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Really? I recall still seeing it in shops. In any case it's a bloody good investment.


Yeah! Last year CeX were selling the game for £18, today they are selling it for £38! That is still reasonably cheap compared to other shops. However, I did manage to pick up an additional copy for £17.99 in GAME a few months ago, so do check around. anything less than £30 at this point is great, but try and get the sleave too. The game comes with an art book which also details the whole trilogy.

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So we meet again, DK! I can't wait for more toilet based humour/torture


Haha YAY! It's Josh! :D No problem ;) Thanks for the welcome!


Welcome, Red Wizard!


Thank you @Iun


Playing Metroid Fusion at the moment, so fine. Welcometh.


It's a great game @Ville! Fusion is a great title! Is this the first time you're playing it? Also, are you playing on a GBA or a 3DS?



The US copies have a tin edition, something i'm very disappointed other regions didn't get. The price of that game over in the states is around $100 or more! If you're in the US and you see this game I really do urge you to pick it up and keep it for several years, the value will rise sharply i'm sure, since it was only a limited run.


Welcome Darren. Nice to see a new face.


I can't believe they're asking for $2k, then have the cheek to charge $50 for postage.


Thanks for the welcome @MoogleViper! As I said above, the game is worth around $100 in the US but it is rising all the time. 2K is obviously not a realistic price and people should not be paying that for it.

Edited by Darren
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Howdy if @kav82 says you're cool then that good enough for me.... though I will have to properly test you're coolness in Monster Hunter 4 if and WHEN it comes out here...assuming you do Hunt of course....(note your amswer may gain or lose both you AND @kav82 "cool points" and virtual cookies :wink:)

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On a side note, where is @david\.dakota these days? He was sat next to me during Zelda Symphony last October in London, what an amazing experience!


...the symphony, not David Dakota ;)


I'm still here, they can't get rid of me. I'm usually found lurking in the Wii/WiiU boards rather than the general (unless anything particularly piques my interest).


I am sure sitting next to me improved the Zelda experience somewhat (do doubt comical reasons - with me blubbing like child!)

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Howdy if @kav82 says you're cool then that good enough for me.... though I will have to properly test you're coolness in Monster Hunter 4 if and WHEN it comes out here...assuming you do Hunt of course....(note your amswer may gain or lose both you AND @kav82 "cool points" and virtual cookies :wink:)


I do hunt, however I am still a beginner really, I only got Tri a few months ago and we've had some hilarious experiences. I hunt with three good friends and I don't think that'll change, we have our own little team and we level up together :D But thanks, I shall keep you in mind.


Replace "My Heart" with "N-Europe Forums":



Hey @Guy! :D nice to see you here! So many of you around isn't there? Further confirmation that this is the place I should be :)


I'm still here, they can't get rid of me. I'm usually found lurking in the Wii/WiiU boards rather than the general (unless anything particularly piques my interest).


I am sure sitting next to me improved the Zelda experience somewhat (do doubt comical reasons - with me blubbing like child!)


Dude, I was soaked! Your man tears were quite impressive! I did tear up a couple of times, lost it at Dragon Roost Island though and the Twilight Princess piece. I feel we have a special unbreakable bond now :')


Welcome, as it were, @Darren. It's always good to have new folks on board, I hope you find yourself sticking round!


Thanks @Rummy I shall try my best! You'll have to pester me if I don't ok?

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Welcome to the forum. I like the cut of your jib, kid.


Thanks for that! Who is this ReZ fellow then? :P


I am ReZ. A little bit about me.


I am modest.

I am amazing.

I am kind, honest and very funny.

I have won "Funniest member of the year" on N-Europe five years running (ever since joining. Co-won with "The Peeps" in 2011)

I have a sucesful and amusing career on YouTube.

I am intelligent.

I was voted in the top 5 facebook friends of all time.

I put out good content on facebook.

I love comic books, movies, games, roller coasters & theme parks and LEGO.


Here are some select photos;












And videos;





A video of an N-Europe Meet


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Welcome to the board Mr Darren. I don't post here as much as I should, I tend to lurk in the wii u / animal crossing 3ds shadows. Everyone here is lovely and the fanboys are kept in check! ;)


Glad to hear it! Thanks for everything so far, looking forward to chatting here with you too Mr. D

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