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Predictions for Nintendo in 2013?


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IGN have given it a go...


While we already know some of the things coming our way in 2013, yesterday's Pokémon announcement only further proved that the Big N undoubtedly has much more up its sleeve. Below you'll find 10 predictions from IGN's Nintendo Team as to what we might expect to see before that shiny ball descends Times Square once more. Some of them are more out there than others, but we think all of them are at least reasonably possible. Take a look, then let us know your own predictions in the comments!



1 Neither of Nintendo’s systems will see an abundance of software releases, forcing Wii U and 3DS owners (and Nintendo) to talk about quality over quantity. It’s like the N64 era all over again…


2 Both Zelda and Metroid will appear in 2013, though in what style and on what platforms is anyone’s guess.


3 With the assembly of the Namco Bandai team last year, Smash Bros. on the Wii U and 3DS will make an appearance at E3 2013 – but won’t arrive until 2014.


4 Building on our first point (quality vs. quantity), Nintendo will make several key partnerships, and perhaps licensing agreements, to retain third party support.


5 Nintendo has debated whether to remake Majora’s Mask or develop a sequel to A Link to the Past long enough - we say it will choose to revisit the SNES Zelda. We have New Mario, now we need New Zelda.


6 The Vitality Sensor returns. Because Nintendo is just crazy enough to do it. (Editor’s Note: This is just Rich’s prediction. Audrey thinks he’s a kook.)


7 Wii U is selling well, but not quite well enough. Expect a price cut from Nintendo as it tries to keep its console competitively priced in the face of new products from Sony and Microsoft.


8 Though hardly receiving the attention that the GBA and GameCube did, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Nintendo toy with 3DS and Wii U connectivity a lot more in 2013.


9 The legendary Shigeru Miyamoto has long hinted that he wants to explore new ideas through smaller projects. We’re anticipating at least one of those to surface this year – probably through the eShop.


10 Mario enjoyed a crazy active year in 2012. We wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo lets its mascot take a breather as it focuses efforts on preparing the next Mushroom Kingdom console adventure (Super Mario Universe?).


What are your thoughts on these, and what would yours be?

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I'm pretty excited to see what Nintendo have planned for the rest of the year.


Firstly, we surely should expect a sequel to Wii Sports to be demoed heavily at E3. The first game was a big system seller and I'm sure another one will make the Wii U a strong multiplayer console (as all Nintendo consoles are!).


Retro will surely show off their new game/IP, which should hopefully also get released at the end of 2013. hopefully it'll be a quality title that can wow people the same way Gears of War, Halo and Uncharted all did for their respective systems.


Nintendo have also brung back a couple of old franchises (Kid Icarus, Punch Out) so I'm hoping for a return of old an I.P making its way to the Wii U (Diddy Kong racing by Monster, please).


We've already got Bayonetta on the way and I expect some other big 3rd party games to release at the tail end of the year which we don't know about, whilst Zelda, Smash and Metroid will be shown at E3 too.


Nintendo have a LOAD of studios and we don't know what half of them are doing yet, so bring it on I say :)

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Yeah I'm really looking forward to a/the sequel to Wii Sports! We had that teaser Golf footage during one of their promo video's but there must be a full game in the works... especially in the absence of Mario Golf and Tennis on the Wii (seriously WTF was that about when you have a controller made for them! I'd even take a full on Mii Golf game or something it's so much fun!


Sequels to the Wii's greatest hits like Wii Sports/Fit could help the Wii U, as families who bought the Wii for those games, now some 5 years or whatever on, consider the sequels.


Hopefully we can count on Retro to bring a much needed new IP to the table for Nintendo, but with Retro I'll take whatever they bring! Tbh though I hope they're not being wasted on a franchise like Starfox or something that really is something Nintendo themselves could be working on or distributing elsewhere.


Also I wonder if Nintendo might look at forming a partnership with Disney this year?

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A new Wii Sports would be fantastic. Happily see it based on Wuhu Island again, love that place.


Surely a new Zelda will be announced at E3? Probably the 3DS one.


Wouldn't be surprised to see Super Mario Universe unveiled this year. I can't see them announcing console Mario and Zelda games at the same E3, so one this year and one next?

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The 3DS will continue to go from strength to strength - especially in Japan. New Pokemon, MH4, DQVII and a load of other unannounced titles will push sales through the roof again. As the price of the 3DS falls it will only continue to gain momentum and although it won't do the same numbers as the original DS, it'll certainly be impressive and wipe the floor with the competition.


The Wii U sales will continue to be sluggish and Nintendo will realise they need either Mario Kart or Smash Bros. to sort the issue. There will be a price cut - but I'm not sure when. The doomsayers will claim it's game over, but sales will be better than the GC and Nintendo will make profits. However it'll never recapture the Wii's appeal.


Software wise, releases will be thin on the ground for the Wii U and third party support will be sparse. However the quality of the Nintendo releases will be solid and the promise of Mario, Zelda, Metroid and a range of other titles will keep people interested. I wouldn't be surprised if Mario Kart on the Wii U wasn't rushed out for Christmas and heavily advertised.


E3 will be the big one. I expect a lot, but I'm also prepared for disappointment. However, as we haven't seen Mario, Zelda, DK, Star Fox, F-Zero, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Kirby or Pokemon on the Wii U yet - I'm hoping Nintendo have enough there to pull out some impressive goodness to get gamers talking positively about the system.

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E3 will be the big one. I expect a lot, but I'm also prepared for disappointment. However, as we haven't seen Mario, Zelda, DK, Star Fox, F-Zero, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Kirby or Pokemon on the Wii U yet - I'm hoping Nintendo have enough there to pull out some impressive goodness to get gamers talking positively about the system.


I think E3 will be ( have to be ) a big one for Nintendo this year. With the Microsoft looking very likely to show off the next Xbox and Sony probably doing the same for PS4, Nintendo need to show off the goods. I think this is why they have probably been very quiet about future releases on the Wii U.


The thought of seeing a new Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Zelda and Retros project is already making me giddy as a kid at Christmas.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say a Zelda on both 3DS and Wii U will be announced, they will both be new games and their own game in their own right BUT they will have some sort of connectivity for those who own both similar to the Oracle games.

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There will be no price cut, Nintendo can't afford it. Unlike the 3DS at launch, Nintendo are selling the console at a loss and don't have a profit margin that they can lop off. Doing so would be the worst thing they could possibly do; not only would it financially wreck them, it would also set a never-ending expectation that Nintendo devices always get heavy mark-downs shortly after launch (look at how many people are already expecting it after what happened to the 3DS!). It would become a phantom that would haunt them for generations to come!


Otherwise for Wii U... I think sales will be solid but not spectacular. It's not a repeat of the Wii by a longshot, but sales will ramp up as the software library builds up.


As for announcements, E3 will see a plethora of surprise announcements - designed to steal the PS4 and 720's thunder. Releases and announcements will be light until then (With the exception of maybe 1 more game, I think we're already looking at Nintendo's full Q1 and Q2 lineup - but their Q3 and Q4 lineup will remain a mystery until E3 and will include the Wii U version of DQX)


As for 3DS, this is the year that it really hits its stride, as the west finally catches up with all of the big belated Japanese releases that we've been waiting for like Fire Emblem Awakening and MH3U (which will also be the most successful game in the series, by nature of finally being released on a non moribund handheld in the west - possibly even being THE breakout hit of the series in the west, depending on how good of a marketing push it gets).


Bravely Default will get a western release courtesy of Nintendo, as will DQM 3DS, and DQ7 (Nintendo are too committed to the series to let it slide), along with Layton VS Ace Attorney, Layton 6 and Ace Attorney 5 (yes, all of them! - Layton 6 is due to come out in February, so it's possible that it could still release in the west this year, while the AA games have all come over reletively quickly before - if not, then very early 2014), SMT4, EO4, Fantasy Life, Inazuma Eleven Go (Go 2 will come out next year), Inazuma Eleven 123 (this one will also mark the series' first appearance in the US), Little Battlers Boost, Culdcept and Rune Factory 4. Some of the smaller titles like Soul Hackers and the upcoming Guild 02 games will also get a release over here but in eShop form only.


The three big announcements at E3 for 3DS will be the original 3DS Zelda game, SSB 3DS's unveiling (the Wii U game wont be shown till next year) and Monster Hunter 4 for the west. Wii U will be Nintendo's main focus though, with the likes of Retro's new game, the release of the Wii U VC that same day and playable Bayonetta 2 amongst many other surprise announcements there (a Luigi game maybe? Shibata did say that "The Year of Luigi starts with Luigi's Mansion 2" after all ;) )

Edited by Dcubed
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The Wii U sales will continue to be sluggish and Nintendo will realise they need either Mario Kart or Smash Bros. to sort the issue.



If you're right, they will release any/some games from this list:


Wii Sports (79.60 million)[2]**

Mario Kart Wii (32.44 million)[2][3]*

Wii Sports Resort (30.14 million)[2]*

Wii Play (28.02 million)[4][5]*

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (26.26 million)[2]**

Wii Fit (22.67 million)[4]*

Wii Fit Plus (20.48 million)[2]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (10.79 million)[4]

Super Mario Galaxy (10.68 million)[2]

Wii Party (7.94 million)[2]




seeing that NSMBWU is allready out and Smash Bros and Wii Fit U are already in development, that would leave sports, kart, play, fit, party and galaxy.


So, bottomline, I hope you are wrong as none of these games releasing would be unexpected for me :(


Actually, The Wonderfull 101 could be a real gem of a game :)

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Mario Kart, Metroid Prime 4 and Wii Sports U will be the big xmas releases I reckon and the first trailer/teaser for Zelda!


Price cut at christmas to combat ps4 and 720 when, hopefully by then, Nintendo can afford to cut without making a loss on it.


The big question mark is 3rd party support. Surely there is no reason why Ninteneo can't get EVERYTHING that's on the other consoles from the summer on wards> It's not looking good, but you never know.

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If you're right, they will release any/some games from this list:


Wii Sports (79.60 million)[2]**

Mario Kart Wii (32.44 million)[2][3]*

Wii Sports Resort (30.14 million)[2]*

Wii Play (28.02 million)[4][5]*

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (26.26 million)[2]**

Wii Fit (22.67 million)[4]*

Wii Fit Plus (20.48 million)[2]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (10.79 million)[4]

Super Mario Galaxy (10.68 million)[2]

Wii Party (7.94 million)[2]




seeing that NSMBWU is allready out and Smash Bros and Wii Fit U are already in development, that would leave sports, kart, play, fit, party and galaxy.


So, bottomline, I hope you are wrong as none of these games releasing would be unexpected for me :(


Actually, The Wonderfull 101 could be a real gem of a game :)


I think Kart and Smash Bros are the big ones as Smash Bros will bring in typical gamers and Kart will bring in a huge mix of 'casual' and 'core' players as it's a title that appeals to lots of different gamers.


But I also think an HD Wii Sports would be a draw too. However I can see Nintendo releasing it without any online capabilities and it being a bit of a dud compared to the originals.

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I'm pretty excited to see what Nintendo have planned for the rest of the year.


Firstly, we surely should expect a sequel to Wii Sports to be demoed heavily at E3. The first game was a big system seller and I'm sure another one will make the Wii U a strong multiplayer console (as all Nintendo consoles are!).

Oh, please god, no!

We've already had enough dull cash cows in the launch window. If Nintendo are going down the quality over quantity route, then I sure hope they don't consider Wii Sports to be quality.

Retro will surely show off their new game/IP, which should hopefully also get released at the end of 2013. hopefully it'll be a quality title that can wow people the same way Gears of War, Halo and Uncharted all did for their respective systems.

Yeah, that would be great.

As I wrote in my own thread: my wet dream is for Nintendo to buy the Perfect Dark license and give it to Retro. Like they bought the Bond license and gave it to Rare all those years ago :hug:

Nintendo have also brung back a couple of old franchises (Kid Icarus, Punch Out) so I'm hoping for a return of old an I.P making its way to the Wii U (Diddy Kong racing by Monster, please).

Actually, I feel it'd be a bit abundant to have two kart racers from first/second party. I know I myself bought both games for the N64, but I'd prefer Nintendo to release a Mario Kart with an adventure mode, Diddy Kong and the extra vehicles instead.

We've already got Bayonetta on the way and I expect some other big 3rd party games to release at the tail end of the year which we don't know about, whilst Zelda, Smash and Metroid will be shown at E3 too.

I personally hope we'll see a bunch of big name titles being Wii U confirmed, maybe with some extra content. Maybe an Arwing in GTA 5, a Varia Suit in Dead Space 3 or a Hyrule Field (OoT version, of course) map for Battlefield 4.

Nintendo have a LOAD of studios and we don't know what half of them are doing yet, so bring it on I say :)

Yeah, most definitely bring it on. Although I'm begging that the only game with "Wii" in the title that will get a sequel is Mario Kart Wii.

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- Wii U Sports and Mario Kart Wii U out this Christmas.


- Will coincide with a price cut and massive marketing drive.


- Bayonetta 2 out between September and November.


- Metroid, Zelda and proper Mario teased. No concrete details.


- Smash Bros. still not ready to be shown.

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I think IGN aren't going to be far off. I expect to see a Wii U Sports, though (looking forward to seeing this one). I think they'll cut the price six weeks after E3. They need momentum and if E3 doesn't give them any they're going to have to start generating it before Sony and Microsoft start taking up column inches (should this be 'pixel inches' now?).


I also there will be another annoucement out of left field that will sound better than it actually is (applies this statment to all the big conferences).

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But I also think an HD Wii Sports would be a draw too. However I can see Nintendo releasing it without any online capabilities and it being a bit of a dud compared to the originals.
That would be such a fail, but it's the sort of thing we've come to expect... that Nintendo need to change in 2013.
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That would be such a fail, but it's the sort of thing we've come to expect... that Nintendo need to change in 2013.


Indeed. I finally completed all 4 courses on Donkey Kong's Crash Course on Nintendo Land this morning. Not only can't I play Nintendo Land online, there's not even leader boards so I can show off my score. It's very backward.


I'm also waiting for the inevitable disappointment when Mario Kart and Smash Bros miss out on voice chat during online play.

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There's only one prediction I can make about Nintendo in 2013 and it's completely unfair because it's so obvious.


Nintendomination on the 3DS front at the very least, in Japan. The line up for the first half of this year is a monster, and considering Animal Crossing and Fantasy Life are being bottle necked by stock problems, those two will continue to dominate for some time.

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Oh, please god, no!

We've already had enough dull cash cows in the launch window. If Nintendo are going down the quality over quantity route, then I sure hope they don't consider Wii Sports to be quality.


Speak for yourself, but I loved Wii Sports and I can imagine that not only will it help shift consoles but it would be a fantastic party game. Yeah, it's not Zelda and Super Metroid, but they are still quality fun games.

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There's only one prediction I can make about Nintendo in 2013 and it's completely unfair because it's so obvious.


Nintendomination on the 3DS front at the very least, in Japan. The line up for the first half of this year is a monster, and considering Animal Crossing and Fantasy Life are being bottle necked by stock problems, those two will continue to dominate for some time.

This, very much this.


Nintendo have got the trifecta for Japan this year


Dragon Quest in February

Monster Hunter 4 in Summer

Pokémon X & Y in October


Each will spur sales of the console and reach 1m quickly. Pokémon will likely start at 2 million units on launch day 1. This alone will keep Nintendo in profit this year

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