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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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So the girlfriend is going away for two weeks so I'm thinking of buying a PS4...at last!


I'll probably grab Bloodborne and The Last of Us, but GTA 5 and Driveclub are tempting. My question is: where is the best place to buy one from, given that those are the games that I want? I've spotted Bloodborne and TLoU for £349 at GAME..is that my best option?


Secondly, I have Hotline Miami 2 on VITA...I'll be able to play that on PS4, right?

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So the girlfriend is going away for two weeks so I'm thinking of buying a PS4...at last!


I'll probably grab Bloodborne and The Last of Us, but GTA 5 and Driveclub are tempting. My question is: where is the best place to buy one from, given that those are the games that I want? I've spotted Bloodborne and TLoU for £349 at GAME..is that my best option?


Secondly, I have Hotline Miami 2 on VITA...I'll be able to play that on PS4, right?


Apparently Hotline Miami 2 is cross-buy. I didn't know that.


If you want Bloodborne and TLoU, then £349 seems like a good deal to me. I'd hop on that.


DriveClub is wonderful, beautiful, wow much beauty, such sound, etc. One of my favourite games. £20 off amazon.


Obviously get PS+.

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Apparently Hotline Miami 2 is cross-buy. I didn't know that.


If you want Bloodborne and TLoU, then £349 seems like a good deal to me. I'd hop on that.


DriveClub is wonderful, beautiful, wow much beauty, such sound, etc. One of my favourite games. £20 off amazon.


Obviously get PS+.


Yeah PS+ sounds amazing! So much good content for such a small price...


Wicked, I might just order DriveClub too then. Stoked to play Hotline Miami 2 on my TV...GOAT.

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£288 + £12 + £35... £15 to do a little Tomb Raiding ;) (base.com)


My wallet is crying.


I'm definitely getting Axiom Verge. I still can't believe that the best Metroidvania title since Metroid Prime isn't on the bloody Wii U!!!

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My wallet is crying.


I'm definitely getting Axiom Verge. I still can't believe that the best Metroidvania title since Metroid Prime isn't on the bloody Wii U!!!


Awww fuck yeah. Get Tomb Raider.


So, that's The Last of Us, Drive Club, BloodBorne and Tomb Raider. Awesome. That'll keep you sorted for a long while. :)


As for Axiom Verge, I've heard good things about it. Not in the mood for eet at the moment since all I want to do is BloodBorne, but will check it out eventually.


You're unlucky not to have joined PS+ last month. OddWorld, Valiant Hearts, Counterspy and OlliOlli2. Incredible month. Gutted, brah.

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Awww fuck yeah. Get Tomb Raider.


So, that's The Last of Us, Drive Club, BloodBorne and Tomb Raider. Awesome. That'll keep you sorted for a long while. :)


As for Axiom Verge, I've heard good things about it. Not in the mood for eet at the moment since all I want to do is BloodBorne, but will check it out eventually.


You're unlucky not to have joined PS+ last month. OddWorld, Valiant Hearts, Counterspy and OlliOlli2. Incredible month. Gutted, brah.


Don't rub it in :heh:


Yeah, the amount of content is absolutely crazy! With the Wii U it's a case of 1 title every few months but the PS4 got Bloodborne, Hotline Miami 2 and Axiom Verge all within a couple of weeks. Looking forward to getting it now..will likely order at the beginning of next week :)

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You're definitely joining the PS4 club at the right time, although saying that, having not owned a PS before I was still totally infatuated when I bought mine last June.


I got Axiom Verge, definitely recommend it to Metroid fans. It's more Metroid than Metroid has been since Super Metroid. I'm totally stuck but still enjoying it. :D


You'll already have a hefty back catalogue of games to get through and it seems 2 or 3 indie games come out a week so there's always something new. Oh and No Man's Sky.

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Don't rub it in :heh:


Yeah, the amount of content is absolutely crazy! With the Wii U it's a case of 1 title every few months but the PS4 got Bloodborne, Hotline Miami 2 and Axiom Verge all within a couple of weeks. Looking forward to getting it now..will likely order at the beginning of next week :)


Haha, couldn't resist.


I imagine you'll be the type of person who would enjoy something like Transistor. That's definitely worth giving a go.



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I've just realised I've missed the last couple month's PS+ games. D'oh!


I need to switch my PS4 back on at some point. Both it and the WiiU are just gathering dust thanks to my 3DS and (now) Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

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I've just realised I've missed the last couple month's PS+ games. D'oh!


I need to switch my PS4 back on at some point. Both it and the WiiU are just gathering dust thanks to my 3DS and (now) Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

Remember you can just do it from your laptop/phone too.
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Ah poop! Now I feel like even more of a dunce! Haha


Yeah, it's much easier to just go to the Playstation Store on your phone or laptop and download them from there. I also download the PS3 and Vita games on the off-chance I ever get one of those. Currently, I have moarrr PS3 games than I do on the WiiU and I don't even own the system. :D

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