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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Cheers mate, may give fajitas a try.


What I did want to ask though, does anyone have a cook book that they would recommend? Would be good if there was one for bodybuilders or something.


We picked up a load of cookery books on offer at Sainsburys, about 2 quid each. Tons of ideas in there, especially for curries with your meat/chicken/fish and vegetables, quite decent in terms of calories too as they're not too heavy on yoghurt, for example.


Be on the lookout. Supermarkets tend to have good deals, so keep your eyes open. Maybe even a local bookshop? Waterstones probably have tons of cookbooks in there, I'm sure you can find a bargain. You could try bodybuilding.com. There might be some meal ideas there.


It's worth investing in a good cookbook. For a couple of quid, you can get great ideas.

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Did deadlifts again today, managed to go up to 63kg for 5 reps, that is 10kg more than last time, whooo! Completely drained me, I sucked at my rows and curls after this. =P


Slowly improving, yay! Jim said these were my cleanest reps/sets too so my form is improving. Happy. =)

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I did say "fuaaaark, those were better than the last set!" so I guess that counts.


She is improving, though. The reps are getting cleaner and she seems to know what she's doing. Best set of deadlifts, yet. She's also quite decent at stiff-legged deadlifts, too. Impressive, Starfox.

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Back to the gym for the first time in 4 weeks. So close to getting a power clean PB! I seem to struggle with getting my elbows under hard and fast enough... anyone got any suggestions?


I would think that you'd need more power in the high pull part of the clean as more power gives a longer momentum in the air and thus giving you more time to get under the bar.

So either pull harder after the hip extension or see if you can get more out of the hip extension.

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So, things are picking up.




Trying to bulk up and I think its mentally the most challenging thing I've done (in your face degrees!) I'm currently hitting around 3000 calories a day, hoping to creep up to 4000. Obviously if I wanted to go really dirty I could just have a chocolate cake every night :p But I'm trying to just have more meals, and making sure I'm eating lots of quorn/beans/nuts. Plus the shakes! Just bought a huge pack that should last me a while, but all I can think is "my poor debit card!" It's not having an easy life lately.




Finally signed up (even though my NUS card isn't here, but I faked an enrolment letter). Had an induction today and the person just took my blood pressure, asked what I want to do, asked about my diet and that was it. And he was 15 minutes late. I know how to use the equipment, but I was expecting some help/advice about how to use it well. Think I'll ask another employee tomorrow.


Annoyingly every time I've been in the assisted bench press/squat machine has been in use the whole time. Going to aim for around 7am tomorrow in the hopes I'll have more luck. Using the free weights to do some lifts and will do squats tomorrow as well. Any other recommendations from people?

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Annoyingly every time I've been in the assisted bench press/squat machine has been in use the whole time. Going to aim for around 7am tomorrow in the hopes I'll have more luck. Using the free weights to do some lifts and will do squats tomorrow as well. Any other recommendations from people?


I wouldn't use the assisted bench press/squat machine. Their range of motion isn't great and isn't ideal. You'll come on far better doing them in a squat rack and bench.

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I wouldn't use the assisted bench press/squat machine. Their range of motion isn't great and isn't ideal. You'll come on far better doing them in a squat rack and bench.


That's all the gym has got. Doing some bench presses with free weights (or whatever you'd call it) and will do the same with squats.

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I've been Zumba-ing (if there is such a word) and it's not as bad as I thought it was. Looking at people doing it, it looks kind of half-arsed in a way but I will say that when I did it, it was quite okay but it didn't tire me out so much, which isn't a good thing. Also, the moves are kind of repetitive in a couple of songs and after one minute, I was seriously bored but there are a few good ones on there.


I'll be honest though, Just Dance knackers me out so much more and it's more fun too.

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I've been dieting and gyming much better so far this year and boy, I'm noticing dem gains! Very happy with how it's going so far :) This time last year I had put on A LOT of weight and exercise rarely happened. I weighed just under 14 stone and body fat was around 25%, but I've slimmed down a lot and body fat is down to 17%. Incredibly, my weight has gone UP to 14 stone, which makes sense giving that I'm lifting so much more.


Diet is the hardest thing though. Damn, that protein is expensive yo.

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Good going, @Mr_Odwin.


I've started lifting again after two weeks off with a bit of wrist pain. Hit the legs yesterday and managed to go decent with the back squats for the first time in a while. I enjoyed it. Every inch of my lower body (minus the pen0r) aches today. My arse...it hurts more than Raineeng's right now, ahaaaahah.

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I've never posted in here before but just needed some quick advice if anyone can help.


I'm skinny. Like really skinny ha, and I hate it. Long story short I've just started personal training sessions. Had first one last week, loved it, had second one last night. He really pushed me but I liked it, despite feeling like I was gonna pass out ha.


Today, I've played tennis in the afternoon and when I got home I was sat with my left arm (I'm left handed) resting on the arm of the chair (cup of tea in hand) and as I lifted my forearm to my mouth to drink my tea my elbow hurt a little and I felt a pop. Now it does it everytime I extend then bring my forearm toward me - like a bicep curl thing.


It isn't painful (or too painful) but it pops and I don't like it.


Any idea what this could be? My right arm doesn't do it, but I noticed yesterday when pushed on reps with some of the lifts my left arm was still ok - but my right was failing ha. I feel I could have done something when doing press ups on the parallel bar things he has on the floor that I lower myself onto and push up from. They were killers and my left arm may have strained from that in particular.


I've felt really upset about it tonight actually as for the first time in my life I've felt totally overwhelmed with this passion to make a change to my body. I've never been happy with my physique but the PT sessions have been fantastic for my confidence and I'm just about to start my new nutrition plan and get my recommended protein when I get paid on Friday - as well as start using the gym alone 3-4 times a week outside my PT session. If I have to stop for whatever reason I will be absolutely gutted.


Sorry for long post, just wondered if anyone had any advice or had seen / heard something similar and could point me in right direction. I'm gonna nip in to see my PT after work tomorrow just to fill him in on it and see what he says, but til then can't help but feel it could be something bad that prevents me doing something I really wanna do. :(

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Charlie's right, might as well get it looked at my the doc if it bothers you, could be nothing but better safe than the sorry, the good news is it's isn't accompanied by pain.


My knees are legendary for the loudness of the snap, crackle and pop they make when I squat down, everyone assumes my knees must be knackered but I've no pain when it happens, probably just pockets of air in the joint.


Maybe your issue will disdappear over time, I often have little niggles and weirdness in certain joints and mucles but they usually don't last.


In the meantime I would think you can still barbell squat as your back will carry most of the load, barbell back squatting is considered one of the best strengthening and bulking excercises.


Even if you don't fancy risking weights at this point you can still do bodyweight squats, lunges, back extensions, possibly even planks and the pec deck machine if you have acess to that. Might as well work your legs and core even if you can't work your upper body.


If you arm is ok when it's straight and by your sides you might be able to get away with farmers walks (maybe lunges and step ups too) with moderate dumbbells (start light and see how it goes), which would work your upper back, forearms and shoulders somewhat as well as your legs. I'd suggest leaving deadlifts out for now though just incase something is up with your bicep tendon which the heavier deadlift might over tax.

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Yesterday, I beat someone in my gym class who used to be in my school and was fantastic at P.E. It's ironic because I was always last in P.E. and he were always in the top 3. My, how times have changed! :D


We both did this workout where we'd:


Row 2000m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 1500m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 1000m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 500m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps


...I did it in 43 minutes and he did it in 45 minutes. It was awesome!



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