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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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I'll get the hate but seriously, it's depressing that an HD remake is massive news instead of a wholly new game. After all the crooning about constant sequels, this is worse - it's exactly the same game, but much pretty. Even though graphics aren't meant to be a big deal. Why this would make sone one pick up a Wii U when before they weren't is beyond me. If you already have a Wii U, yeah, it's awesome. Something new, though, please.


The way i saw the announcement it was,

"were doing a new zelda and making it back to its roots, not linear aka open world like zelda 1(modern equivalent skyrim etc), and looking at making it less single player orientated (four swords only multiplayer zelda comparison) while testing it out we played with Wind Waker and thought why not give them something to keep them happy while we complete this mammoth task"


so now everyone is hyped as its stop game/remake zelda this year, new massive open world zelda next year......



seriously why not be hyped?

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Consumers have the right to vote with their wallets and that's what I did. Why is it ignorant to dislike a game that takes half of the franchises identity and chucks it out the window in favor of a fad. Because WW was announced at a time when Cel Shading was a fad. Remember XIII, Auto Modellista, Cell Damage, Jet Set Radio etc?


Zelda isn't a franchise that should be influenced by dumb fads. If that were the case, Skyward Sword would've been grey and Link would've been running down a narrow corridor and have a cover system and regenerating health.


Further more, when choosing a graphical style reminiscent of modern TV-cartoons (which IMO is way more dumbed down than let's say Ducktales or Turtles that I used to watch), rather than let's say an anime style, reducing the difficulty and creating small isolated islands on which you can't get lost, they clearly indicated that they were aiming towards the new breed of dumb kids, rather than more mature gamers. I would've been fine with an animé style, like in their promo art or Valkyria Chronicles:



Because of that "fad" WW to this day is one of the most beautiful games to ever be released and by the far the best looking Zelda.


As for other comments about new titles, did you people watch the same Direct as me where a few new titles were not only announced but shown? A new Zelda was also announced but its obvious its some ways off.

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I just don't think it follows that new games are better than remakes. Ocarina of Time 3D is one of the best things I've played on the 3DS, and not for lack of other games. It's quite sensible to pick the best games from your back catalogue and remake them, giving them better graphics and tweaking them to perfection.

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seriously why not be hyped?


Because I've played WW before? And I have no reason to believe the new Zelda is going to deviate from the trend set by the last two games which, to me, has been pretty dull.


Daft, nintendo just like anounced tons of new titles, this is the only remake of the bunch....


But it seems to be getting the most attention. Yeah, Yoshi looks rad. I can't wait to play that. Been ages since we've had a Yoshi game. Mario and Zelda I can live without.

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Because I've played WW before? And I have no reason to believe the new Zelda is going to deviate from the trend set by the last two games which, to me, has been pretty dull.

Have you watched the video in the opening post Daft. It does kind set out their strategy for doing this in there pretty well.


I agree it's not a reason to buy the Wii U necessarily, but I think their reasoning should give confidence about the future of Zelda; more so than before at least.


We'll just have to wait until E3 2014 to find out I guess! :p

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But it seems to be getting the most attention. Yeah, Yoshi looks rad. I can't wait to play that. Been ages since we've had a Yoshi game. Mario and Zelda I can live without.
Was actually a lot more disappointed by Yoshi myself, as to me it looks like they've just dropped Yoshi into Epic Yarn in an attempt to get another Nintendo character out into the marketplace, and claim they've got another franchise out there to tick off.


The saving grace for me at least is that I haven't played Epic Yarn!

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Yeah, maybe. Right now if it's not either Mario of Zelda it's a miracle so I'm not bothered.


Have you watched the video in the opening post Daft. It does kind set out their strategy for doing this in there pretty well.


I agree it's not a reason to buy the Wii U necessarily, but I think their reasoning should give confidence about the future of Zelda; more so than before at least.


We'll just have to wait until E3 2014 to find out I guess! :p

I've heard all that PR guff before. Man, it's literally my job to write the PR guff. I'm not believing anything until I've played it.
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Seeing this game makes me wish that if they won't make a new F-Zero, then that they'd give F-Zero GX back to Amusement Vision to remake in HD. Add in online multiplayer. Job done, print, slap a price tag on it and watch the sales roll in. I'll be first in the queue.

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Yeah, if Amusement Vision did still exist we'd also still be enjoying great Super Monkey Ball games. And I'll be honest, I haven't been a fan of the last few Zelda games, so I'm far more hyped for this Wind Waker in HD than the other mystery Zelda title they spoke of.

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Consumers have the right to vote with their wallets and that's what I did. Why is it ignorant to dislike a game that takes half of the franchises identity and chucks it out the window in favor of a fad. Because WW was announced at a time when Cel Shading was a fad. Remember XIII, Auto Modellista, Cell Damage, Jet Set Radio etc?


XIII? The game that was released after Wind Waker, and was cell shaded for the sake of looking like the comic book it was based on?

Hell, most cel-shaded games did it due to source material. Even games like VJoe did (to look like comic books), and those that didn't had a stylistic reason to do so (like Jet Set Radio).


If you really think Nintendo did it due to a fad (a fad that didn't include any noteworthy adventure game of the time, by the way), you have very little confidence in their judgement.


Further more, when choosing a graphical style reminiscent of modern TV-cartoons (which IMO is way more dumbed down than let's say Ducktales or Turtles that I used to watch), rather than let's say an anime style, reducing the difficulty and creating small isolated islands on which you can't get lost, they clearly indicated that they were aiming towards the new breed of dumb kids, rather than more mature gamers. I would've been fine with an animé style, like in their promo art or Valkyria Chronicles:



See, the problem here is that you never actually played Wind Waker, so you have no idea if the things you're spouting are valid or not.

"Islands where you can't get lost", yeah right...


Also, I'm more of the opinion that, ironically, Wind Waker's art style did a lot to keep the "dumb kids" away.

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This looks unbelievable.


And I never ever played Wind Waker so for me, this is the perfect remake!


Don't get the negativity either. It's bridging a gap before they drop a new Zelda and who knows when we're gonna get that.


Still, they can't please everyone and if you've already played it then you may not want to bother again. I get that.


It seems those who own the console are happy though. :D

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This looks unbelievable.


And I never ever played Wind Waker so for me, this is the perfect remake!


Don't get the negativity either. It's bridging a gap before they drop a new Zelda and who knows when we're gonna get that.


Still, they can't please everyone and if you've already played it then you may not want to bother again. I get that.


It seems those who own the console are happy though. :D

Considering the rumours were that the awesome Majora's Mask and even awesomer Link to The Past were being toted for the HD remake it's disappointing they've decided to neglect/shelve them to do Wind Waker.

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The more I look at the screens the more the horrible lighting really puts me off, but I guess they're just renders rather than in-game footage.




I do like how they kept the wave pattern from the original in this shot though.



so now everyone is hyped as its stop game/remake zelda this year, new massive open world zelda next year......


I think you may be disappointed if you're expecting a proper Wii U Zelda next year, I think 2015 is probably more likely.


Zelda isn't a franchise that should be influenced by dumb fads.


Firstly, it wasn't. But more importantly, who cares if it's influenced by 'dumb fads' when the game looks as stunningly gorgeous as it does? You sound more like the dumb kids who got turned off because it supposedly looked so 'kiddie'. The game was a masterpiece of style, charm and gameplay. It really is your loss that you stubbornly refuse to play it because of some bollocks idea that Nintendo pandered to what was 'in' at the time.


And I never ever played Wind Waker so for me, this is the perfect remake!


I'm incredibly jealous. You're in for an absolute treat!


Also, I'm more of the opinion that, ironically, Wind Waker's art style did a lot to keep the "dumb kids" away.


Spot on, that's exactly right.

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Considering the rumours were that the awesome Majora's Mask and even awesomer Link to The Past were being toted for the HD remake it's disappointing they've decided to neglect/shelve them to do Wind Waker.
They were being talked about for 3DS remakes.


The more I look at the screens the more the horrible lighting really puts me off, but I guess they're just renders rather than in-game footage.
This game's gonna have to come with a Sunglasses bundle if they insist on keeping the grass that colour! :p



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Looks a little iffy, like the contrast has been beef'd up. From whats been said, and i'm with a few people here, i won't be sold on a purchase unless new content is added and/or i hear more of this "tuned up" experience.


Other than that, i'm not usually for HD remakes. I still got a Wii, so Wind Waker looks alright enough on there for me to not warrent a purchase as of yet.


I still havn't got a WiiU, nothing appeals to me for a purchase of the console as of yet. But who knows, maybe by years end i may have changed my mind.

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It could easily change! This certainly came out of the blue.
But doing a ALTTP or MM remake on Wi U would be creating a brand new game. Why would you want that instead of actually creating a brand new Zelda?


With Wind Waker/Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword they can just make graphical changes as we're seeing here.

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