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Pokemon X & Y


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I had a good lol moment when I seen this DBZ reference.




Also I spotted a nice little reference to HarmoKnight.




I had a good 2 hour session this morning and managed to nab the 3rd gym badge. I sweeped the whole gym just by using my level 42 Greninja. :D


Anyone know where Fly is? I wouldn't mind heading back to the various towns to see what clothes they have on offer.

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*senses a pokemon x and y trade specific board coming soon...*

OH LOOK MY FRIEND CODE!! 1075-2124-0980 add me, y'all!! :3

i wants all of the eevees.... MUAHAHAHAHA go forth my adorable army!! .....and you, fairy eevee even though you kinda creep me out :/


today i will be mainly asking folks "have you pre-ordered, and would you like rainbow-deer or bacon-bird?"

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The internet integration is really neat. Much more seamless than ever before, it's a joy to use. In my first wonder trade I got a Panpour, so that was quite fun. Although I feel bad for sending a rather less interesting pokemon in return.


Looking forward to seeing the rest of you in the friends tab on the bottom screen.

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SO...finally added my FC after forgetting for Animal Crossing (not that I've given up on that yet).


Also, my bro's FC is 537005900079 (please add us both!)


Game actually came yesterday! Pretty much shocked. The battle system flows way faster than expected. Only in the area after the first gym, but not actually spent much time on the game. I could not believe how many Mon were just in that FIRST patch of grass. Insanities!


Only one fault, that I didn't notice until I got the experience share, and that's when you mass level up. God, that stop/start fo the music before it gets going over and over literally hurts my brain like fingernails on a chalkboard.

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Are people using the Super Training game on the bottom screen? I've only been using it so far on my Froakie, but I guess I should really use it with all my pokémon? Is there any benefit to raising a pokémon's base stats when they are young rather than later on, and is there a limit to how high each pokémon's stats can be raised by doing this?


I haven't tried it yet but I know that each pokemon can receive 252 EV points into each stat (so 63 stat points) however as I haven't tried the super training yet I don't know if that is actually useful :/


And yeah doing it at an early level is fine! As they level up you'll notice the stat increases more and more.

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I was shocked at how far the second gym is from the first. Or all the events that take place before the second gym badge!


But it's good that there is room for more exploration and outside events rather than just running from town to town on a gym badge hunt!


Haven't tried the trade feature yet. Might give it a go today!

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Im a right little pokemon master - im beating 95% of people challenging me - easily beat a mega Charizard with Frogadier.


My in game name is Falcon, if youre curious and my team so far:







sword ghost whos name escapes me (btw how does it evolve? ive taken it to level 30+


Happy playing ladies and gents! I'd go as far and say that this is revolutionary... This pretty much answers the 'Pokemon in 3D' call. It doesn't need to be on a home console anymore, its just perfect.


I can imagine with the inevitable 'Z' version or Ruby/Sapphire remakes, the upgrades will be equally mind blowing. (every pokemon saying its name, full 3D etc)



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Got a CEX nearby? Check prices on their website and take a printout of the prices on there for a price match plus an extra pound at GAME.


CEX usually give way better prices.


I traded White 2 in toward Zelda. Usually GAME would have given £12. Gave me £23 when matching with CEX.


Shit didn't think of that. What's done is done, got X now.

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The slowdown in 3D mode on the battles is really bad. I've taken to just playing the whole thing in 2D.


Really enjoying the actual game though.


I really like that your Pokemon now get EXP for capturing a Pokemon. It takes away a significant chunk of the grinding you used to have to do.


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Yeah, I don't really play my 3DS in 3D ever anyway, but I tried it with the battles....horrendously bad. Don't care though! Game is awesssooommmmeeeee.


Just need those mons I talked about. Come on y'all wheres the love? I gots Amauras for you! (as soon as someone tells me who I can breed her with!) :p

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Yeah, I don't really play my 3DS in 3D ever anyway, but I tried it with the battles....horrendously bad. Don't care though! Game is awesssooommmmeeeee.


Just need those mons I talked about. Come on y'all wheres the love? I gots Amauras for you! (as soon as someone tells me who I can breed her with!) :p


I have a Binnacle if you want it? (I would happy take a margikarp for it).

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The slowdown in 3D mode on the battles is really bad. I've taken to just playing the whole thing in 2D.
Yep. It's unbelievable how bad it can get at times! :o Did GameFreak not optimize this game at all?! There's no way that any of these assets should be causing the frame rate to dip. ::shrug:

Anyway, 2D only for me now too.


On a more positive note though, I'm absolutely loving how quick the game saves. It's pretty much instant! icon14.gif

A minor thing I suppose, but nice all the same. :)

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My game arrived at 10 o'clock this morning, and I've played a couple of hours so far. What the reviews are saying about it still feeling like good ol' Pokémon, but with a dramatic lick of paint is absolutely right. It's just the breath of fresh air the series needs. Anyway, I've only just got my first gym badge, so quite a way behind most of you!

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