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Xbox One Console Discussion


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The key question is: are the exclusives Kinect-focused?


The conference was complete wank, the strategy they're taking was to be expected though. Makes it easier to choose the PS4 I suppose.


Yeah I guess so purely based on that. However we have to bare in mind this broadcast on daytime tv clearly it was going to be tailored to them. Look how many times they demoed the TV thing and Price is Right popped up. The best thing though is how similar it looks to a Rogers (cable company) nextbox tivo box lol



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Maybe I'm getting old, but technology is becoming too complicated for me. When did we become too lazy to turn things on physically, change channels with buttons, or look at a TV guide (and since when did we want to do so many things at once)? I quite like some television programmes, but what does Xbox have to do with it? It won't change what programmes are available to me, will it?


Sports... yawn.


But, it wasn't actually that bad a show (the pacing was good, at least) and I was surprised at how much I was impressed with Call of Duty: Ghosts. I won't buy it, I'm just saying. :heh:


Overall, I just get the feeling that the wider games industry has become something that isn't for me. Bring back Sega vs. Nintendo!

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how can people like the new controller, its like the perfect 360 controller got drunk and slept with the butt ugly original xbox 1 (not to be confused with xbox 3 also called one) then had a love child! its got angular growths on the top and end of the hand grips

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The Xbox ONE actually makes me less enthusiastic for the whole next-gen.


Yep, looks like I'm out.


Well may pick up a PS4/Xbox One in a few years depending on how the software turns out.


Just got home so catching up a bit, but the console looks like it's a VHS/freeview box or something. Controller looks a little 3rd party-ish.


By the sounds of it I have zero interest in the games shown.


It all just sounded underwhelming so far, but like I said still catching up so my opinion may change. Slightly.

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The Xbox One TV stuff. How were they changing channel? From what tech specs say, it's done via HDMI passthrough. I don't recall HDMI being able to manipulate cable boxes in such a way.


It's quite simple. The guy says the words just before the pre-recorded feed is about to change.

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Hold up.


The Xbox One TV stuff. How were they changing channel? From what tech specs say, it's done via HDMI passthrough. I don't recall HDMI being able to manipulate cable boxes in such a way.


I think he said with a mobile phone (how that's simpler than using the remote, I don't know).

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Hold up.


The Xbox One TV stuff. How were they changing channel? From what tech specs say, it's done via HDMI passthrough. I don't recall HDMI being able to manipulate cable boxes in such a way.


Yeah it makes no sense...essentially your voice commands via HDMI are replacing infrared signals from a remote.

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According to IGN


Xbox One will not function without Kinect connected, continues Microsoft UK


As long as that is the case, nothing - not even Banjo-Kazooie, Blast Corps, Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark - would convince me to get the console.


I think toying with apps and menus while watching a films or dramas is actually disrespectful to the people creating them. Not appealing in the slightest.


What's the crack with used games on PS4?


"Up to the publisher. Sony won't be doing it" I think.

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I think toying with apps and menus while watching a films or dramas is actually disrespectful to the people creating them. Not appealing in the slightest.


What's the crack with used games on PS4?


Yeah, I don't get that. If you're watching a film and it's any good, you don't want to be browsing the web looking at shit.

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So basically if you buy a used game or even borrow your friend's game, you have to pay extra just to install it? Screw that.


That's insane. Gamers shafted again.


Doesn't take rocket science to realise this could shaft retailers and gamers.

If someone buys FIFA 14 second hand who gets the money? Do EA get a percentage or does it go straight to MS?


Also: the notion of installing games onto HDD's boils my blood. I want to sit down and play a game, not install it on to my console first.


This was like watching the unveiling of a new TiVO device. This isn't about gaming anymore. It's about owning your living room, taking your monies and controlling who you speak to and what you watch.


Remember when gaming used to be less but so much more?


Maybe I'm old and cynical but gaming, to me, is about escapism and fun not NFL dreamteams and talking to my TV trying to get it to understand my accent while doing hadoukens to bring a film up.

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