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Firstly I think I'm falling in love with Chair! :D


Coolness has a rival.




I'd post a video of me smiling and I actually went to grab my camera BUT I cannot find it!


Never mind I'll just post this picture of me enjoying christmas with my friend:




This clearly shows my happiness. :p WOOPS!


wrong picture. >___<


There you go:




Cheeky. :santa:

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I love how that drink cost £6.50, and how I didn't buy it. Yes, I've cheated life.


And I love that jacket-thing I'm wearing, which my friend gave to me (it belonged to his mum back in the 80s), and it still had its price-tag on (£95, which was probs loads back then), which feels stunning.

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I think this is the first time I've posted in this thread, enjoy a few pics from my new year!


My Dad and I at the start of the night:



Start of the night again, me in a stupid pose:



Bit later on with a friend of my mom's:



Much later on attacking my girlfriend:


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What do you people mean?


Oh god, just found a video of me and my mates playing soul calibur back at A level days in school, and I had long hair. So many fond memories :).



So attractive...=p


Edit: I am so doped up on medozlam that I think showing this is a good idea. Tomorrow morning will not be pleasant.

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Actually, that's just the asian reaction to Alcohol, which they can't deal with like Europeans. We made beer to clean water, they made tea. Centuries of debauchery later, we've developed a resistance to booze they don't share.


Got it in one. Most, if not all of the students, had never even tasted beer until that night. The funny thing is, Chinese beer is very, very weak. 3% alcohol usually, and just one bottle is enough to redden their faces and make them go crazy! It was so much fun!


Blushing at the really, really ridiculously good looking Jav?


Aww shucks, i couldn't possibly take that compliment from the love machine!

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