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Looked like the controller wasn't connecting, as soon as the demo started Drake just stood there. So they switched to a back-up pre-recoded video that they must have done earlier.


Edit: What Happenstance said.


Ah, that kinda thing doesn't bother me. In a way, I'm more impressed that it was intended to be real live gameplay, rather than just pretending.


I felt sorry for the guy running the demo as it cut to him at the very end with his name on screen, obviously to show that it was a real demo and he just kind of shrugged and walked off lol


Don't forgot about the PS Media Player which are already out and you can use your HDD or DNLA to watch your pirated videos haha.


Games I want to buy:

Uncharted 1-3 Remastered and Uncharted 4.


Horizon the Game

Persona 5

Mass Effect Andromeda

Destiny Taken King expansion. (Possible Digital DLC instead of buy the Legendary Edition)


Games I might consider to buy:

FF7 Remastered


Star Wars Battlefront


God I can't wait for uncharted... But never liked FF7, and although I'm looking forward to Shemue, it's a pretty disgusting way to fund the game!! Will any of this be out before E3 2016?

although I'm looking forward to Shemue, it's a pretty disgusting way to fund the game!!


If there's better way to fund a game that was a financial flop on a dying console 14 years ago and was only played by a relatively small (albeit passionate) amount of people, im sure Yu Suzuki would love to hear it.


Fans themselves have been calling for them to make a Kickstarter campaign for years now.


I still have a hard time beleiving it. It's just unreal. I've been excited at game reveals before, bit this is the first time I've been genuinely emotional. It's silly I know, but I had accepted the fact that I'd never know the end of the story, but to hear that it's now coming out is like being told that a friend has been brought back from the dead.


I really don't get the comments about Shenmue's funding being 'disgusting'. How the fuck is paying £18.54 up front disgusting compared to £40-50 when it is released? Do people just not like maths or something?


The funny thing is that you can obviously still buy the game when it comes out instead of paying now.


If Sony thought it was such big news to bleat about in their conference why aren't they funding it?! I can't believe people are okay with stuff like this... And i't snot about me personally, it's not about feeling like I have to fund it personally and obviously can wait (no idea where that even can from) I just find the practice of this quite disgusting. Kickstarter is becoming an easy place for rich people to get stuff funded for free, with the funders taking all the risk, and get no financial benefit.


I think Sony putting into the conference as a big thing made it even worse, just felt phenomenal cheeky to me! Imagine Nintendo announcing F Zero U, kickstarter campaign starting just after the direct...


As @Happenstance and various other people have said, the $2 million is most likely a proof of interest. The'll get more money from other places. Probably Sony, too. And for $29 you essentially pre-order your copy of the game. Is that really that weird? $29 seems pretty cheap for a game.


If only Nintendo started a kickstarter campaign for the games we actually wanted. If only.

Imagine Nintendo announcing F Zero U, kickstarter campaign starting just after the direct...


Well, it would probably be even more of a success than Shenmue III, so...I don't get your point.

As @Happenstance and various other people have said, the $2 million is most likely a proof of interest. The'll get more money from other places. Probably Sony, too. And for $29 you essentially pre-order your copy of the game. Is that really that weird? $29 seems pretty cheap for a game.


If only Nintendo started a kickstarter campaign for the games we actually wanted. If only.


Fine if people like it, just feels like an easy way to get free money for me, I like kickstarter, a lot, but when big artists and companies get involved it just feels wrong.


But fair enough. Trust me, however much I wanted a new F Zero and Wave Race I'd be equally disgusted by a kickstarter to make them happen. Kickstart should be for independent artists!!


Well, it would probably be even more of a success than Shenmue III, so...I don't get your point.


It's not about success, it's about huge companies and successful artists getting free money from the public.

It's not about success, it's about huge companies and successful artists getting free money from the public.


The public gets something in return...so it's not really free?

If Sony thought it was such big news to bleat about in their conference why aren't they funding it?! I can't believe people are okay with stuff like this... And i't snot about me personally, it's not about feeling like I have to fund it personally and obviously can wait (no idea where that even can from) I just find the practice of this quite disgusting. Kickstarter is becoming an easy place for rich people to get stuff funded for free, with the funders taking all the risk, and get no financial benefit.


I think Sony putting into the conference as a big thing made it even worse, just felt phenomenal cheeky to me! Imagine Nintendo announcing F Zero U, kickstarter campaign starting just after the direct...


No financial benefit, really? It's being offered for a fraction of the price it'll realistically be sold for at retail through kickstarter. That is, factually, a financial benefit.


The comparison to F-Zero doesn't work at all. F-Zero is a Nintendo game while this isn't a Sony game. Ergo, Sony would have to offer a lot of money to get full exclusivity, an amount they probably couldn't justify. This way is better for everyone; stretch goals mean more people may get it, and the price is cheaper. Sony are obviously backing it so will help see it is released.


I am going do disrupt this discussion with this:


What we've (or rather I've) seen so far at E3:


Games announced/talked about/shown in the conference


Horizon: Zero Dawn

Street Fighter V

No Man's Sky


Final Fantasy VII Remaster

Shenmue III


Uncharted 4

World of Final Fantasy

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Devlover Digital Games Reel


Until Dawn


Destiny - The Taken King

The Last Guardian

Assassins Creed Syndicate


Games coming to PS4 that have been announced/talked about/shown in other conferences


Trackmania Turbo

Mass Effect Andromeda

Need For Speed

Star Wars Battlefront

For Honor

The Division


Just Dance 2016

RainbowSix Siege

Ghost Recon Wildlands

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

NBA Live 16

Beyond Eyes


Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2



Even though we don't know release dates for most of them, yet...this line-up is damn impressive.


Hoping to see a lot of Indie announcements soon.


So what are the big PS4 releases for the end of 2015?


Destiny: The Taken King

Fallout 4

MGS The Phantom Pain

Mad Max

Assassin's Creed

Black Ops

Star Wars Battlefront


Hmmm...no exclusives but slightly less bothered because of the multiplatforms games.


Yeah, it's not the right thread for it, was just really surprised I guess.


It's all about Battlefield for me. I'm a sucker for any Star Wars game, never mind one that looks as good as this!!!


If there's voice chat in this game and people don't do voices which reflect their character, I'm changing lobby!


I'm terrible at Battlefront/Battlefield type games but having it set in the Star Wars universe... I don't care how rubbish I am. Day one :D

It's not about success, it's about huge companies and successful artists getting free money from the public.


I would agree with you on this if it were actually true for Shenmue. Shenmue 3 is far from a guaranteed success for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post (14 year gap, financial flop, dying console etc).


It would be almost impossible to convince a company to financially back Shenmue 3. Hell, I wouldn't if I were in their position and I am jonesing hard for it. I imagine Yu Suzuki has tried and failed many a time. Turning to Kickstarter has raised some of the money it needs and shown potential investors that the demand is there (and boy is it).


I'll admit it is a bit cheeky for Sony to feature it, but let's face it, it was never going to be shown unless someone had it in their show. I'm just thankful it wasn't Nintendo, otherwise no one would play it (althought it would be fitting for it to appear on another dying console #loljokes)

there are still new games being announced!


Where do you get the information?


On my usual gaming news sites it's currently just Nintendo and Square Enix news.

I've used youtube for 50% of the stuff this year.


Square enix conference was what i was reffering to. Afew PS4 games there. There is more via game websites covering stuff not shown at conference.


We got Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls coming to PS4 in Europe only.


Ah, I somehow interpreted your "new games announced" as "new indies announced" and I still miss those :D


Yeah, the SE conference had some cool announcements.


Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:

Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:


Well, if you do, there are shit loads of us to play with here.Really glad this place is as active as it is. Makes playing PS4 even better.

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