central. Maybe there isn't one.


Yeah thats what I was coming in to say. Hopefully it is just how early the game is but those rock textures were pretty rough and flat compared to how great the rest of the world looked.


I expect I'll get the game but it'll be interesting to see how much it holds my interest. Ive always had trouble with the 3D Zelda games.

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Go record a game with a camera which is on a TV screen in a bright room and then upload it towhere it is horribley compressed.


Even the best looking games won't look amazing in such scenarios


I know that and that's why I hope we get direct footage of that trailer. If you'd read my earlier comments here and in the general discussion you would have seen that. We're missing the clarity of the E3 trailer.

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Go record a game with a camera which is on a TV screen in a bright room and then upload it towhere it is horribley compressed.


Even the best looking games won't look amazing in such scenarios




To be fair, they're not going to show all the intricacies and hidden areas of the overworld now. There were areas where it was noticeably cut. Leave them wanting more.


Relax. Come E3, we will have our socks blown off. Mark my words :)


Compare the way this reveal has been done in comparison to Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. SS' first reveal had a huge chunk of the gameplay features highlighted and in fully playable form in that 2010 trailer, while Twilight Princess' 2004 trailer was pretty much devoid of any gameplay outside of horseback fighting in an empty open environment.


This Zelda Wii U reveal video is much closer to Twilight Princess' reveal than Skyward Sword's one... TP took over 2 years to come out from that initial reveal, while Skyward Sword took 1...


And it's no real secret that the design philosophy behind this game is the complete opposite of Skyward Sword. The world is huge and interconnected, the exact opposite of SS.


And like all open world games, the game's content is spread thinly over the huge landscape, it has to be by design. It's just not possible to create an environment that is as massive as this and then have it as densly populated as Skyward Sword or even Twilight Princess or OoT.


The only question that remains then is whether or not the world is spread too thinly. Right now that is definitely the case and I can't see any realistic way that they could possibly populate the world with enough Zelda-like content within just a year...


Xmas 2016 and no earlier.

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Epona dodging the trees, that's one of those features that just makes you ask "why isn't this the case in all games??"


I mean, of course a horse has a mind of its own, and of course it wouldn't run headfirst into a tree.... A little AI in there will actually make it more like really riding a horse.


My only concern right now is how they're going to fill that huge space with interesting things, like they did with the ocean in Wind Waker, by next year.

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They took their time with Twilight Princess and it was a great game. Skyward Sword was a rush job and it shows, that's why it stinks. Nintendo didn't care enough or try hard enough at that point with the Wii dying. This site is still having fart attacks this morning.

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They took their time with Twilight Princess and it was a great game. Skyward Sword was a rush job and it shows, that's why it stinks. Nintendo didn't care enough or try hard enough at that point with the Wii dying. This site is still having fart attacks this morning.


Hilarious that you believe that when Skyward Sword had the longest development cycle of any Zelda game ever made (one that is apparently longer than the dev cycle that Zelda Wii U is gonna get might I add!)


Skyward Sword is just extremely densely packed (and of course the motionplus controls presented significant dev challenges that extended the dev cycle too), that's why it took so long to make.


Actually, thinking about it, all of my favourite Zeldas are the ones that are small in scale but very highly concentrated (Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Majora's Mask, Zelda Spirit Tracks etc); so it stands to reason that I'm wary about this one. I'm much more interested in what you do in a game than what you see; big vistas mean nothing to me if there's nothing to do in it...


But I love all of the Zelda games and I'm sure that I'll end up loving this one as well, I just don't think it'll live up to the likes of Skyward Sword for me :heh:



Saw that before and I think it's a reeeaaaaallll stretch here. Where are the big two central lakes? Why do the lost woods in Zelda 1 seem to match up with a big area that looks like a massive desert?


This isn't exactly Pokearth in ORAS here :p


That being said...





There's no way that this one wasn't intentional ;)

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They took their time with Twilight Princess and it was a great game. Skyward Sword was a rush job and it shows, that's why it stinks. Nintendo didn't care enough or try hard enough at that point with the Wii dying. This site is still having fart attacks this morning.

"Rush Job"? With what evidence do you come to that conclusion?

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