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Republic Commando is a fan favorite, and nobody knows that better than Aspyr. Trust me, we’ve read many, many, many tweets and comments requesting it. We’re happy to say that your requests will finally be answered.

That’s right, Aspyr Media is bringing Star Wars Republic Commando to PlayStation 4 for the first time April 6 and yes, we included a platinum trophy.

via PlayStation.blog

I don't know what this is, or if it's any good, but I think someone here wanted it? Was it @Hero-of-Time? Was it @Julius?

Edit: @Julius I HATE YOU. :p

Edited by drahkon
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8 hours ago, drahkon said:

via PlayStation.blog

I don't know what this is, or if it's any good, but I think someone here wanted it? Was it @Hero-of-Time? Was it @Julius?

Oh wow haha, I actually had everything typed out before that edit of yours and must have forgot to submit my reply :D 

That Platinum will be mine, definitely picking this up on PlayStation :D (please don't have any stupid trophies...). Probably my second favourite Star Wars campaign next to the original Battlefront II. I haven't played KOTOR, which sounds blasphemous coming from me, but I didn't have an easy way to access it growing up, and experienced a lot of that era (and The Old Republic MMO) through it's music, The Old Republic Galactic Timeline Records (which are awesome), and Wookieepedia entries, as well as parts of Let's Play's, so that'll be a weird one to get around to at some point (though hopefully we won't be waiting too long at this rate for that to be ported over too). 

And both I believe of us I believe, nice memory! I think H-o-T mentioned wanting to revisit it when it leaked on the eShop to see how it holds up, and I'm always down to play mid-2000's Star Wars games where I get to be a clone in a meaningful campaign, because they're better than what we got from EA. Yeah, I said it. Don't @ me. Or do. I don't discriminate. 

I really think PlayStation might have broken an embargo with how early they stuck it up...

Original Battlefront and Battlefront II next please! 

Edited by Julius
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  • 3 weeks later...


These will be available from 25th of March until April 22.

And Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition will be up for grabs between April 19 and May 14.


We’ll have more to share soon. We appreciate the support from the PlayStation community, and hope you enjoy our latest content drop – please stay safe and thanks for playing!

via PlayStation.blog

:bowdown: Sony delivering the goods.

Can't wait to give Rez, Abzu and  Subnautica a go. And eventually the Horizon DLC :peace:

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The Platinum Architect – Mark Cerny On His Fascination With PlayStation Trophies

Paging @Hero-of-Time 
It's a great read :) 


For me, the way it started was Resogun, which is basically Defender. That’s where I started getting into the Trophies. I was like, “I might be able to get the Platinum.” 

Resogun started it for me, too :D 
Since then, I've spent quite a lot of time on getting the odd Platinum here and there. I even called myself a trophy hunter for a while. But this has fizzled out over the past one or two years.
Now I only get Platinums if I truly enjoy a game (or if it's a co-op game and my mates wanna get the trophy, too).


I guess I want to take on the biggest possible challenge. [...] I want to play it on regular, hard, and then beat it on the hardest.

He and I are quite alike :laughing: I love a good challenge.

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I've got a few platinums, but only for games where I already had most of them upon completing the game naturally, and the remaining few sounded like fun.


Like for Spider-man, the only one left was to use the fast travel a couple of times.


Difficulty based ones I ignore completely, as well as things like "kill 100 enemies with X" type ones.

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43 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
20 hours ago, Ronnie said:
Sony said they would be trying to compete with Game Pass and this looks like a first step

This is more like competing with Epic, these games are completely free, unlike Game Pass.

They've no real need to compete with Epic, their main competitor is Game Pass and they even said as much, including their need to compete against it. This is a nice first step, but a long way to go.

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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

They've no real need to compete with Epic, their main competitor is Game Pass and they even said as much, including their need to compete against it. This is a nice first step, but a long way to go.

These games are totally free, if anything Microsoft have a way to go to deliver similar freebies like Sony and Epic are. Not everyone wants to sign up for a monthly subscription.

PS5s are also flying off the shelves, there's no advantage to them putting their first party games directly into a subscription at launch and slashing their profits like Microsoft do.

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6 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Thanks for the heads up, @drahkon. It was a great read. I always love reading about people's trophy hunting adventures and what drives them for 100% competition. Like Cerny, my desire to push myself with harder challenges and achieve 100% in a game came long before achievements and trophies were a thing. 

Yeah this article was a pretty great read - I ended up googling Invisible Inc. to see what was so hard about it. There's some games in particular where I just know I'll never have a chance of getting the platinum - Nuclear Throne comes to mind. I have got some of the hard trophies on it and I do love the game, but yeah.... apparently only 0.48% have the Nuclear Throne plat.

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15 hours ago, Sheikah said:

There's some games in particular where I just know I'll never have a chance of getting the platinum - Nuclear Throne comes to mind. I have got some of the hard trophies on it and I do love the game, but yeah.... apparently only 0.48% have the Nuclear Throne plat.

I usually try to platinum every game I play but I do get like that with some games. The Yakuza series is one that I adore but I've only got the platinum in 6&7. I didn't even attempt to Platinum 0-5 due to the crazy amount of stuff that needs to be done.

This month I started Dark Souls 2 and have been slowly picking away at it ( just reached Fume Knight yesterday evening ). Although I've been loving the game I'm not sure I'll Platinum it due to the fact I'll need to go through it another two times.

Speaking of DS2, I fail to see why the game gets heavily criticised. It's been great fun and I've been enjoying it immensely. 

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


Speaking of DS2, I fail to see why the game gets heavily criticised. It's been great fun and I've been enjoying it immensely. 


I think it's because of the DLC. Haven't played it myself, but I think I remember reading that a lot of areas added in expansions are rather annoying.

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Just now, drahkon said:

I think it's because of the DLC. Haven't played it myself, but I think I remember reading that a lot of areas added in expansions are rather annoying.

Did you ever finish the base game? I read though the DS2 topic on here the other day and it seemed like you were enjoying the game but then fell off it. :( 

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11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Did you ever finish the base game? I read though the DS2 topic on here the other day and it seemed like you were enjoying the game but then fell off it. :( 

Is that so? Lemme check that thread real quick...


The game has got me hooked again.

To be honest, I don't really remember if I finished it...it's been 6 years. :laughing: But I just checked my trophies and it looks like I did reach the end.
Reading through the thread I think I was just annoyed by a weird bug which has been fixed so I probably enjoyed it in the end.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

PlayStation 4 is now the console which has sold the most games in video game history, with at least 1.577B games sold Surpassing PS2's 1.537B games sold, previous record holder.

That's a crazy amount of software sold! I've certainly done my part to help raise that number. :D 

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Was terribly bored this evening and realised I hadn't played anything in a while. Decided that I might like to try out the Hitman games.

As it turns out, one doesn't simply try out the Hitman games.

Figuring out what entry to buy, alongside which DLC, in order to get a reasonable price for the main content... I honestly just gave up. I feel like I'd sooner hack into MI5 with a Nokia N-Gage. 

IO Interactive, if you're listening - you can get in the bin. You'd have my trilla if you weren't such bastards about this whole affair. Ye just don't deserve it, DO YEE!?

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