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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Planning? Yeah you keep saying that :wink:


Ok, ok... I have the game! :D


There I said it and it actually felt good, but I'm not allowed to really go into specifics until March 18th...




... right you can all hate me now. :heh:



*vanishes from the internet*

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Ok, ok... I have the game! :D


There I said it and it actually felt good, but I'm not allowed to really go into specifics until March 18th...




... right you can all hate me now. :heh:



*vanishes from the internet*


You know... If you don't like it and are planning to give it a bad score, I'll be happy to take it from your hands! (of course, your refusal would mean that it's gonna get a fantastic score ;) )

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Yeah. That's fine. But that has nothing to do with buying the wii u version does it?if you play away you get the 3ds version. I just don't think this news will take away from wii u, was my point.


Id much rather play this on my big TV with my speakers etc, being able to download my save to the 3DS game to take with me on my longish commute to work and play at lunch time is huge for me. Its not going to be usefull for everyone but i dont think id want to be playing the game on my 3DS full time since my old man eyes get tired looking at the tiny screen all day. Its not even as if the 3D is a draw because my TV has that built in too.

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You know... If you don't like it and are planning to give it a bad score, I'll be happy to take it from your hands! (of course, your refusal would mean that it's gonna get a fantastic score ;) )


Well... I think we both know it's going to get a good score and that's about all I can say, the question is though, just how good? :wink:

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Am I the only one who just doesn't 'get' this game?!


I want to be hyped and erect for it, but I am not in the slightest.


I think it's because this type of game doesn't really do anything for me, but why do you guys love it so much?


What is it that makes you all super excited for it?! For the sake of a Monster Hunter virgin like me ha. :grin:

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What is it that makes you all super excited for it?! For the sake of a Monster Hunter virgin like me ha. :grin:


It's Monster Hunter...




... you hunt monsters!



What's not to like? :wink:




In all seriousness though I kind of get where you're coming from, as when I originally played the Wii version I didn't quite get 'into' it fully yet I could definitely see why it's so popular.


So now I find myself in the position of playing a game that I always felt that I never devoted enough time to the first time around and I'm gradually falling for it. :love:


There's no way I can let this brilliant game pass me by again! :D

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There's no way I can let this brilliant game pass me by again! :D


Ha, well finally : D


Anyway, made a few videos as well:



Lance represent! Time just under 10 minutes.




Sword and shield, trapped, bombed, sonic bombed and knocked him out : D Time ~7 minutes.

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Am I the only one who just doesn't 'get' this game?!


I want to be hyped and erect for it, but I am not in the slightest.


I think it's because this type of game doesn't really do anything for me, but why do you guys love it so much?


What is it that makes you all super excited for it?! For the sake of a Monster Hunter virgin like me ha. :grin:


Its difficult to quantify, i got it on PSP ages ago and the first 10 or so hours i felt like i had wasted my money, it wasnt until i turned it on the next day that it clicked for me. I think most people will say the same, no one really likes the game at first, but at some point you suddenly understand and im not sure how to explain that to people unless they have played something similar like Darksouls (in terms of controls not gameplay).


Its not an easy game and it dosent help new people in any way, animation takes priority over button pressing so every move you make takes a type of commitment you wont see often in games, there is no way to cancel out of an attack, once the animation starts you are stuck until either you connect or the monster hits you. The punishment for missing or being too slow with a move is sometimes 1/2 your life bar, and to restore your hp you have to activate the animation for that too.


If it dosent sound like im doing a good job of selling it to you thats fine, its a game you have to come to terms with, to understand that the first few hours you play you will die, a lot and probably not really know why. If you do pick the game up its probably worth adventuring with others first so you are not getting constantly murdered by your prey, it still wont be easy but you will at least have people barking advice at you as you play.

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Its difficult to quantify, i got it on PSP ages ago and the first 10 or so hours i felt like i had wasted my money, it wasnt until i turned it on the next day that it clicked for me. I think most people will say the same, no one really likes the game at first, but at some point you suddenly understand and im not sure how to explain that to people unless they have played something similar like Darksouls (in terms of controls not gameplay).


Its not an easy game and it dosent help new people in any way, animation takes priority over button pressing so every move you make takes a type of commitment you wont see often in games, there is no way to cancel out of an attack, once the animation starts you are stuck until either you connect or the monster hits you. The punishment for missing or being too slow with a move is sometimes 1/2 your life bar, and to restore your hp you have to activate the animation for that too.


If it dosent sound like im doing a good job of selling it to you thats fine, its a game you have to come to terms with, to understand that the first few hours you play you will die, a lot and probably not really know why. If you do pick the game up its probably worth adventuring with others first so you are not getting constantly murdered by your prey, it still wont be easy but you will at least have people barking advice at you as you play.


Well, Tri does do a much better job at easing newcomers into the game than the PSP ones do but you're right. It's not a game that you will "get" straight away - it has a steep learning curve and will kick your arse repeatedly.


Best way to describe it is like Punchout I guess. That triaumphant feeling you get when you finally figure out how to kill a monster and grab that loot you've wanted to make that new weapon or armour that you've been craving for is just wonderful! :D

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Liking the new user title, @Hero\-of\-Time. :grin:



eShop has confirmed digital version will be available day 1 so will go for that version me thinks.
Have they confirmed the price? I'm assuming it's the usual £50 RRP rip-off price. Which actually, for a game like this (with like a million hours of playtime) isn't so much of a rip-off. :heh:


Still disc version for me though, and hopefully ShopTo dispatch early. ;)

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Have they confirmed the price? I'm assuming it's the usual £50 RRP rip-off price. Which actually, for a game like this (with like a million hours of playtime) isn't so much of a rip-off. :heh:


Still TBD, I'm expecting £49.99. It's £10 more than from Shopto which I don't think is a massive amount, I used a code to bring down the price for some eShop cards from GAME (plus reward points) plus you get 10%8% back which offsets the price a bit. Seems like a game you want on the console at all times to me plus like you said, it has plently of gameplay to be worth the price.


I read somewhere it loads faster from the internal/external memory than disk as well but not sure how accurate that is.

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I read somewhere it loads faster from the internal/external memory than disk as well but not sure how accurate that is.
Now that is interesting, and could just be enough to make me switch to DD for this game. :o


I did notice the improved load times on the demo, but it never occurred to me that it's because of loading from the system memory instead of a disc. :blank:


Gonna have to do some research on this now I think...

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Still TBD, I'm expecting £49.99. It's £10 more than from Shopto which I don't think is a massive amount, I used a code to bring down the price for some eShop cards from GAME (plus reward points) plus you get 10%8% back which offsets the price a bit. Seems like a game you want on the console at all times to me plus like you said, it has plently of gameplay to be worth the price.


I read somewhere it loads faster from the internal/external memory than disk as well but not sure how accurate that is.


The difference is like basically statistical noise, pretty much unnoticeable unless you look at a splitscreen video (which makes sense since that the Wii U BD drive speed and USB2 are more or less identical)

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Although I'm technically not supposed to say much until a few days before launch, I can confirm that the load times between areas in MH3U are pretty minimal when you compare them to the Wii version.


All of the ones that I've seen so far have literally been around 1 - 2 seconds long so they hardly impact on the game at all. :)

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