Serebii Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 Agent Gibbs said: Its annoying they haven't got any new info on stock out at shopto yet, but i've paid off my Games orders to ensure no delays, and when i hear what stock/timescales will be i will pay off the restmy thinking is they will send them out based on who's paid so its no great loss if i pay early and it doesn't come till a day or so after launch as it stops me spending the money accidentally. The only issue would be if they were two or three weeks behind. I do hope since i pre-ordered straight away i'd be fairly high up the queue, but logic never applies to these things does it? They won't do it based on who's paid. The process order is based upon time of order
Dog-amoto Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I'm just not that hyped for the Wii U. I've played it, I think it's good and I will definitely get one in the future, but unless the launch games such as ZombiU and NSMBU get stellar reviews, I may cancel my order with shopto anyway. The fact that I'm not worrying whether or not I'll get one on launch day is pretty telling.
Retro_Link Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I'm actually pretty happy to not be getting one at launch, yes the US launch is ahead of ours, but there's just too much unknown and unconfirmed about how the console will work and function, plus firmware upgrades, best storage, eShop etc... I'd rather get one once all this is sorted out and I know exactly what I'm gonna be getting. Can have a better think about games that way aswell, instead of just feeling I have to buy some at launch.
Agent Gibbs Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 Serebii said: They won't do it based on who's paid. The process order is based upon time of order Well in that case i pre-ordered as soon as Shopto had the new price info up following the nintendo direct ages ago I can't believe you guys aren't all that hyped, well it depends on what other games you have for other consoles etc, i haven't bought anything since tales of graces f, so i have nothing else to do but wait and play skyrim (wish that would come out on the WiiU)
dazzybee Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I emailed shopto a couple of weeks ago and heard nothing back. Nobs! They are so good for gamers and such, but the customer service is cack! I have 2 orders with Zavvi and 2 orders with shop to. I'm definitely keeping one wii u with shopto as it's for my brothers kids so it doesn't matter if it's a little late. But my wii u DOES matter. Zavvi is cheaper, though shop to's new deal is similar in price and I'd rather go with them; but I need to be sure. If they don't get back to me in the next week I'll call and see if they know 100%. No way I want to wait for this thing!
Serebii Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 Agent Gibbs said: Well in that case i pre-ordered as soon as Shopto had the new price info up following the nintendo direct ages ago I can't believe you guys aren't all that hyped, well it depends on what other games you have for other consoles etc, i haven't bought anything since tales of graces f, so i have nothing else to do but wait and play skyrim (wish that would come out on the WiiU) I am. Very much so. I think part of the reason people don't have the same hype levels before is that people have matured. They have bills, ironing and mortgages to worry about first. As such, they're more likely to be prudent with spending, wanting to know everything they can before putting their hard-earned money in. They're also less likely to be enthused by new stuff. It's part of the process of growing up unfortunately.
dazzybee Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I'm probably one of the oldest people on this forum and I couldn't be more excited! Though I am one step away from being downs so that explains that!
Phube Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 dazzybee said: I'm probably one of the oldest people on this forum and I couldn't be more excited! Though I am one step away from being downs so that explains that! Beat you to old age by 5 months!! And I'm excited too... my Wii life was curtailed due do a small baby arrival. But the thought of being able to (hopefully) play on the WiiU with my daughter is very exciting!
Grazza Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I still get ridiculously excited when I see something that genuinely does it for me, like the recent announcements of two 3DS games - Shantae 3 and Dragon Quest VII! There's no reason I won't do the same when there's something like that on Wii U!
Magnus Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 dazzybee said: I'm probably one of the oldest people on this forum and I couldn't be more excited! I guess at your age any new Nintendo console could be your last, so it makes sense to be excited.
Dog-amoto Posted November 13, 2012 Posted November 13, 2012 I've noticed my excitement for most new consoles and games has diminished the older I've become (GTA V excluded - I'm a jibbering wreck at the thought of playing that). I'm 34 now, and I remember getting ridiculously excited for the Resi remake for Gamecube 10 years ago. Though that could have been because there were bugger all games out for the cube until at least a year after launch so I only had that to cling on to. And I think @Mr_Odwin is the leading oldie on this forum. EDIT. Ah bollocks, I beat him by a few months.
SirToastaLot Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 I've never pre-ordered or bought a Nintendo system on release date. Much like Retro_Link, I prefer to see how things pan out after launch & wait for system updates\refinements plus an expanded game library. The Wii didn't really have the best launch software - I braved the GC version of Twilight Princess over Christmas 2006. I bought my White Wii in late 2007 specifically for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy. I'm on the fence with the Wii U though. A mortgage, house refurb work and building a new PC aren't helpful factors. Tempted to do dastardly things with the old credit card.
Dcubed Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 (edited) I've lived through the last 4 console generations (and experienced 2 of the previous ones posthumously) and I'm sick and tired of waiting for this thing to come out! (It's at least as exciting as the GCN launch for me, if not more so for the reason listed below...) This has been the worst console generation ever, by far (ignoring handhelds). While the Wii thankfully brought us tons of amazing 1st party titles and some nice niche 3rd party titles, the HD twins are the two most rote and boring consoles ever (in terms of the games that are on offer that is - the OS/business side of it has been very interesting at least) and are unfortunately the dominant force when it comes to development; with basically every single major title now being either a dudebro shooter, a skinner box or a quasi-interactive movie. Tried, tested, stale. While the industry isn't what it once was, with good developers gone bad (Konami, Capcpom, Rare etc), and creativity has been stamped out by soap salesmen, the Wii U at least finally gives the developers who work under these pricks a legitimate chance to inject something interesting into their games; even if it's just something like off TV play, or being able to post info/screenshots about the game on Miiverse (not even actual integration, but just the generic support you get), that in of itself is new and exciting! There are so very few interesting games at retail on the horizon; and while the download sector is still promising, it too runs the risk of being taken over by F2P and mobile phone garbage. I can only hope and pray that ZombiU is a success (both from a quality and sales standpoint). A lot of the industry's future could well be riding off that game, if it does end up heralding a new era of experimentation (plus the revival of the survival horror genre - how sweet would that be to see, especially after RE6 turned out to be a failure in terms of sales and quality!) Either way, it's finally going to inject something fucking interesting into consoles outside of Nintendo's own titles! How can that not be exciting!? HURRY THE FUCK UP AND MAKE IT NOVEMBER 30TH ALREADY!!! Edited November 14, 2012 by Dcubed
Gentleben Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 Phube said: Beat you to old age by 5 months!! And I'm excited too... my Wii life was curtailed due do a small baby arrival. But the thought of being able to (hopefully) play on the WiiU with my daughter is very exciting! I think you will find I'm the oldest.
-Dem0- Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 Dcubed said: I can only hope and pray that ZombiU is a success (both from a quality and sales standpoint). A lot of the industry's future could well be riding off that game, if it does end up heralding a new era of experimentation (plus the revival of the survival horror genre - how sweet would that be to see, especially after RE6 turned out to be a failure in terms of sales and quality!) Excellent point. Ubisoft has put it's money where it's mouth is by showing it's support for the WiiU in a really good way. People may say that it's "Ubisoft" and it's a "launch title" as a pre-generated excuse for failure, but I think after reading many impressions and previews across the web things are looking good. I agree with Dcubed and also want to see ZombiU become a success, Ubisoft have tried to make something special, they have also made good use of the Gamepad's features to make it a fresh and enjoyable experience. They could have easily played it safe, but I believe they're doing the industry justice and leading by example after looking at the route that ZombiU has taken. Other developers may well look at ZombiU as an example of risk & reward and will hopefully inspire them to produce more fantastic titles with great gameplay and intuitive design making use of the tools available to them in the form of the WiiU Gamepad & Miiverse.
Dcubed Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 (edited) -Dem0- said: Excellent point. Ubisoft has put it's money where it's mouth is by showing it's support for the WiiU in a really good way. People may say that it's "Ubisoft" and it's a "launch title" as a pre-generated excuse for failure, but I think after reading many impressions and previews across the web things are looking good. I agree with Dcubed and also want to see ZombiU become a success, Ubisoft have tried to make something special, they have also made good use of the Gamepad's features to make it a fresh and enjoyable experience. They could have easily played it safe, but I believe they're doing the industry justice and leading by example after looking at the route that ZombiU has taken. Other developers may well look at ZombiU as an example of risk & reward and will hopefully inspire them to produce more fantastic titles with great gameplay and intuitive design making use of the tools available to them in the form of the WiiU Gamepad & Miiverse. I can't help but look at the industry landscape and feel nothing but doom, gloom and doritos/mountain dew fueled depression, but then when I see something like this come out of Ubisoft... Quote While the AAA approach has served the Splinter Cell series well in the past, the developer heading up its next installment has reservations about AAA in the future. Speaking at the Gamercamp festival in Toronto today, Splinter Cell: Blacklist director Patrick Redding said the industry is moving away from the high budget blockbuster model. "The market as a whole is going to undergo a critical shift in priorities, a shift away from the absolute primacy of graphics and production values and content creation toward systemic depth," Redding said, adding, "This trend is going to trigger a reality check for developers like me who work on established franchises with a large succession of sequels, and it's also going to be a call-to-arms for smaller game creators, including a number of people who are sitting in this room, I hope." Redding said the shift would be driven primarily by procedurally literate players, digital distribution channels, and the rising cost of production. As for where those factors would point the industry, Redding suggested a new class of game he called "lower-case aaa." Among the key qualities he believes aaa games should emphasize are a reliance in systemic design, open-ended games that allow for a range of possibilities and strategies instead of one "right" approach. He gave chess and poker as examples of such design. However, one of the big problems with systemic design is that it's just difficult, Redding said. While a publisher can throw more resources at a game and reliably produce better production values, the same safe return on investment isn't there with design. Throwing more designers at a problem won't necessarily produce better systemic depth, and it might even hurt the final product. Additionally, aaa game creators will need to give up authorial control, as Redding said the meaning of the game will only emerge once the players begin experiencing it, exploring the mechanics and using them to tell their own stories or achieve their own goals. Finally, Redding said he expects asynchronous multiplayer to be a key component of the aaa experience. Redding pointed to Minecraft as the best recent example of what he considers a aaa game. As for Blacklist, Redding didn't describe it as aaa, although it does reflect some of the qualities in its systemic AI and the particular way it handles lighting to see if a player is effectively safe from detection. However, he said that Blacklist does show that it's possible to have a game with AAA production values put in the service of better, more complex game mechanics. And in light of seeing what they're doing with ZombiU, it feels so bloody good; it feels like there's actually a goddamn ray of hope! Whether or not it turns out to be vepid words and false hope, the Wii U (like the Wii before it) at least represents the possibility of seeing the industry saved from its current death spiral of relying on ever-rising production values and skinner box techniques to cover up shitty and rote design. That's why the console is bloody exciting! (that and of course titles from Nintendo and certain indie developers which will no doubt continue to break new ground ) Edited November 14, 2012 by Dcubed
Agent Gibbs Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 I've gotta say @Dcubed that i agree with a lot of what you've said there! the HD twins are abysmal they have favoured the production of games that lack any quality and depth in favour of flash visuals, and frankly its down right disgusting as much loved developers and series have sold out to cash in on the "COD craze" (COD in itself isn't a bad game but every game needn't emulate it) I haven't truely loved a console generation since the N64 era, The PS2/GC/Xbox era was a great one but it was near its end on a worrying downward spiral. For me the most telling part is i find ports of older games (Oot 3d) more exciting to look forward to than the likes of say Resident Evil 6. The best games i've found this generation have been some of the Jrpg's and Besadea's open ended RPG's due to the sheer volume of game play avaliable, yet most of them don't enjoy the success of games like COD, Fifa, hell even GTA which have just been flashy reskins of previous games! @Wii complains that NSMBU is a lazy game by nintendo, and perhaps it is, but so is every COD since MW, every fifa since 2009 etc etc all developers do these days is reskin the previous years game and enjoy success as people lap it up, which financially is good, but industry creativity wise is a terrible terrible thing that is stifling! Look at the mobile industry everyone claims to be the new future for gaming, the game everyone looks to, to claim its the future.........Angry freaking Birds, which is basically a 1990's catapult game reskined with birds and pigs, and yet apparently THAT is revolutionary! what next someone take a tower defense game, a strategy game and insert some cutsie animals and make big bucks, then that be the future of gaming?!
Kaxxx Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 Phube said: Beat you to old age by 5 months!! And I'm excited too... my Wii life was curtailed due do a small baby arrival. But the thought of being able to (hopefully) play on the WiiU with my daughter is very exciting! Beat you all
Kaxxx Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 is a good refuge for us oldies.
Dcubed Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 You know that we're all kids at heart when we're bragging about being the oldest around here
Cookyman Posted November 14, 2012 Posted November 14, 2012 Guys guys guys - If you want old look no further than me I'm 42 and am not excitied in the Wii U at all......................................... yet! : peace: Does that officially make me the oldest git on here? Where do I collect my prize???
dazzybee Posted November 15, 2012 Posted November 15, 2012 Cookyman said: Guys guys guys - If you want old look no further than me I'm 42 and am not excitied in the Wii U at all......................................... yet! : peace: Does that officially make me the oldest git on here? Where do I collect my prize??? 42? What are you doing playing video games old man? You getting a wii u or going to wait for the software?
Londragon Posted November 15, 2012 Posted November 15, 2012 Cookyman said: Guys guys guys - If you want old look no further than me I'm 42 and am not excitied in the Wii U at all......................................... yet! : peace: Does that officially make me the oldest git on here? Where do I collect my prize??? Damn! Beat me by 5 years!
Ellmeister Posted November 15, 2012 Posted November 15, 2012 Beat me by a bit more than 5! One question: how does age help with the price of the Wii U? :p
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