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And the worse thing is he wasn't drinking. This is the act of a sober man :p


Also. Whats with this guy on the left? http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~pike/party/party04.jpg


Weird photo, he's normally a good looking guy! Just caught him off guard. On Facebook that photo is being spread around on several profiles and he is untagging himself as quickly as he is tagged.




Completely sober. I have low inhibitions without booze. :heh:

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Mormons aren't supposed to drink (if Big Love has taught me anything :p). But then I don't know to what extend Odders follows this. (you know, like those crazy Christians who have sex before marriage and stuff)



I wins!

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If anyone says he looks like a woman there, I'll actually lol.


Looking good! ...For an aguilera fan, anyway. :p


He still looks like Anna Dodd, my friends legendarily hot/sought after sister.


Obviously she has tits and a lack of chest hair though.


I was about to grab a pic off facebook for the lol, but then realised I never added her as a friend (I can legitimately do so, as I used to like be in her prescence 24/7 for about 3 years).

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@ Odwin, Last picture is officially ......




....."Made of epic whinz" nice job.

It's genius. I'm not sure if I'd bumfuck someone in a picture. The lady doesn't seem that impressed either.



However a friend of the family and I do something similar, but the quality thing is to get in on someone's holiday snaps. The only downside is that you'll never see it.

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Work's Christmas party last night and I played that guy that tries to get in all the photos and pulls silly faces all night, spoiling everyone else's photos. Worked out pretty well.




This is by far my favourite! haha awesome work odders :bowdown:

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So I thought I should add a few more pics of myself, get in the community spirit so to speak!


So here's a few from last Friday - Playzone: a giant indoor kids' playground, which has an adults only night! Needless to say it was hilarious fun! Here's a few pics of me spinning around at ridiculous speeds before hurtling off into a net wall - yes it did hurt. It was also pre-birthday celebrations as I wasn't going to be able to see my gf on my actual birthday. And yes, she is forcing me to lick the end of a candle...she's lovely like that!



By pookiablo


Gotta love that facial expression....


By pookiablo


Down I go!


By pookiablo


Birthday cake!


By pookiablo


The infamous candle scene


By pookiablo


A mugshot from a couple of months back, no idea when and where exactly. Before I went for the squaddie look!


By pookiablo


And finally, the pensive drinker...


By pookiablo



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