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lol, everytime time one of your post has their names in I laugh. They must get that alot when you say what their names are to people, surely?


Everyone is used to it now to be fair, my friends all call them Dick and Beav now too. One of them actually asked me what Beav's real name is.


My mom even likes the nickname Beav. I just hope she never realises what it means as despite what it means I do actually like Beav.

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Everyone is used to it now to be fair, my friends all call them Dick and Beav now too. One of them actually asked me what Beav's real name is.


My mom even likes the nickname Beav. I just hope she never realises what it means as despite what it means I do actually like Beav.


Oh, so your mum doesn't actually realise the whole meaning of it then? Beav is actually a pretty cool name, yeah.

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Oh, so your mum doesn't actually realise the whole meaning of it then? Beav is actually a pretty cool name, yeah.


Yeah she just presumes im likening him to the animal. Although I'd be a bit disturbed if she knew what beaver was actually referring to :/

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Yeah she just presumes im likening him to the animal. Although I'd be a bit disturbed if she knew what beaver was actually referring to :/


Ah right, yeah I ws going to say, it would be wierd if she called him that knowing the double meaning. It's still an awesome name though, a great conversation starter :p

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Waitta kill the illusion. Always thought you were a snowman.



You're not even frost ridden for cripes sake. :(


Ha, yeah sorry about that ReZ, but it was rather summery so I had to leave my snowy persona in the fridge and take that tin of effervescence with coffee essence with me to make sure I could survive the stinkin heat...

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Wow darksnowman, I expected you to look like the guy in your avatar.

Eh? You mean I don't look like that geezer in me avatar? Hmm, when I've me red gel in and me red top on theres not much of a difference... :heh:

You look vaguely normal.

I have some vaguely normal moments, too. Only some mind.


so you really are a country then? and not a 13 year old boy? I am in real life two characters from the mighty boosh. Quirky huh?

I always imagined that Domjcg was some kinda double act- one part old Dennis the Menace, the other part... well I dunno!

And I'm an emo pikachu.

He is, and we all know it.:yay:


I am bowser for sure


Mcj = some big psychadelic, psychopathic nebula type thing thats full of the rage of Bowser, except he channels all his energy towards Metroid and everything to do with it.



Actually, someone should make a thread about how we perceive each other.



Here and Rapture... oh dear!

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Mcj = some big psychadelic, psychopathic nebula type thing thats full of the rage of Bowser, except he channels all his energy towards Metroid and everything to do with it.



Actually, someone should make a thread about how we perceive each other.



Here and Rapture... oh dear!


haha Well I have made it.. Don't know how it will be received.


Hey I'm not that full of rage..Only when I'm hungry or somthing.. :)

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coke blak was like, coffee coke wasnt it???


which leads me nicely onto this ridiculous picture of me in my coffee shop uniform..




tell me i dont look like a flight attendant - go on! this is worse than the pikachu costume @_______@ haha. thought you'd all enjoy a chuckle.. :P

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What sort of weird aviation themed coffee shop d ya work in!? :heh:




This is what I look like after just waking up...Although I was actually just bored of working and started messing around with the greatest app ever...Photo Booth!...I'm looking horribly unshaven...like a hobo...thats what happens when everyone I know is on holiday and I don't have to stay kempt! :hehe:

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