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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I used to be like that but after things like Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword I'm a little more wary about the franchise. For me it's no longer the untouchable series it once was. It got a little goodwill back with Link Between Worlds though.


Oh man, I though Skyward Sword was the dog's dangly bits! One of the best games last generation for me. That sword control!

For example; Skyward Sword for me blows The Last of Us out of the water completely! Sure not in a narrative sense as such (more likeable and instantly connectable characters in SS for me), but controls and gameplay, definitely!


I loved Phantom Hourglass too to be fair, closing the DS to imprint things on the map, blowing into the mic (for the first time) to effect gameplay etc, loved it!


Zelda has never put a foot wrong in my eyes. Hell, I don't even want voice acting in it unless they speak in a "Hylian" language, similar to how Midna did in Twilight Princess (which was also the dogs bollocks).

Reason being is that over the years, playing the Zelda's, I've built up an image in my mind of how everyone sounds based on the grunts etc they've always given... voice acting would take away from that, especially seeing as how they'd have to translate into so many different languages.

It's the same as how reading a book is better than watching the same story, characters aren't as good because they're not "your own version" of them.


It's like when people call for choices in the Zelda games. No! I don't want choices, I don't want to play as Link and decide to not help people, or cause trouble in any way. When playing as Link, for some reason, I always want to help everyone, I want to play the atypical hero! Link brings that out in me and I don't want that changing... even the option to do so just doesn't feel right, it goes against my instinct.


The Legend of Zelda franchise, to me, has never been anything short of perfect.



Holy shit I cannot wait for this game!!!

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Oh man, I though Skyward Sword was the dog's dangly bits! One of the best games last generation for me. That sword control!

For example; Skyward Sword for me blows The Last of Us out of the water completely! Sure not in a narrative sense as such (more likeable and instantly connectable characters in SS for me), but controls and gameplay, definitely!


I loved Phantom Hourglass too to be fair, closing the DS to imprint things on the map, blowing into the mic (for the first time) to effect gameplay etc, loved it!


Zelda has never put a foot wrong in my eyes. Hell, I don't even want voice acting in it unless they speak in a "Hylian" language, similar to how Midna did in Twilight Princess (which was also the dogs bollocks).

Reason being is that over the years, playing the Zelda's, I've built up an image in my mind of how everyone sounds based on the grunts etc they've always given... voice acting would take away from that, especially seeing as how they'd have to translate into so many different languages.

It's the same as how reading a book is better than watching the same story, characters aren't as good because they're not "your own version" of them.


It's like when people call for choices in the Zelda games. No! I don't want choices, I don't want to play as Link and decide to not help people, or cause trouble in any way. When playing as Link, for some reason, I always want to help everyone, I want to play the atypical hero! Link brings that out in me and I don't want that changing... even the option to do so just doesn't feel right, it goes against my instinct.


The Legend of Zelda franchise, to me, has never been anything short of perfect.



Holy shit I cannot wait for this game!!!


Stopped reading right there. svomit_100-122.gif

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SS was probably one of my least favourites Zeldas. Never finished it, can't remember where I got to and have no desire to ever go back.


I managed to finish it but I found the game a mess. Controls which didn't immerse me as they were hyped up to do, padding quests, awful sky overworld, forgettable soundtrack, Fi and of course fighting the Imprisoned over and over again.


Some of the dungeons were good though, as was the design for Sheik.


I would probably rate it as my worst in the series. Then again I didn't care for Phantom Hourglass. What with its cheap, repeating, game lengthening dungeon. Spirit Tracks on the other hand was awesome though. Dat overworld tune!


Broadcast Yourself


It instantly brings a smile to my face.

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And to be honest Robin Williams wasn't really a significant figure in the Zelda community. He just liked the series and it inspired his child's name. It's not really much different than @Mokong and his pr0 Zelda tattoos. The only difference is that A) he's not forcing his appreciation upon someone else*


Oh yeah I'm not forcing my son to appreciate the same things I do.... he just happens to be liking the same things as me all on his own.....


and B) he's not famous.


But....but... I'm...erm... I on Youtube, that counts right? With 4000+ subs :heh:


of which bout 5% of which actually bother to watch anymore :cry:


And it's mainly due to B that Mokong will not have a petition created for him to have his name in a future Zelda title when his time comes.


Well way to ruin my dream, thanks :(




Lol, in serious though


A) wow, to be brought up in some comparison to Robin Williams, Thanks Eevil :D


B) Zelda was actually almost in the running for Zoeys first name, Joy was picking the first name, I tried to trick her into picking Zelda same way I did with Lloyd for Oisín's middle name, didn't work though as this time it was obvious as she of course knows of the Zelda games, but knows none of the character names in Tales of Symphonia :D... suppose I could have made it her middle name but my need to have an Irish name was greater....only just





Anyway back to the game talk....



I'm hoping once Hyrule Warriors is out we'll start to see more info trickle out bout this game. A new trailer and or gameplay footage would be highly desireable...after which I'll likely go into blackout mode till the game is out

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I used to be like that but after things like Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword I'm a little more wary about the franchise. For me it's no longer the untouchable series it once was. It got a little goodwill back with Link Between Worlds though.



I sort of agree that Zelda is no longer untouchable. Also with ALBW as much as I adored it, the re-used overworld is still a big problem for me. I play Zelda games to explore, but with this game I already knew where everything was, and so it felt like half a game. Loved it otherwise though, easily the best handheld game since Minish Cap

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I used to be like that but after things like Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword I'm a little more wary about the franchise. For me it's no longer the untouchable series it once was. It got a little goodwill back with Link Between Worlds though.


Phantom Hourglass? Bwahahha. I don't think I even finished that. Just so unbelievably boring. It didn't grip me.


I dislike Skyward Sword...bordering on hate. One third of it was good, but the rest didn't resonate with me. Controls were nice, the graphics, too, as was the item crafting. But, there were so many backwards steps with the game that I just didn't like. I want the next game to have a much greater emphasis on the story. Narrative-wise, it was poor.


I'm actually not excited for the next game. Nintendo will have to really show off something spectacular to win me around with this one. Maybe that's the best way to be? Go in really, really low and maybe it'll surprise us all.

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I actually think Skyward Sword placed a much greater emphasis on storyline than say, Twilight Princess did. The latter abandoned any suggestion of a storyline the instant you cleared the twilit areas of Hyrule. From then it just became another fetch quest of oh by the way, find these mirror pieces whilst... nothing happens. Skyward Sword's narrative was more consistent from beginning to end. The problem with the game IMO was the exploration: a disconnected overworld you reach from a hub world. It was a mess. Zelda U seems to be the polar opposite, which is great news.

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I actually think Skyward Sword placed a much greater emphasis on storyline than say, Twilight Princess did. The latter abandoned any suggestion of a storyline the instant you cleared the twilit areas of Hyrule. From then it just became another fetch quest of oh by the way, find these mirror pieces whilst... nothing happens. Skyward Sword's narrative was more consistent from beginning to end. The problem with the game IMO was the exploration: a disconnected overworld you reach from a hub world. It was a mess. Zelda U seems to be the polar opposite, which is great news.


I disagree. Skyward Sword barely had a narrative. I don't think there's any advancement of the story whatsoever during the middle third of the game, it's very poorly done. Say what you want about Twilight Princess, but the narrative was handled in a much better way than what was managed in SS. The only redeeming quality for me was the final battle with Demise.


Speaking of fetch quest, isn't that what a lot of gamers groaned about with Skyward Sword? It's very repetitive. Quite lazy in a lot of places, too. How many times do you fight Ghirahim or The Imprisoned in the game? Three times each, isn't it? Meh.


I'm not trusting anything Nintendo says about the new Zelda until we actually get some playthroughs, which is a looooong way off. If X follows in Xenoblade's footsteps, then we're in for a treat...considering that Xenoblade was the far superior game last generation.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Nintendo didn't try with Skyward Sword. I love the series but it's quiet clear to see it's many, many faults. They knew it was late in the Wii's life cycle, required you to buy motion plus and no excuse to us the loyal gamers but they didn't try. It's appalling on so many levels. Easily the worst ever. Music, repetitive, Fi, repetitive, empty world, repetitive, worst minigames, repetitive, unskippable dialogue boxes, repetitive. Did I mention repetitive? Yes some boss battles were great but some were truly awful and Demise(how original) was over in 30 seconds.

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Oh man, I though Skyward Sword was the dog's dangly bits! One of the best games last generation for me. That sword control!

For example; Skyward Sword for me blows The Last of Us out of the water completely! Sure not in a narrative sense as such (more likeable and instantly connectable characters in SS for me), but controls and gameplay, definitely!


I loved Phantom Hourglass too to be fair, closing the DS to imprint things on the map, blowing into the mic (for the first time) to effect gameplay etc, loved it!


Zelda has never put a foot wrong in my eyes. Hell, I don't even want voice acting in it unless they speak in a "Hylian" language, similar to how Midna did in Twilight Princess (which was also the dogs bollocks).

Reason being is that over the years, playing the Zelda's, I've built up an image in my mind of how everyone sounds based on the grunts etc they've always given... voice acting would take away from that, especially seeing as how they'd have to translate into so many different languages.

It's the same as how reading a book is better than watching the same story, characters aren't as good because they're not "your own version" of them.


It's like when people call for choices in the Zelda games. No! I don't want choices, I don't want to play as Link and decide to not help people, or cause trouble in any way. When playing as Link, for some reason, I always want to help everyone, I want to play the atypical hero! Link brings that out in me and I don't want that changing... even the option to do so just doesn't feel right, it goes against my instinct.


The Legend of Zelda franchise, to me, has never been anything short of perfect.



Holy shit I cannot wait for this game!!!


Yes, I think when people ask for voice acting in Zelda...they all forget they'd be speaking indecipherable Hylian.

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Yes, I think when people ask for voice acting in Zelda...they all forget they'd be speaking indecipherable Hylian.


It would be as crazy as voice acting in a Star Wars film or game, where everyone would be speaking Galactic Basic or one of many alien languages.


The same happens in many other things. The common language is translated into English for the viewers.

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The controls are unbelievable, so bloody good!


It'll be a shame when Nintendo inevitably don't stick with them for the new game. They'll go back to traditional controls, I reckon. Maybe they'll shoehorn in the GamePad and you'll be able to use that for aiming at enemies with the bow or something.

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It'll be a shame when Nintendo inevitably don't stick with them for the new game. They'll go back to traditional controls, I reckon. Maybe they'll shoehorn in the GamePad and you'll be able to use that for aiming at enemies with the bow or something.


Anyone who's played Archery in Wii Sports Resort can tell you that the Gamepad is no substitute...


I am going to miss it.

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I don't think there was anything wrong with the motion controls, but for people to see that, we needed a "Spirit Tracks" to SS's "Phantom Hourglass".


People often lump PH and ST together, overlooking that ST bothered to correct most of PH's flaws (low difficulty, simplistic puzzles, Temple of the Ocean King...), and was a much better game for it.


Will Zelda U be the game that removes SS's flaws and improves on what it did right? I can hope so.

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I haven't been following any Nintendo news for ages (probably one of the reasons I haven't been here for over a year now, glad to see this place hasn't changed much since), but when I finally got my Retron 5 a few weeks ago, I started playing through a number of my older Zelda games. Eventually, I read up on this game, and I have to say, it's the first game I've been truly excited about in a long time. I've always thought that the 3D games strayed a bit too far from the original, and I'm glad to see that Nintendo understands this, and is trying to go back to what made the early games in the series such great experiences to begin with. I think I'm definitely going to have to pick up a Wii U now, and catch up a little with Nintendo games in general.

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I haven't been following any Nintendo news for ages (probably one of the reasons I haven't been here for over a year now, glad to see this place hasn't changed much since), but when I finally got my Retron 5 a few weeks ago, I started playing through a number of my older Zelda games. Eventually, I read up on this game, and I have to say, it's the first game I've been truly excited about in a long time. I've always thought that the 3D games strayed a bit too far from the original, and I'm glad to see that Nintendo understands this, and is trying to go back to what made the early games in the series such great experiences to begin with. I think I'm definitely going to have to pick up a Wii U now, and catch up a little with Nintendo games in general.


Retron 5 high five! Got mine the other week.

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