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Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)


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I was initially hyped for this after playing Xenoblade, but I've become un-hyped for it as more information has progressively been shown. It doesn't seem to have the same charm as Xenoblade did. I don't like this whole New LA vibe they're going with and the inclusion of mechs and stuff has put me off. I don't find myself feeling desperate to play it whereas I couldn't wait until Xenoblade came out.


Might be one I give a go a bit later on. But, definitely not feeling it right now.

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My hype for this game has gone down the drain, but still I pre-purchased it yesterday from my local game store simply because I had a gift card that is about to expire next month, and I didn't think of any other new game that I was interested in. I will need to get a hard drive though. I'll just use my old 500gb one and buy a new external USB 3 hard drive for my laptop. A question, which I might have already asked before, but here goes: If you use a hard drive with Wii U, can you choose whether to download files to the Wii U's storage or the hard drive? The internal storage should be faster so I'd like to use that for the game install files.

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I wonder why people aren't hyped for this. Xenoblade was top quality on the Wii and it's the only major Nintendo release in this last part of the year.


For me, it's because of how much we've seen of the thing. I think it was announced in the Jan Nintendo Direct in 2013 and since then it's featured in many Directs since. It's a classic case of announcing a game too early.


A couple of other things that niggle me are....


1. Character designs are garbage. I won't harp on about it, as I've discussed it in the past, but it really hurts the presentation of the game.


2. The Skell. While this seems to be a focus for all the promo/marketing material, I was very disappointed to hear that you don't even get one until about 40 hours into the game.


Another point is that many people on here have now switched to another console as their main platform of choice. They are getting their open world fix from other games such as The Witcher and Fallout.


I'm still getting it day 1 but I'm not even the least bit hyped about the release, whereas when Xenoblade on the Wii was released everyone was buzzing.

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I wonder why people aren't hyped for this. Xenoblade was top quality on the Wii and it's the only major Nintendo release in this last part of the year.
There's just too many bad vibes in general around Nintendo at the moment. At this point it doesn't really matter what comes out on 3DS or Wii U, people have been burnt already and it's clearly had a huge impact on enjoyment and anticipation of games for these systems.
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For me, it's because of how much we've seen of the thing. I think it was announced in the Jan Nintendo Direct in 2013 and since then it's featured in many Directs since. It's a classic case of announcing a game too early.


A couple of other things that niggle me are....


1. Character designs are garbage. I won't harp on about it, as I've discussed it in the past, but it really hurts the presentation of the game.


2. The Skell. While this seems to be a focus for all the promo/marketing material, I was very disappointed to hear that you don't even get one until about 40 hours into the game.


Another point is that many people on here have now switched to another console as their main platform of choice. They are getting their open world fix from other games such as The Witcher and Fallout.


I'm still getting it day 1 but I'm not even the least bit hyped about the release, whereas when Xenoblade on the Wii was released everyone was buzzing.


You're right about the character designs. They don't look great. Also, what you say about open world games on other systems is true. I've already down one huuuuge mammoth adventure so far this year and it's going to be very difficult for any other game to top that. I feel like I am getting my needs elsewhere.


There's just too many bad vibes in general around Nintendo at the moment. At this point it doesn't really matter what comes out on 3DS or Wii U, people have been burnt already and it's clearly had a huge impact on enjoyment and anticipation of games for these systems.


Also agree with this. I wonder what difference it would have made had this been released, say, 2 years sooner. Obviously that would have been difficult with the creation of the game, but I wonder how it would have been perceived by fans had it been out when the WiiU had more of a buzz.


It seems you and me will be the first here to give an opinion about the game :D.


This is awkward. :D

I'm not getting it at launch. Maybe a few months down the line. Maybe.

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This is awkward. :D

I'm not getting it at launch. Maybe a few months down the line. Maybe.


Damn, so just me :D (I am only talking about first few days-weeks, I know that people will play it later), and with my lack of opportunities to use the TV it will take some time to give an opinion.

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It's a shame so few are thinking of getting it at launch. Like I said before, it really is worth it. There are definitely things that I preferred in the first game, like the story and sense that you're on a journey far from home (in X, you're always heading back to New LA), but I don't regret any of the 40 hours I've now put into it!

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I'm certainly buying this at launch, will I be playing on day 1? I hope so, but I have so many other games to finish including half of Xenoblade Chronicles... it could happen, I'd like to be able to say "I'm ready!" on launch day but only time will tell. : peace:

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I wasn't going to get it on launch, i'm pretty tempted by it but put it on a list of things my parents could get me for Xmas so I don't want to risk buying it incase they get it for me. Will get it by the end of the year at least anyway, I've never played a Xenoblade before but I really like the look of it.

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I'm not buzzing for this game at all. I've certainly had my fix with Witcher 3 and I doubt anything would be able to match it never mind beat it.


If I didn't have a PS4 though I would have been all over this.


I've highlighted the game you have mentioned because I think that ultimately this game will be heavily compared to it. I know the Nintendo Voice Chat guys were comparing the two games on this weeks episode. Jose was saying how stiff/rigid the character animations were in comparison to The Witcher. He also mentioned how the sidequests fall a little flat, again compared to what The Witcher has on offer.


With Metal Gear Solid V, The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 all being open world games, Xenoblade certainly has some stiff competition.


You're final sentence is true, though. If the Wii U is the only console you have then it will no doubt be a must have game and a unique experience for the console. In the wider view of things though it's going to be interesting to see how it stacks up to the games I have mentioned.

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Please keep in mind that this may be a generic response I received, but I contacted Nintendo Europe Customer Services and they said they have nothing planned/to be announced in regards to preloads or data packs.


I really hope this is a generic message and it comes later this week or something, otherwise that's simply fucking annoying.

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Bummer. If they don't release the packs does that mean that the DL only version will be quicker if it is on internal memory?





In other news I have found that you can join friend squads:




In fact it even sounds like the online mode will be at least usable!

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Please keep in mind that this may be a generic response I received, but I contacted Nintendo Europe Customer Services and they said they have nothing planned/to be announced in regards to preloads or data packs.


I really hope this is a generic message and it comes later this week or something, otherwise that's simply fucking annoying.

They're not going to forgo data packs. That absolutely won't happen.


Preloading is just something that hasn't happened yet in Europe on Wii U or 3DS.

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