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Has anybody seen much of a Wii U buzz?


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Quick and easy question of a thread. Not meant to put a downer on the Wii U, but I'm seeing anticipation and getting drawn in; but then I realised/thought;


Has anybody actually seen/experience much of a buzz from the American side where the Wii U has already been out for a week and a half? I'm expecting to see one here(like here, here), but...yeah I just sort of realised I haven't anywhere else on the internet really. Discussions about and around the Wii U, implications, future etc but no big buzz about it otherwise. Has anybody else?

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I only really venture to two places of gaming communication, here and /v/.


Seeing the buzz here, most definitely being a Nintendo orientated place. /v/ however, hates everything so there's no buzz there.


Basically, I can't say much! The only Facebook friends I have who're buying a Wii U are also members of N-E, but the regulars seem to have no idea about it or don't care for it.

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I've seen no buzz, nor felt any buzz for the Wii U. There are very few ads on the TV as well. This is the first Nintendo console launch that I'm not excited for. Bar the people on this board getting hyped, I wish I felt the same and I hope ye all enjoy it. I don't know a single person buying the Wii U and that's a first. They only come around once every 6 years and this time I feel nothing at all. I lay the blame squarely at the feet of Nintendo's door.


I'm like a kid not looking forward to Christmas morning and that's just wrong. I've a tonne of gems I've kept stored away for a rainy day just like this, so for Christmas I'll have the likes of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Zelda, both Oracles and Seasons, Baten Kaitos, Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Beyond Good & Evil and Little King's Story to name a few. All far better than anything the Wii U has for launch so I won't shed a tear.

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There was a TIME article about the Wii U. It briefly mentions what the tablet can do, and some of the launch games (Nintendo Land as an example for the tablet, NSMBU as Nintendo's main representation, AC3 and Batman as the "gritty 3rd party offerings"), but most of the article discusses Nintendo's business history from the Wii to today, the video gaming industry then and now, and makes a comparison to Apple's products.


Other than that, I'm hearing comments here and there from people getting used to the console, nothing too major yet.

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There was a TIME article about the Wii U. It briefly mentions what the tablet can do, and some of the launch games (Nintendo Land as an example for the tablet, NSMBU as Nintendo's main representation, AC3 and Batman as the "gritty 3rd party offerings"), but most of the article discusses Nintendo's business history from the Wii to today, the video gaming industry then and now, and makes a comparison to Apple's products.


Other than that, I'm hearing comments here and there from people getting used to the console, nothing too major yet.


Yeah, that's what I'm mostly seeing too. I don't know if it's because I'm not looking or anything, but I expected some of the american hype to make it over to my attention one way or another. I wondered if it's because the two major 'unique' titles are NSMBU and Nintendo Land. However, I'll see how things change come...well, today/tomorrow!

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I didn't seem to feel much hype around the 3DS either though and that's come on leaps and bounds. I'm fully aware that the system is going to be an investment really and that the big guns will be hitting the system in late 2013. It's going to be a very interesting E3!

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As in in person?


Well....yes and no


My friend at work is a die hard playstation fanboy and has ribbed me like crazy over the WiiU (under powered, just a wii accessory etc) but more recently he has shown some interest and has said he'd actually love to see how it works, you see hes a big comic book fan and Batman is his favorite so the idea of arkham city on a portable-ish controller appeals to him.

So i'm not sure how to take that? its hype is suppose


My sisters boyfriend is also a ps fanboy and hates everything except sony, but he's been quiet on the WiiU and hasn't mentioned it at all, probably because he went on and on about the 3DS being shite and the Vita killing everything......and well we all know how that went! haven't seen his Vita in ages, he just watches netflix on his ipad now (yup he's an applefag too suddenly, went from droid to an iphone and went all crazy buying everything - young and impressionable mind)


My other friends again all use ps3's but mainly for battlefield and are generally tolellerant of everything and loved the Wii, but they seem to know nothing of the WiiU......


which leads me onto the problem i see, not any mainstream media exposure! TV ads are short and too infrequent, and the mainstream newspapers that do articles are usually the sun and i've yet to meet someone who reads that (most people seem to read the bbc or Daily mail - which is an awesome newspaper if you pretend its like the onion, it can't be serious afterall)

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Sony does have the mind share in the UK, at least in the 20/30 something male demographic. Nintendo games only exist as a laughing stock to these guys. One Apple fan I know said he thinks the Wii U is an "interesting concept" vs the Wii which he thought was awful. And as the release is getting closer a few of my non-gamer friends have been asking about it a lot, but I think my that's because my hype has rubbed off! It's really brought home what an odd pitch the console and its launch games are though - it's tough explaining how NSMBU is "different" to its Wii predecessor for instance, and they say the posters they've seen all make it look like just a controller! ZombiU and Nintendo Land are the best games to demonstrate what's new about the system of course, but again it's really something you have to try for yourself!

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it's tough explaining how NSMBU is "different" to its Wii predecessor for instance,


The backgrounds look better and there's an extra feature where a separate player can create extra platforms/obstacles for the main player.


Sure, that last part may require more detail when explaining, but is there anything else worth mentioning other than this?

(As I wrote this I remembered Miiverse. Is that too hard a concept to explain?)

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This launch will be successful for Nintendo die-hards and a percentage of parents whose kids love the Wii.


The actual success of the system will occur over the next few years and eventually we'll see it selling MILLIONS.



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I was just in HMV there, near where I work, and was told by their staff that they only got 2 Wii U consoles in.. and only 1 of them has actually been ordered. That sounds pretty pathetic to me :hmm: Guess there just isn't much buzz at all in these parts and a couple of people who have mentioned the console to me in work don't actually seem to understand it.. or care ::shrug:

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The only think I've read in a non-game-centric place is Forbes where apparently kids want an iPad more than a WiiU. I might have dismissed that before but the Mini isn't too shabby so who knows, really. I'm not even going to attempt to predict where gaming is heading.

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The only think I've read in a non-game-centric place is Forbes where apparently kids want an iPad more than a WiiU. I might have dismissed that before but the Mini isn't too shabby so who knows, really. I'm not even going to attempt to predict where gaming is heading.


True, but Wii U was second on a long list of high-tech.

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I was just in our local Tesco a couple of hours ago and took a wee glance at the gaming section. You would barely even know that the Wii U existed :hmm: There was a copy of Zombi U and New Super Mario Bros U in amongst the small selection of Wii games.. and that was it..

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I was just in our local Tesco a couple of hours ago and took a wee glance at the gaming section. You would barely even know that the Wii U existed :hmm: There was a copy of Zombi U and New Super Mario Bros U in amongst the small selection of Wii games.. and that was it..


Don't think there's a Wii U section in my local supermarket either, it's not just Tesco.


I'm afraid to say this reminds me of the Dreamcast's launch.

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The Roundhay Tesco (admittedly a medium sized branch which has just downsized the entertainment section) still doesn't have a 3DS section! they just have OoT and Super Mario 3dLand mixed in with the DS games, infact nothing other than the game boxes mentions 3DS, their Charts are still DS and has the 3DS games lumped in there too


They are a supermarket though....but after so long i'd have hoped they would have learnt


And My local Asda has NOTHING for the WiiU

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