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I love the look of all the new Pokémon revealed in this week's CoroCoro. I hadn't been so keen on some of the more recently announced ones, but these are great! (And I'm always a sucker for cat Pokémon too..) Interesting to see the next evolution of the starters too. Chespin was always my least favourite of the starters, and I'm equally disappointed with his evolution. As for the other two, well I was definitely umming and ahhing about which one to go for, but by the looks of the evolution, it's going to be Froakie all the way!

  ClowKin said:
They do have levels in the anime, look at 2:21 of this episode

They did in the first 10 episodes but then scrapped it. Levels have never come up again, barring an offhand remark by Brock once, and we're 800 episodes in...ergo...


UK people.


There's almost certainly to be a Royal Mail strike on October 10th which could delay deliveries of Pokémon X & Y. Most likely places will adapt around this, but it means you won't get it early unless your place offers courier service. We'll know if there's to be a strike by the 3rd.


Just a warning

  Fused King said:


Someone told me that it is possible to set the language to Japanese.


Is this a fact?

Yes. All version of the games have all seven languages on them



  Serebii said:
UK people.


There's almost certainly to be a Royal Mail strike on October 10th which could delay deliveries of Pokémon X & Y. Most likely places will adapt around this, but it means you won't get it early unless your place offers courier service. We'll know if there's to be a strike by the 3rd.


Just a warning


Those cunts planned this, they fucking planned this!

Posted (edited)

Some neat footage in the new UK trailer. There seems to be a fair amount of slowdown in battles though.


Froakie confirmed to be the greatest starter so far, although I'm all about Squirtle so I'm unlikely to choose both water Pokémon. Maybe Chespin because I have faith.


Oh yeah, here's the video:


Edited by Guy

Well, there's always the digital version if the strikes happen. ;)



Tyrunt is a new favourite of mine. Not too sure on the starter evos, it's making harder to pick one.


Man those Mega animations take waaaaaaay too long.


And did they really name a Pokémon after what is pretty close to a euphemism for 'vagina'?


But lion Pokémon. YES. I shall call him Simba and he shall be my Simba!

  Serebii said:
Really hope they provide cool outfits through the Global Link like Ash's outfit, or a TR costume



Downloadable extras are cool but only if they come to all regions. I think it's really unfair that Japan got extra funfest misssions, event pokemon for Black/White and B/W 2 and Europe/America only get the key lengendary download events and some select C-gear skins.

  not_so_tiny said:
Do we know if the Pokedex keeps the tracking system from B&W2 where we can see what 'mons from certain areas we've caught/seen and what's left to catch? That was incredibly useful.

Not sure yet. I hope so because that makes my job SO much easier

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