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PS4 developer: Sony mandates Vita Remote Play for all games


Remote Play itself is nothing new of course - PSP and Vita had lacklustre, laggy support for a handful of PS3 games - but Vita itself has seen virtually no additional support, despite the introduction of a higher-quality 480p protocol. Indeed, those running hacked PS3 firmwares have had access to the most games. The problem is that PS3 Remote Play is based around software video encoding via the Cell's SPUs, and developers are not keen on sacrificing that CPU time for Remote Play support, while the technology itself is slow to respond, with dodgy image quality.


It's all change for PlayStation 4, which features bespoke hardware video encoding for Remote Play, gameplay recording and screen-sharing support with all the benefits of the Gaikai streaming technology. It's a feature built into the operating system itself, incurring no performance penalty to developers. Up until now, the question has been to what extent publishers would want the feature enabled - conceivably, opening up a new library of software for Vita could steal sales from games designed for the system. The news that Sony is mandating support for all titles that don't require the camera takes the choice away from the publishers and ensures a level of consistency in the features that the majority of games offer.


Suweeeeet! Great news.

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How will that work with the Vita's lack of L2, L3, R2 and R3? Will they just be turned into Touchscreen/Touchpad buttons?


I still have zero interest in local remote play.

With PS3 games, you choose, I think there's multiple options options, e.g. Select+L = L2. Seems fiddly but you might choose this in a puzzle game for example.


Another option is to assign part of the back touch pad.


Pretty sure there's a third option but can't remember it.

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How will that work with the Vita's lack of L2, L3, R2 and R3? Will they just be turned into Touchscreen/Touchpad buttons?


I still have zero interest in local remote play.


It works well in many Vita games so i am hopeful. The Vita is great hardware so this is good stuff.


The video broadcast abilities of the ps4 are also awesome. Thats anoyther big thing the PS4 has. On PC this stuff eats resources.

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They need to show Killzone with a proper 1080p high quality downloadable trailer. Youtube just doesnt cut it for pc gaming and next gen when it comes to video quality.


I love the effects though and wow at the amount of polygons in the city.

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Isnt all the downloading stuff pushed onto that separate chip they talked about in the press conference so that any other activities shouldnt be affected?


Yes there is a Video/audio decoding chip to offload the work. So the CPU and GPU are not affected. There is also an ARM chip for background stuff and when the PS4 is off.


Obviously if you have one hdd then that hdd will be the main thing affected. But it should be fine generally. Unless there is some hidden flash storage like Vita. Sony did mention that its always ona nd save your last 15 minutes. The quality was ok going by the facebook clip they put in realtime during the conference. I hope we can get better.


I am wondering if a SSD can be used?


On the Xbox One the smallest HDD is 500GB(i think) which is decent performance wise. But again we need to wait and see as no flash or anything else was mentioned. The Xbox One HDD can 'not' be removed. Future upgrades require USB HDD which is a bummer if you want high performance hdd or a SSD. See the WiiU to get an idea.


On PC we have to suffer a massive performance dip so this is a big plus for the PS4. Everyone can show off their vids not just guys with very expensive hardware.


Sorry for the long answer but as you can see we need to actually get the consoles in our hands for the real nitty gritty.

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Sony ( Kaz ) is saying everything right to get me interested in the PS4. I just hope Sony backs up what he's saying and produce the goods at E3.


Sony CEO plays down ‘media hub’ and says PlayStation 4 is for gamers


Sony chief executive Kazuo Hirai said today that the PlayStation 4 will differ from Microsoft’s Xbox One, which is being pitched as an all-in-one entertainment box in the living room.


“I fundamentally believe that the initial market that we need to make sure we appeal to with any new platform … is really the gaming audience,” Hirai said. “They will be the supporters of your platform and they will help propel the installed base.”


He spoke at the D11 conference hosted by AllThingsD. He was joined by Jed York, the chief executive and owner of the San Francisco 49ers, and they talked about the fan experience Sony is helping to create for the 49ers’ new high-tech stadium in Santa Clara. He made the remarks in response to a question from moderator Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal.


Hirai acknowledged the PS4 will have non-game applications. But Sony will not emphasize those at the outset as it did with the launch of the PlayStation 3 game console in 2006. The PS4 is coming out this fall.


He said Sony would add other entertainment apps, “But that’s after we establish the platform as a video game platform. We want to make sure that we are there for the gamers with our PS4 as well. They will go beyond this, but they’ll definitely start with gamer first.


He concluded, “For us, it’s all about the gamers.”


By contrast, Microsoft’s Xbox One unveiling had lots of apps that have nothing to do with games, from using voice commands to change TV channels to using Skype while watching shows.



Kaz Hirai: Sony PlayStation 4 Will Be First and Foremost a Game Player


Where Microsoft has positioned the Xbox One as much as an entertainment device as game console, Sony plans to tout its PlayStation 4 as primarily a device for games.


“The most important thing we need to make sure we do at least initially is that we all agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers,” Hirai said in a briefing with reporters after his onstage appearance at D: All Things Digital. “If we miss that part than I don’t think we get the initial establishment of the console.”


Hirai said that formula has worked in the past, including with the PlayStation 3.


That said, there are capabilities in the device that will make it well suited to other uses, Hirai said, without giving details.


“We take a look at this first and formest as a game console,” Hirai said. “We don’t want to end there. That’s an area we will obviously reveal and talk about in the coming months.”

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Kaz Hirai: Sony PlayStation 4 Will Be First and Foremost a Game Player


Where Microsoft has positioned the Xbox One as much as an entertainment device as game console, Sony plans to tout its PlayStation 4 as primarily a device for games.


“The most important thing we need to make sure we do at least initially is that we all agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers,” Hirai said in a briefing with reporters after his onstage appearance at D: All Things Digital. “If we miss that part than I don’t think we get the initial establishment of the console.”


Hirai said that formula has worked in the past, including with the PlayStation 3.


That said, there are capabilities in the device that will make it well suited to other uses, Hirai said, without giving details.


“We take a look at this first and formest as a game console,” Hirai said. “We don’t want to end there. That’s an area we will obviously reveal and talk about in the coming months.”




Sony really have got their claws out lately haven't they? It's quite entertaining in its own way.

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Sony really have got their claws out lately haven't they? It's quite entertaining in its own way.


They seem pretty focused. To be fair they dont mess around when it comes to positioning their consoles. The Wii's and the Xbone are all over the place in comparison. The design vid for the Xbone was pretty interesting, reminded me of Windows 8.

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God all this talk bores me senseless - fidelity, scale, ZZZZzzzzzzz. It's like listening to James Cameron talking about films. This isn't what games should be about. I don't want "next gen" to become the same as modern Hollywood - all big stupid technically amazing but soulless fests. Stop all the buzzwords and making out the reason your game is amazing is because of the fucking lighting or the size of the world, they're great bonuses, but if this is your main selling point than count me out.

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Yeah it's a pretty uninspiring interview, but that's Guerilla for you. Do you expect more from the team that made 'Killzone'? C'mon.


That said, my shaft has remained flaccid throughout this whole slew of developer diaries. Sony might as well put out some fanboy vox-pops to do their marketing instead, because beneath the veil that's all this is: marketing. They've incentivized the developers to wax lyrical about the PS4 and how these big changes have afforded them all new scope and potential, but none of the games showcased so far have really tapped into it on any practical level.


I'm not concerned about the fact these videos are forced and unconvincing because I'm confident Sony will continue to lead the way with regards to ground-breaking games, they're always looking to push boundaries and support ambitious projects. They also have to spread their risks by churning out a few stodgy franchises. Killzone is one of those. Hopefully E3 will prove to be the Viagra to my dysfunction.

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Tried to embed this using the IGN tags but to no avail :(


Anyways Warframe is coming to PS4 on it's launch.


Trailer in the link.


It's currently a free to play PC game available via steam, being playing it for awhile and it's fun. Think of it as ninja's in space - should add it's nothing like naruto's ninjas.


Quoting one of the developers:


The new video isn't up yet, damnit! I was hoping you guys would check it out at the same time. Some thoughts after reading responses:


-Account cross-over is technically possible (but Sony's call).

-They allowed some cross-platform play on PS3, it is possible (again Sony's call, also subject to update rhythm).

-PC is the 'lead' for development and update schedules. If PS4 release schedules are slower, PC will march ahead (they will not have to update in tandem).

-PS4 seems awesome so far.

-PC is awesome. It is our lifeblood.

-I spent a huge chunk of the day today in the 'season one' Warframe story meeting, it is definitely coming and its great (and hints are in the new trailer!).

-We're doing this because its a chance to grow into a different type of market. It definitely creates more problems, I agree, but it will only make the game stronger for all platforms.


Will remain free to play on PS4 according to trailer. Here is the old Open Beta trailer:



OK back to my lurking ways now.

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Sony is very good at saying exactly what people want to hear in the press, even if it skips facts and/or states the obvious. I'm pretty sure they spread a rumour about used game DRM just so that in contrast to the way Microsoft has handled things - they would firstly respond uncomfortably positively to all their tweets and then shortly after release an official statement.

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