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Currently £32.86... :/


I could swear it was cheaper a month ago but... I opted to pay with points so naturally their 'price promise' or whatever it is probably only applies if you were paying cash, still... gonna keep the order.

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Hmm I just can't justify over £20 (£25 at a push) for it. I know that sounds a bit tight of me ha but with me already playing it on the 3DS and looking at picking it up on that again for £25 via download, this seems over priced.


But I'll scout round for a deal and think about it!


So anyone else getting this on Wii U then?


I'm on the fence about whether to keep my pre-order or not as I was mainly buying it for the prospect of playing Raid Mode online on the big screen but if not many people are getting it from here then I may just wait until it's cheaper, Capcom are milking it a bit anyway. :/

  S.C.G said:
I may just wait until it's cheaper, Capcom are milking it a bit anyway. :/


I know I'll buy it sometime, but I plan on waiting until it drops in price.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Has voice chat been confirmed for this? I'm not getting this version anyway, just curious, that's all.


Sad state of affairs when you have to see if voice chat has been confirmed for an online game. Next gen, @lostmario! Next gen.

Are you really that bothered about voice chat though? You don't seem to use it very much on Monster Hunter. ::shrug:


I tried the demo for this the other day, looks nice in HD (although quite a bit brighter than it was on the 3DS :hmm:) and it plays well enough with the GamePad.

If I hadn't already played through it on the 3DS I'd definitely be picking it up, it's a fantastic game.

Anyone that's playing it for the first time is in for a treat. :hehe:

  RedShell said:
Are you really that bothered about voice chat though? You don't seem to use it very much on Monster Hunter. ::shrug:


I use it when i'm not knackered after driving an hour to and from work and doing 8 hours in a lab playing with x-rays.


Played through this twice a couple of months ago on the 3DS so don't really feel like going through it again. Maybe if the price drops but I doubt it.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I use it when i'm not knackered after driving an hour to and from work and doing 8 hours in a lab playing with x-rays.
I'm surprised you even manage to play a game like Monster Hunter at all after that! :o
  Ike said:
Played through this twice a couple of months ago on the 3DS so don't really feel like going through it again. Maybe if the price drops but I doubt it.


Same here, the price will have to drop below 20 quid before I even consider it.


Well I finally decided to cancel my pre-order on ShopTo, just in time by the look of it being that it's out in a few days! As anyone who orders on the site will realise when you cancel your pre-orders they always ask for your feedback to help improve things on the site so I wrote...


I've thought long and hard about whether I really want to purchase this game again on the Wii U - I already own it on the 3DS - and quite honestly I can't justify spending over £30 on it - not even in credit - so I'll be saving my money/credit for other games and will wait for a price drop.


Besides I still have Lego City Undercover to play and am still very much into Monster Hunter! I will keep my eye on the price though, as soon as it - hopefully - drops to below £25 I'll definitely consider it.


Seems pretty reasonable to me, I figure that because the game is multi format it shouldn't take long to drop in price anyway, plus this will probably give me time to actually finally get around to playing Lego City and put in an extra few hours on Monster Hunter, not to mention the run of Super Metroid that I started the other day!


Yeah, I clearly have enough to play as it is already. :D


Thats probably for the best S.C.G


Although I have a feeling that although it will probably drop in price fairly quickly (as per all games at the min!) I bet it will stay a higher price on the Wii U for the longest! :indeed:

  • 2 months later...

Could be tempted to pick it up if it is still at that price come pay day.


Got part way through the 3DS version.


Would be good to play Raid Mode on the Wii U.

Posted (edited)
  SirToastaLot said:
Grab yourself a copy for £19.99 at GAME:




I was waiting for a nice price, since I had the 3DS version lying around already.


Are the performance hiccups as prevalent as discussed by Digital Foundry and on some internet forums?


I absolutely love you!


I was looking for a good price on this yesterday and came so close to using some eShop vouchers I have to pick it up as I've just played through the 3ds version again and really really wanted to play the Wii U version and experience it on the big screen!


I am definitely ordering this when I get home! Thanks so much for the heads up! :love:


EDIT: AAaaaannd bought. :D


Can't wait to receive this! I played the demo recently and absolutely loved playing it on the game pad too. I actually think playing it solely on the game pad is almost the perfect way, as after all, this is a handheld game! With the updated visuals and lighting effects and the superior controls over the 3ds, it makes me very excited to play using just the game pad!


Thanks again for posting this price SirToastaLot! Made up!

Edited by Aneres11
Automerged Doublepost

My pleasure.


It seems that very few people here have purchased the Wii U version (judging from previous posts in this thread). No wonder there's almost zero feedback!


Hopefully my copy will arrive tomorrow morning - that'll be the weekend's entertainment sorted.


Same! I intend to play through it this weekend too! Providing it arrives tomorrow...


I played the demo the other night and really liked how the game played on the game pad, so am excited to go through the whole thing with it!


I've been roped into entertaining some cousins today, so I didn't get the opportunity to start on Revelations. :(


Hope you've been enjoying it so far Aneres11. Are the dead zones on the analogue sticks as extreme as some people have made them out to be?

  SirToastaLot said:
I've been roped into entertaining some cousins today, so I didn't get the opportunity to start on Revelations. :(


Hope you've been enjoying it so far Aneres11. Are the dead zones on the analogue sticks as extreme as some people have made them out to be?


I also haven't had chance to play this yet. Intended to play it this evening, but had a better offer ha.


Dead zones?! Whut?!


I'll keep my eye on it but I didn't experience anything untoward from the demo.


I've played it for about an hour and a half this evening. It's great to experience it on the bigger screen and with surround sound; it's scary when you can hear something creeping up from behind. Ooh er.


The graphics are not bad - the cutscenes look fairly spiffy but the low-res textures in-game kinda give away its handheld origins.


Controls seem to be fine - you can adjust some settings if you find the defaults to be a bit sluggish.


So far I'm impressed for the money, especially the B-movie level acting. :cool:

  • 5 months later...

I have had Resident Evil Revelations for quite a while now, and I thought I'd finally play it this weekend. After roughly half the game I can safely say this is clearly the product of a series that has gone off the rails and lost its direction.


The tries to take the best pieces of the two best Resident Evil games (one and four) and weld them together to make a fresh experience that includes mechanics and game play from the series' high points. This on paper is a great idea, you have the puzzle solving, claustrophobic and tense game play from the first mixed with the over the shoulder perspective, tight controls and gunplay of the fourth.


However it simply doesn't work that well. The puzzle solving and tension that came in the first game did so because enemies were not in abundance , ammo was limited and the environment was made up of lots of small rooms, corridors and tight spaces. The great gunplay of the fourth came from tight controls and wider spaces allowing for positioning, manoeuvring and the ability to retreat to a better vantage point.


The tension is all but lost as everywhere you go the levels are filled with enemies and ammo is plentiful. Scares are non-existent and puzzle solving is reduced to the lowest grade 'fetch an insignia' quests. On the other hand, the gunplay is ruined by the tight spaces and corridors which simply make every fight into a shooting gallery. Added to the woes are the less than stellar controls which are twitchy, making those all important headshots much more difficult and irritating to pull off.


All the problems seem to be highlighted perfectly on your discovery of a sniper rifle. When you found a rifle in Resident Evil 4 it was a perfect complement to your arsenal. It could be used to pick off enemies in the distance with perfectly placed headshots - precision, power and safety. When you get it in Revelations it seems so out of place, the wide open areas that necessitate the use of such a weapon aren't there. Instead you end up using it in tiny rooms and cramped spaces to provide single shot kills.


When you're not actually on the Queen Zenobia, which is highly reminiscent of a floating version of the Arklay mountain houses, the game boils down to a basic 3rd person shooter. You move from A to B gunning everything down in sight. Again though, it's very linear, the paths are long narrow routes and the controls make killing the enemies difficult for all the wrong reasons.


So whilst the game takes the best bits of two classic entries in the series and tries to push it into one game, those two elements don't seem to work well together and in some cases are pulling in opposite directions.


So far this game has left me with the feeling that as a franchise Resident Evil is rather lost. The developers know what made previous games good, but don't know how to implement those elements anymore in fresh or interesting ways.


The only thing I can say that truly stands out in this game is Jill's bottom!

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