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They definitely need more variation in bounties, I keep seeing the same ones or the same sort of ones. The kill 2 enemies with one round of the fusion rifle 20 times is a particularly boring one, as is killing 3 enemies with a super 20 times. Some of the levels like Mars are really boring for doing patrol bounties, too.

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I'm starting to, the grind is a royal pain in the ass.


They need to add more missions and more objectives in missions as opposed to "go here, deploy ghost, defend" then rinse and repeat. They've missed a trick not having any mission where you chased someone down in your speeder.


I'm hoping they come with the Expansion packs.


But yeah, the whole "go here, scan". Rinse, repeat. I'm not saying it's boring, it's a very enjoyable game with friends. Especially Strikes, they are very enjoyable.


I think i've finished the story missions for this.


Took out that Black Heart on Mars, if that was it and the few cutscenes then i'm disappointed.


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That was it @Jimbob


Seriously, i mean a game that Bungie hypped up and it ended like this. A simple "shoot the 3 statues, then the heart dies". I was expecting something a little more than that. I believe the ending to this has finally toppled my worst ending in a game to date, which was Fable III. Hopefully Bungie do add stuff to the game to improve, for example more planets to explore and stuff to do.


I did the story 1/2 on my own, 1/2 with some friends. I think i enjoyed doing it with friends more than on my own, because at times i felt overpowered by enemies. I can certainly see why Bungie added Strikes, Raids and other modes to the game. Because if they sold it on story alone....... They could have put the final battle on Mercury, you go into the garden on Mars and find out it's drawing power elsewhere. Maybe they could have used the people whom asked for a Gatekeepers head, i don't know. Story-wise, that was short. Too short i think. Easily do it in a few hours with a few friends, no problems.



Ah well, at least with that out of the way i can focus on other aspects of the game in the form of Crucible matches, Strikes, Raids etc.

Edited by Jimbob
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So, what's happening with the NE Raid tonight? Do we have a time set? Myself and lostmario usually log off around 22:00.


Am I going to be too wuss at Level 25, 965 defence, Legendary Scout Rifle at 257 damage..? I don't normally feel wuss when playing but next to your Guardians... that's a different matter, haha.

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Tried my hand at the Queen's Wrath bounties and mission earlier. The bounties are standard fare, as in more of what's already being offered. Not great then as I've pretty much done 4 of what were available. Was hoping they would actually add something a little different, a bit of variation to stem the tedium.


Same goes for the mission. I guess my hopes for it being an entirely new mission were a bit of a step too far. But it's a bit crap that it's just an old story mission set on a higher difficult with some extra modifiers. But even though I'm level 24 and therefore adequate for doing it, I was just getting mowed down. Shields were just ripped through and died 8/9 times before I gave it up. Managed to get to the Iron Line bit where you have to open the gate but think that's probably as far as I'll get on my own without either teaming up or the game actually giving me Legendary items from Legendary engrams :blank:


Seems I've taken on your your bad luck from earlier, @Hero\-of\-Time, as I've had quite a few purple engrams drop while running the Old Russia and Moon Strikes but every single one of them has been for useless Blue Rare gear that's worse than what I've got and isn't helpful anyway as blue gear won't push me over to level 25. Really, really beginning to hate the reward system now. Even did the daily Heroic mission yesterday, cleared it without dying and with ease in a quick time nut got nothing when I finished it. It's actually just ridiculous. I realise that it's going to be harder to get Legendary items but they've put up such a ridiculous wall of luck with their RNG that I'm just getting annoyed. Really do think it needs patched/sorted out.


Gahhh hopefully tonight's exploits grant me something.

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Tried my hand at the Queen's Wrath bounties and mission earlier. The bounties are standard fare, as in more of what's already being offered. Not great then as I've pretty much done 4 of what were available. Was hoping they would actually add something a little different, a bit of variation to stem the tedium.


Same goes for the mission. I guess my hopes for it being an entirely new mission were a bit of a step too far. But it's a bit crap that it's just an old story mission set on a higher difficult with some extra modifiers. But even though I'm level 24 and therefore adequate for doing it, I was just getting mowed down. Shields were just ripped through and died 8/9 times before I gave it up. Managed to get to the Iron Line bit where you have to open the gate but think that's probably as far as I'll get on my own without either teaming up or the game actually giving me Legendary items from Legendary engrams :blank:


Seems I've taken on your your bad luck from earlier, @Hero\-of\-Time, as I've had quite a few purple engrams drop while running the Old Russia and Moon Strikes but every single one of them has been for useless Blue Rare gear that's worse than what I've got and isn't helpful anyway as blue gear won't push me over to level 25. Really, really beginning to hate the reward system now. Even did the daily Heroic mission yesterday, cleared it without dying and with ease in a quick time nut got nothing when I finished it. It's actually just ridiculous. I realise that it's going to be harder to get Legendary items but they've put up such a ridiculous wall of luck with their RNG that I'm just getting annoyed. Really do think it needs patched/sorted out.


Gahhh hopefully tonight's exploits grant me something.


Just do what most of us on here have done and that is to buy the gear instead. Concentrate on levelling up the Vanguard, Crucible or Faction ranks. This will allow you to purchase armour when you reach level 2. It costs marks but you can earn 100 a week. Bounties are the key to levelling up.


I was losing the plot trying to get the stuff to drop but once I decided to go this route then everything worked out.

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I've still yet to join a faction. I'm still a little unclear how they work, despite Shiekah already explaining it to me. Do I still recieve Crucible exp and Vanguard exp, as well as the other faction exp? I was afraid if I joined one I would lose the other.


Sorry, I don't think I did the best job explaining it.



You probably know some of this already, but I'll put it all down for whoever else it might help. There are 2 main things you earn points towards regarding factions (including Vanguard/Crucible) - reputation and marks. Normally doing Vanguard bounties and patrol missions gives you Vanguard reputation. Vanguard strikes and public events give you Vanguard marks, as does turning in materials like spinmetals to the Vanguard vendor.


Doing Crucible bounties gives you crucible reputation, and playing Crucible gives you Crucible marks, as does turning in materials like spinmetals to the Crucible vendor.


If you purchase a faction class item and equip it, all reputation (and only reputation) earned will go to ranking up that particular faction. So Vanguard reputation becomes faction reputation, and so does Crucible reputation.



There's good and bad to this. The good is that you can rank up the faction's reputation quicker since you're pooling both Vanguard and Crucible reputation into one thing. The other good thing is that you can pick the faction that has the gear and weapons you want (with the stats you want, too, e.g. Discipline/INT).


The bad is that the faction vendors deal ONLY in Crucible marks. So any Vanguard marks you get from doing Vanguard strikes, public events, and material turn ins (to the Vanguard vendor) still accumulate Vanguard marks but have no use in purchasing faction gear; the only thing you can use to buy faction gear is Crucible marks. The vendors also have less stuff for sale than you could get from the couple of vendors that deal with both Crucible and Vanguard weapons/armour.



So to summarise:


Pros of factions

- Pick the gear with stats you want

- Rank up quicker to get access to gear/weapons quicker



Cons of factions

- More limited selection

- Can only spend Crucible marks - if you want Faction only gear, you're not going to get it all in a week.



I would be up for starting the Raid today. Might be going out later for a meal between maybe 6:30 - 7:30 or so, but should be free after that.

Edited by Sheikah
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Won't have time to do the raid for 3-4 weeks.

Lots of socializing planned, the nerd in me has to wait :laughing:


Tried the Weekly Nightfall Strike.

Meh...Minotaurs are pretty unfair. They do an INSANE amount of damage, can teleport 5-6 times in 3 seconds, have a shield and always come in groups of at least 3. :blank:

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I received a random Bounty for an Exotic Fusion Rifle earlier (had to check to see what it was). Haven't completed the bounty yet, as it requires strikes to complete.


In other news, managed to level up to 23 earlier. Picked some nice armor up, cleared a few Crucible bounties earlier today. And whilst i was doing a Vanguard Bounty, had a random Public event land down on the Moon. The people in the area decided to scarper and could only sit and watch as i faced hordes of enemies (literally sitting and watching of course). Sitting in the area, so that they could get the rewards of course.

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Decided to do a bit of Helium farming before bed and opened up a chest that contained 12 helium, a bunch of cash, blue engram and purple engram. The purple turned into 3 ascendant shards! This allowed me to level up my armour for a second time today. Hell of a haul!


That's a great chest! Love when you get ~10 materials, really gives you a boost.


I've found 5 purple engrams so far including 3 from the Cryptarch and not one has been a legendary weapon or piece of armour, I've had to buy all my good gear, except my new helmet from the Queen today! The queen's weapons appear to be style over substance though as they're all pretty standard in stats, whilst at least the armour has light.

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I had a little luck myself tonight. After Blade left I was looking at my bounties and all I had left was to kill one more Hive Major or Ultra and to do 6 patrols on the moon, "2 birds with 1 stone" I thought... more like a whole flock!


I summoned my speeder and was whizzing along towards the first mission marker and saw a Dreg in my path hadn't noticed me, "he's getting mowed down" I said to myself. Boom! The poor guy goes flying. So I pick up the mission and turn around... hmm, that blue engram looks a little odd there on the floor... wait a sec... purple! That poor Dreg I mowed down dropped a purple! Awesome!


So I now have The Final Boss Sniper Rifle too.

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