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Wii U Price Check


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OK spoke to them and the exact words were "in regards to where you were on the preorder list, that's completely gone now" :(


However, he said they'll be receiving exact numbers from Nintendo within the next few days and send tickets out to all customers informing them (I assume of a delivery estimate).


Might try sainsburys. Worst comes to the worst I'll do what I did with the Wii and queue first thing at our local blockbuster =/


Edit: Oh wait, I forgot, you switched your pre-order didn't you? I guess that does corrobate what the guy told me then :(


Damn, sorry man :(


Well either way, I've cancelled the new one and am gonna wait to see what they say regarding stock levels later on this week before switching.

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm hoping they get enough stock. Was a bit of a misleading of them to suddenly list loads of new bundles on Friday. Still, it's my own soft fault!


??? I was told that it was best to keep my current pre-order :confused:


Yes, it's best to do that. I just preordered the new bundle on fri and cancelled my original one thinking all would be well. Kicking myself now!


Edit: yes that :weep:

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I'm hoping they get enough stock. Was a bit of a misleading of them to suddenly list loads of new bundles on Friday. Still, it's my own soft fault!


Well it may still happen. There are probably a good few people that gave up their slots in order to get that bundle, so it may still be possible that you'll get it on launch day!

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I'm hoping they get enough stock. Was a bit of a misleading of them to suddenly list loads of new bundles on Friday. Still, it's my own soft fault!




Yes, it's best to do that. I just preordered the new bundle on fri and cancelled my original one thinking all would be well. Kicking myself now!


Edit: yes that :weep:

Worst case scenario, mug someone :p

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How hideous is ShoptTo contact method. You can't email them or just send them a message. You have to get a ticket (whatever the fuck that is), problem is the options for questions aren't suitable for - I've ordered 3 wii u's, at different times, will each of these have their estimated delivery? But no, it won't let me, and the questions that fit the closest it says it doesn't have ticketing for these questions. Unbelievable awful customer service!!

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"If I switch my current WiiU pre-order for another, can I still be guaranteed a WiiU at launch?"


"With these items Nintendo have provided a two week window for when this will be available, If you pre-order this item you will receive it within this time."

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Sounds like they don't know yet. They did say they'll know I a few days right? At least we should know before the launch date anyway.


Bundles are nice, but I'm not giving up my spot :p


Edit: Shopto's customer service sounds really terrible from the tone I'm getting from what people on here have posted.

Edited by Ike
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I kinda feel bad for passing on the information now for anyone that may have lost their preorder slot, here's hoping there's some good news later in the week from shopto.


No don't! It might yet turn out for the better! :santa:


The saving on that bundle is significant enough that a 2 week wait might be worth it for me.. I've sent them a ticket anyway to make sure they've registered my concerns.

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Some good news regarding that ShopTo bundle... they have increased the price on their website for that now to £399.85 which puts it in line with not much saving really.


HOWEVER, they have a pre-order promise that they wont charge you the higher amount if the price goes up, and to confirm my pre-order is still showing the £369.85 price.

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ShopTo have just put up another pre-order bundle for £365.86. You get the following:


Wii U Black 32gb Zombi U Premium Pack + Mass Effect 3 Special Edition & Tekken Tag Tournament 2.


Given the circumstances surrounding the re-release of ME3, it's not the hottest deal but not to be sniffed at...

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So they're still shoving new bundles up even though they don't know what kind of stock allocation they have? This is the first time I've found shopto to be less than stellar. I hope we receive news from them tomorrow. I thought a potential 2 weeks extra wait would be fine, but after today's Nintendo Direct (especially the NSMBU footage) I'm gagging for it. :laughing:

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So they're still shoving new bundles up even though they don't know what kind of stock allocation they have? This is the first time I've found shopto to be less than stellar. I hope we receive news from them tomorrow. I thought a potential 2 weeks extra wait would be fine, but after today's Nintendo Direct (especially the NSMBU footage) I'm gagging for it. :laughing:

Trying to get from them when they'll nknow about launch day stock

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Trying to get from them when they'll nknow about launch day stock

They said "within 5 days" to me on Monday. Not a peep yet... It's annoying because I've had it preordered with them in some form since way before the official price/date unveil. Now because of a moment of mental abstraction I'm at the back of the queue. Come launch day I may crack and run around trying to grab one from a nearby store.. then again, with the money saved I could buy another game.

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Those new bundles are probably just for people who won't be getting it on day 1. I do have to admit, it's not a bad way of making up for the delay to those who couldn't get in on time.


Oh yeah, @Dcubed, you decided which bundle you're going with?

I'm still undecided :hmm:


I'm sticking with my old 32GB NintendoLand pre-order (the one I made back in September).


Sick of waiting. I want the damn thing now! I'm not waiting any longer than I have to :)

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Its annoying they haven't got any new info on stock out at shopto yet, but i've paid off my Games orders to ensure no delays, and when i hear what stock/timescales will be i will pay off the rest

my thinking is they will send them out based on who's paid so its no great loss if i pay early and it doesn't come till a day or so after launch as it stops me spending the money accidentally. The only issue would be if they were two or three weeks behind.

I do hope since i pre-ordered straight away i'd be fairly high up the queue, but logic never applies to these things does it?

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