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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Same, I'm holding off playing The Last of Us and Tomb Raider on PS3 to play the PS4 versions later on in the year, can't wait! :D (rumours the Mass Efect Trilogy might also get next-gen release too, which will be cool having not played them).


Yep Flow and Flower are on PS4.


Personally I wouldn't buy a second hand console, but there's not necessarily likely to be anything wrong with it of course. Although I think there's been a bad case or two of buying a second hand console on here recently.


Oh god FLink, I can't wait for you to play Journey whenever you get yourself a PS3 :)


Yeah, brah. I'm worried that I'll get dicked over with a borked PS3 if I get one second hand. Tempted to get a bundle or something, but a 100 quid or so more will net me a PS4, so I'm not sure it's worth it in the long run for me. Think I'll just bide my time and get the PS4.


Mass Effect Trilogy on PS4 would make me hnnnnnggggg.

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I'll be watching the Sony conference this year as I'm not holding out much hope for Nintendo coming up with the goods.


Quick question: Game are selling pre-owned 320gb Playstation 3 consoles. I don't fancy buying a new one at 160-180 or so when I can just keep saving a bit moar and can pick up a PS4 later this year. How..."dangerous" is it going for a pre-owned console these days? Is it likely to be borked?


Now that I know that the likes of The Last of Us and Tomb Raider are on PS4, that's two major reasons for me to get a PS4. Is it true that FlOw and Flower are on there too as I really want to play these two.


Not sure if this stands for pre-owned PS3s in general, but I bought one in February 2013, and by September it was fucked; would just randomly shut off about half an hour into play, no lights, no nothing. The only way to get it to turn on again was to unplug it from the mains and then plug it in again after waiting about five minutes.


In general, tread lightly with last gen consoles pre-owned. Part way through production a law was passed that put some sort of sanctions on lead based components in electronics, and the sauter they used had to be replaced with something flimsier that wasn't cut out to handle the heat dissipation you typically got with those consoles. Which is what caused the RROD and the PS3 errors as well. The longer those consoles spend from the production line, the likelier some sort of fault is going to be.


I'd say just hold on and get the PS4.

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Not sure if this stands for pre-owned PS3s in general, but I bought one in February 2013, and by September it was fucked; would just randomly shut off about half an hour into play, no lights, no nothing. The only way to get it to turn on again was to unplug it from the mains and then plug it in again after waiting about five minutes.


In general, tread lightly with last gen consoles pre-owned. Part way through production a law was passed that put some sort of sanctions on lead based components in electronics, and the sauter they used had to be replaced with something flimsier that wasn't cut out to handle the heat dissipation you typically got with those consoles. Which is what caused the RROD and the PS3 errors as well. The longer those consoles spend from the production line, the likelier some sort of fault is going to be.


I'd say just hold on and get the PS4.


Sound advice, brah.


What are the rumours flying around for Sony at E3? Anything plausible or are there just as many bullshit rumours as associated with Nintendo before E3?

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If they do bring Mass Effect trilogy to PS4/Xbone, it'd be nice for them to fix the fact that Mass Effect 3 couldn't support a holster animation because the systems it was made for didn't have enough RAM. I shit you not, when Orbis and Durango were announced this was the thing I was most excited about.

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If they do bring Mass Effect trilogy to PS4/Xbone, it'd be nice for them to fix the fact that Mass Effect 3 couldn't support a holster animation because the systems it was made for didn't have enough RAM. I shit you not, when Orbis and Durango were announced this was the thing I was most excited about.


One thing I'd love to see is having all the DLC (it has to be included this time) properly merged with the game, so they get given to you throughout the game (instead of all at the start) and they feel more like part of the story.

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One thing I'd love to see is having all the DLC (it has to be included this time) properly merged with the game, so they get given to you throughout the game (instead of all at the start) and they feel more like part of the story.


Yeah, it really messed up the pacing, and made it difficult to properly keep track of all the plot points. Which sucks especially for DLC like Shadow Broker and Leviathan which were pretty much essential to the story.

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I'll be watching the Sony conference this year as I'm not holding out much hope for Nintendo coming up with the goods.


Quick question: Game are selling pre-owned 320gb Playstation 3 consoles. I don't fancy buying a new one at 160-180 or so when I can just keep saving a bit moar and can pick up a PS4 later this year. How..."dangerous" is it going for a pre-owned console these days? Is it likely to be borked?


Now that I know that the likes of The Last of Us and Tomb Raider are on PS4, that's two major reasons for me to get a PS4. Is it true that FlOw and Flower are on there too as I really want to play these two.


Don't forget that Game and CEX offer a twelve month warranty with second hand consoles.

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My PS4 should hopefully and finally be on its way this week. A copy of Second Son has been taunting me on my desk for a couple of weeks now:nono: but least once it arrives I'll have plenty to play over the coming months. Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, Octodad, Resogun, Nidhogg are all too on my list of games to play :)


E3 this year is going to be a weird one for me. I won't be able to watch any of the events live because of full time job and it's pretty much going to be near impossible to remain spoiler free until I get home as I'm in the industry::shrug:.


So tempted to just take a couple of days off as watching the GT live programme and Giant Bomb nightly shows are also what make E3 enjoyable to me (and of course N-E chat! :D).


I'll be watching the Sony conference this year as I'm not holding out much hope for Nintendo coming up with the goods.


Quick question: Game are selling pre-owned 320gb Playstation 3 consoles. I don't fancy buying a new one at 160-180 or so when I can just keep saving a bit moar and can pick up a PS4 later this year. How..."dangerous" is it going for a pre-owned console these days? Is it likely to be borked?


I was going to suggest whether you have any spare laptop HDDs? As you could buy a cheap super slim and hard drive cradle. But the £100 GAME preowned PS3s for the Slim looks to be incredible value. I would personally go for them, not sure how long the offer is up for though.

Edited by Rowan
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Would also like to see Santa Monica work on a new IP (yes I know that Stig's game was cancelled, but I'd still like to see something else that is not another God of War game)


Though a cheeky GOW3 1080p/60 re-release on PS4 wouldn't go amiss ;)


Otherwise I just want some surprises from Sony. Show me something that I wouldn't expect!

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It would be sweet as fuck if TLG finally made it, but I can't shake the feeling that it will be horribly outdated, and not merely in graphical terms. The style is still ace, but, man, it's been a looooong time. They'll probably have to put it on PS4 to recuperate costs, assuming they're ludicrously high.

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It would be sweet as fuck if TLG finally made it, but I can't shake the feeling that it will be horribly outdated, and not merely in graphical terms. The style is still ace, but, man, it's been a looooong time. They'll probably have to put it on PS4 to recuperate costs, assuming they're ludicrously high.


I don't even care if the graphics are "outdated" I honestly don't give a toss. I'd be happy with what we saw before at 1080p, hell I'd be happy if looked no better than SOTC running in 1080p and played like it too; I just want to play it already :(

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Fuck me sideways.


I just realised that I have a week off from university when E3 begins. : peace:


Ohhhh...long nights in the NE-Chat full of games, hype, love, hate and sexual innuendos.


I'll try to watch as many conferences as I can, but will put my focus on Sony's.

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