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  Tales said:
Why has no one made this thread yet, the news is three days old :p Randomly discovered it while searching for HM on IGN. You can read more about it in the link, I haven't read through it yet, but I'm already super excited :yay:




I think there was only myself and you who actually played and enjoyed both FFXIII games on here. :D


As much as did enjoy both of them I would like them to move on. I suppose they are trying to get as much out of that engine as possible though.


Kind of off topic but S-E really have lost the plot at the moment. We still don't have Versus, FFXIV is a mess and they are bringing another game to the XIII universe, and while I may enjoy it most other people don't. Oh, and Type-0 remains in Japan. :(


I just am not feeling this,


I haven't finished FFXIII-2 as i got bored of it about halfway through, and just generally started to dislike most of the characters


they need to move on and finish a new final fantasy, hell i'd say scrap ALL current final fantasies and go back to the series roots, stop with the cyber punk style games that are as linear (in respects to areas to explore, whats wrong with a damn world map?)


they really are squezing the ff13 universe dry


FF13 really has turned out to be one bolt of lightning that S-E are regretting catching in that bottle...


I expect this to turn out to be the worst mainline game (and the worst selling mainline game) in the series...


Damn, I was hoping for news on FF XIII-3.


I gave up on FF XIII after two pretty dull hours, but I really enjoyed XIII-2 (played the demo, had really low expectations, then got completely hooked). I'm starting to wonder if I gave up on the first one too quickly. I guess this One won't make any sense if I haven't completed the first?


I don't think so, it's set 100 or so years later, so if you got by XIII-2 nicely you probably won't have any problems with this.


But isn't this FFXIII-3? Or were you talking about Versus? Anyway, they have(in the article above), confirmed that this the final chapter of Lightning.


Anyway, what do you guys think about the timer? I can't recall any other game besides Majora's Mask that has done something similar so I'm excited to know more about it.

  • 2 weeks later...

After people telling me that Final Fantasy XIII sucked and that I shouldn't play it, I listened to them. However, I saw it cheap in Cash Converters and decided to get it and I regretted not getting it sooner. It's very addictive. I do genuinely love the game. I also saw the second one in Tesco for a tenner and decided to get that and I'm excited to play that one as soon as I've completed the first one.


This is exciting news but I'm not going to click on the link in case of spoilers since I'm way behind in the story. It might reveal something I haven't played yet but just know I can't wait! :D

  • 1 year later...



Are there any Collector's Edition in the UK? The only one I can find over here, besides the pre-order bonus that comes with all games anyway, is a 110£ edition only containing a figurine of Lightning of unspesified height.


Of lack of other more sensible version I just pre-ordered the basic day one edition and the hard cover guide.

  Tales said:


Are there any Collector's Edition in the UK? The only one I can find over here, besides the pre-order bonus that comes with all games anyway, is a 110£ edition only containing a figurine of Lightning of unspesified height.


Of lack of other more sensible version I just pre-ordered the basic day one edition and the hard cover guide.


The only limited edition I can find is from GAME. It nets you a steelbook case and a FFVII Cloud outfit and Buster Sword.


Finished both FFXIII and FFXIII-2. Had this on pre-order sine it was announced. The first game was really pretty linear but XIII-2 was allot better. I even went back to XIII-2 and got all that extra stuff. So I'll defiantly by buying this for sure. If only to see how the story winds up.

  Tales said:
February 14.


Think you will have to wait a while for FFXV. I still have my doubts about it being released :p


Surely it will now we've seen something actually resembling gameplay.


I think it's a good idea to wait for this one. FFXIII-2 dropped in price dramatically after just a month or so (to something like half price), and then it was below £10 after not much longer.


Good call. Especially as Lightning Returns is not getting any kind of special edition like it's predecessors, it doesn't really matter even. Two other games coming out at the same time, I have to push at least one of the back.


I'll buy it at launch anyway. Sure enough it will get price reduction eventually, but I doubt I will see it drop that low that fast over here. My guess is half a year for half price and under 10 will never happen. Over here of course, can't speak for the blessed land of low prices :p


Also I heard something about XIII-2 being massivily overshipped?

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks, but the customs would raise that with 25% + 8£.


Also bought the hardcover strategy guide. Have bought it for the other two as well, they are pretty good, and it will probably be useful for the second playthrough(I won't use it for my first)

Edited by Tales
  • 1 month later...

So, was I the only one? :p


Platinumed this last week, at 79 hours. It's a good niche rpg. You'll like it if you don't expect every game to be like Skyrim or whatever is your favourite FF. I enjoyed it anyway, it gets my recommendation.

Posted (edited)

I have to disagree you one that one. Totally worth £30.


But as long as you buy it eventually I guess you'll find out for yourself :p

Edited by Tales
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