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Pokemon Wii U (Wanted / Why isn't it happening?)


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The ever nearing release of Ni No Kuni for the PS3 has again got me and I'm sure countless other people questioning... Why has there never been a full on Pokémon Console RPG?


For those who don't know, this is Ni No Kuni, a game originally for the Nintendo DS in Japan that has now received a full budget worldwide release on the PS3...




The game is developed between Level 5 and Studio Ghibli, and basically looks like an Anime in motion, it's beautiful! And the main hook for the battle system is in capturing creatures called Familiars and training/evolving them up to fight alongside you in battle.


But all I keep on thinking is how this game isn't Pokémon and how Nintendo are still yet to do this! The series would translate so well it's unreal!




Pokémon is an anime franchise! It has it's own TV show, it has a studio that works on yearly movies. So like Studio Ghibli, why not one year produce a video game out of that years movie script instead?


I think Nintendo have said in the past that they see Pokémon as a portable game, people playing it on the move, and the way the games started off with you trading Pokémon with friends via link cable and have of course continued to evolve down this route... but is that not because this is what these games have always been?


They have never tried a full on console version, all we have ever got has been 3D battle arena's in the form of the Stadium games and spin-off's such as Pokémon Snap and Hey You Pikachu etc... There was Pokémon XD or whatever it was called for the Gamecube, but again it was a terrible half assed attempt.


Nintendo have always played it safe when it comes to Pokémon.


OK so a console version may not sell anywhere near the same numbers as the handheld versions, but if they are that focused on numbers, why are they making Pikmin 3 their key First Party game for Q1/Q2... a franchise that has only ever sold in relatively small numbers... they don't seem to mind putting money and resources behind that! In fact probably every half-assed Pokémon game to have come out on a home console has probably sold more than the Pikmin games.


They could do a handheld version and a console version of Pokémon that link up. Or make the console version that generations equivalent of the third Pokémon title (so the Wii U would get Pokémon 'Z' for example as a full on RPG adventure).


And if Nintendo don't want to do it, well Nintendo have a pretty great relationship with Level 5, why not have them do it!

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Because the games suit the handheld format so perfectly. The massive costs of producing a full console RPG - as well as stuff like how the Pokémon will interact (a standard Pokémon battle layout would not work), taking into account the size of the Pokémon and a great manner of other things (the settings would have to be massively more detailed and interactive).


Having the quality you would expect from a Pokémon RPG on a console would be a massive undertaking. Either it would look incredibly cheap, or it would be one of the most expensive games ever.


And the end result for Nintendo? I would certainly sell less than a handheld Pokémon RPG.

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Because the games suit the handheld format so perfectly. The massive costs of producing a full console RPG - as well as stuff like how the Pokémon will interact (a standard Pokémon battle layout would not work), taking into account the size of the Pokémon and a great manner of other things (the settings would have to be massively more detailed and interactive).


Having the quality you would expect from a Pokémon RPG on a console would be a massive undertaking. Either it would look incredibly cheap, or it would be one of the most expensive games ever.


And the end result for Nintendo? I would certainly sell less than a handheld Pokémon RPG.

Did you read my post, it doesn't seem like you did?

Nintendo are making Pikmin 3 their First Party game for the first half of 2013... Pikmin... probably one of their lowest selling franchises ever! Yet they'll happily dedicate 5 years worth of studio time to making it!


Just like Ni No Kuni, a Pokémon game could have it's cutscenes produced by the Pokémon TV/Movie house; those guys must have it down... the speed at which they are able to rattle out the series and annual movies! Nintendo could easily utilise this!


I don't get the sales argument, because the sales of a Mario Galaxy or a Skyward Sword etc... will also pale into insignificance next to a handheld Pokémon. So if that's the case why doesn't Nintendo shut up shop and just produce handheld Pokémon and New Super Mario Bros games?


Ni No Kuni is still getting made despite 'the costs of a full console RPG'... and that doesn't have the luxury of the Pokémon name behind it!


Nintendo can still make the handheld Pokémons. With Mario they are happy to produce both 3D and NSMB games, so why not do the same with the Pokémon franchise? and like I also said, if they don't want to do it, why not outsource the console game to someone like Level 5?

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Ni No Kuni is still getting made despite 'the costs of a full console RPG'... and that doesn't have the luxury of the Pokémon name behind it!


From that trailer, Ni No Kuni is fairly low budget. If Nintendo announced a massive Pokémon RPG - as in the "catch 'em all" - would everyone really be happy with something from two generations ago? A move like that could potentially damage the franchise's image.


One thing that I think would work really well is a completely different kind of RPG, one that's story driven and not this massive quest to catch everything. Then everything could be much more focused.

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I will always agree that Nintendo aren´t doing much, and haven´t done much, in regards to Pokemon on consoles. Whats with you guys that always jump in to say no? How can a good try at it hurt so much? Go check eBay/CEX, even the lower quality GC pokemon titles are STILL selling for a high price... People want this! And I´m really beginning to feel its this sort of refreshment in thinking that will sustain the Wii U in the long run.

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If Nintendo started doing Collectors Editions I think a life size Pokeball, plus a working Pokedex for the Premium Edition are in order!? :p


This post just made me think of something that would be quality for the Wii U.


Using the GamePad as a Pokédex you could use it similar to how Pokémon Snap worked.

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I will always agree that Nintendo aren´t doing much, and haven´t done much, in regards to Pokemon on consoles. Whats with you guys that always jump in to say no? How can a good try at it hurt so much? Go check eBay/CEX, even the lower quality GC pokemon titles are STILL selling for a high price... People want this! And I´m really beginning to feel its this sort of refreshment in thinking that will sustain the Wii U in the long run.
Exactly, if it had been Pokémon Wii U getting announced last weeks instead of Pokémon X and Y, even with a Christmas 2014 release date, it would have created a huge story and a real boost for the future of the Wii U! The 3DS doesn't need the help the Wii U does.


Personally I'm getting really fed up of Nintendo's rinse and repeat attitude towards it's game development. It would be nice for them to mix things up and create some surprises now and again.


This post just made me think of something that would be quality for the Wii U.


Using the GamePad as a Pokédex you could use it similar to how Pokémon Snap worked.

OMG yes! :D


So you use the Gamepad to scan your TV screen for wild Pokémon (like the scanner in Lego City Stories), or to find info out about a Pokémon you come across on your journey, and once you've used the screen to scan it, you get this...



Brilliant! :D


See it's these fresh ideas/new experiences/ways to play that would keep me far more interested in the franchises than the minimal changes you get to each new edition of the handheld games!

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Nintendo are making Pikmin 3 their First Party game for the first half of 2013... Pikmin... probably one of their lowest selling franchises ever! Yet they'll happily dedicate 5 years worth of studio time to making it!


I think this is an excellent point. I've thought for a few years now that Nintendo's biggest problem is resources. They spend so long making games that people won't be so excited about, and yet do not have something like a Metroid or a Zelda every year, which people would more likely be enthused by. I know they can't make a Zelda every year, but I mean the equivalent.


Now as for a Pokémon RPG (and this is not aimed at you, Retro Link, just talking generally now), I'm going to stay neutral on that one, as I don't play them. When I see any videos of Ni No Kuni, my foremost thought is "Get Level-5 making a new Dragon Quest!" It'd be a great shame if they never made another, as they're so talented.

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I really can't stand the anime, I hope they are never influenced too much by it when making future games. The animation is horrid, the characters are stupid and the Pokemon monotonously repeat their names. Pokemon games deserve much more quality!
I think Pokémon deserve much more quality than Nintendo are currently giving it on the handhelds though; it's all getting so repetitive. Also I'd take the Pokémon repeating their names over and over clearly in an anime through the TV, than listening to bleeps over and over from a handheld speaker.




Also the Gamepad could be used for photography side-quests!

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I've always, and still think that the Pokemon main series should be a portable affair.


But, with the recent popularity of cross-platform play and save data swapping, I'm sure there's definitely something they can do here. I can't think of what they could do, but then again, I'm not a game designer! But surely opting for a premium version of third release or so for the Wii U so you can play on the move and at home on the big screen with enhanced features or something, whilst those who have both can transfer the saves over from one system to the other on the fly?


Heck, I'd buy that in a heart beat, especially if it allowed you to have an extra save for the handheld copy.

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Done in a animated style akin to Ni Nu Kuni? sign me up for one of those!


I don't see why we couldn't get a pokemon game on the WiiU, all it really needs to do is shift focus from being gym/pokemon league as the main story to something else, it could be all about a disaster befalling the world and be a typical RPG affair, hell it could be anything really! the Anime didn't focus solely on gyms so a console Pokemon RPG could do the same, thus leaving the collecting/gym battling elements to a handheld

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Done in a animated style akin to Ni Nu Kuni? sign me up for one of those!


I don't see why we couldn't get a pokemon game on the WiiU, all it really needs to do is shift focus from being gym/pokemon league as the main story to something else, it could be all about a disaster befalling the world and be a typical RPG affair, hell it could be anything really! the Anime didn't focus solely on gyms so a console Pokemon RPG could do the same, thus leaving the collecting/gym battling elements to a handheld

Exactly, make it much more story focused, like one of the Pokémon movies (only way better of course), only this time as a game.
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From that trailer, Ni No Kuni is fairly low budget. If Nintendo announced a massive Pokémon RPG - as in the "catch 'em all" - would everyone really be happy with something from two generations ago? A move like that could potentially damage the franchise's image.


One thing that I think would work really well is a completely different kind of RPG, one that's story driven and not this massive quest to catch everything. Then everything could be much more focused.


Agree to this. I think a "proper" Pokemon console RPG would damage the franchise just as an MMO would (@Serebii - let's hope no one starts that thread up again!)


If anything the Pokemon franchise needs to diversify, as Cube says, make a different kind of game. Fuck, why don't they just make a SimCuty clone for the Pokemon world. It would make a killing!

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Agree to this. I think a "proper" Pokemon console RPG would damage the franchise just as an MMO would (@Serebii - let's hope no one starts that thread up again!)


If anything the Pokemon franchise needs to diversify, as Cube says, make a different kind of game. Fuck, why don't they just make a SimCuty clone for the Pokemon world. It would make a killing!

I don't agree. Why do you think it would damage the Pokémon name? Mario isn't damaged by the Paper Mario name for example.


I think if you asked gamers if they wanted a console Pokémon RPG or a Pokémon Sim City, they'd want the RPG. People have been asking for it for years. A Pokémon Sim City would just be another Spin Off that no one is really asking for and again people would be disappointed that once again the Pokémon console game wasn't what they wanted and Nintendo have wasted time and money making it... and the wait will go on.

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Whenever this convo crops up, all I think about is Pokemon Colosseum and it makes me :nono:


Stick to handheld I think.


I don't know whether having a full Pokemon console RPG would 'damage' the brand, but it certainly wouldn't propel it further and give it a whole new level of success.


The game fits being a handheld. The amount of kids I see out and about whether in town, on holiday on public transport that are glued to their DS's playing Pokemon is crazy.

And I think parents are cool with letting their kids play it handheld. Imagine a game of this size on the Wii U - I don't think for one min parents would like to let their kids be glued to the TV screen for as long as they are their DS - as it's not portable.


Also, the amount of kids that have a DS lets them battle and trade with their friends relatively problem free.

Having a console version would kind of remove this part of the game for a lot of the market (particularly the young ones), and that kinda defeats the object of the games right?


I dunno. I don't think it'll ever happen and I personally don't really find the idea all that appealing.

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How well have past Pokemon console games sold?
VGChatrz shows...


Pokémon Stadium - 5.45m

Pokémon Snap - 3.63m

Pokémon Stadium 2 - 2.73

Pokémon Colosseum - 2.54m

Hey You Pikachu - 1.83m

Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness - 1.25m


Pikmin - 1.63m

Pikmin 2 - 1.2m


So pretty much every Console Pokémon game, despite being a half-game, half-assed game, terrible game, or a spin off no one really wanted, has sold more than the Pikmin games. And yet Nintendo will happily spend time and money developing a Pikmin 3, when the downward trend in sales of the first two games show it might not even make 1million.

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