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Sequels you would like to see

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Most of the stuff I would say has already been mentioned so I'm gonna go with something different.


Fatal Frame 5 (Or Project Zero 5 as it would end up being called here)... that gets a Worldwide release of course


And maybe a bonus of a HD re-release port of Fatal Frame 4 that would actually get released and officially translated for a Western Release


Even though I've been a bit of a bad boy and have played Fatal Frame 4 already thanks to the HBC and the Fanmade English Translation Patch (for the record, I did import an official retail disc of the game, the original patch was designed to only work with official discs) I do feel it is such a shame many have not been able to play this game. A WiiU re-release even with just it being upgraded to HD and still being the same game (ie: no extra Upad controls, still uses the Wiimote/Nunchuck, no added extras with the exception of an official sub and dub...or and the fixing of the ghost list glitch would be nice too).


Trust me anyone who played Project Zero 2 that was released here a while back and enjoyed it, you would enjoy 4 even more (I'm just annoying you now, sorry)


And then after that they could do a Fatal Frame 5 (also on a worldwide release hopefully) and I could see the Upad working wonders for that. In fact to me it seems like one of the most perfect games for use with the Upad. Because the Upad would become your camera!

It would take full advantage of the "panorama" expereince thing. When you need to battle a ghost you have to lift up the Upad as if it were the Camera Obscura and the Upads screen would display the Cameras view finder. And instead of using the anologue sticks to turn the character around you'd physically have to look around your room to find the ghost. Of course with the Upad displaying a view (through the cameras viewfinder) of the room the games character is in.

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Luigi’s Mansion

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The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords

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Paper Mario

… I know I’ve now listed two series that are getting sequels on the 3DS in the months to come, but did you ever get a look at this artwork for Paper Mario: Sticker Star?


The Paper Mario series has always looked pretty great, but after seeing that, c'mon, a HD Paper Mario game that looks like this has to happen. I'm sure Nintendo and Intelligent Systems would come up with a way to make the game stand out from its predecessors as well. The Paper Mario series is probably one of the best representations of Mario's world, bursting to the brim with charm, character and humour, and personally, I can't get enough of it.

Edited by Sprout
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Yeah a new Four Swords could be great on Wii U.


I love the idea of a new Paper Mario title that utilises the look of real paper and textures as in that artwork.

I'm just not sure Nintendo would push themselves that far though anymore; if anything it's the sort of thing I'd now expect to see coming from Sony.


Nintendo took a step in that direction with Epic Yarn though, so who knows.

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Yeah a new Four Swords could be great on Wii U.


I love the idea of a new Paper Mario title that utilises the look of real paper and textures as in that artwork.

I'm just not sure Nintendo would push themselves that far though anymore; if anything it's the sort of thing I'd now expect to see coming from Sony.


Nintendo took a step in that direction with Epic Yarn though, so who knows.


Yeah, unfortunately LBP kinda stole that thunder years ago :-(

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I could use a Mole Mania revival. The second screen is awesome for the burrowing mechanic, potentially giving a lot more variety to puzzles, or even turning it into a platformer.

I always thought the DS would be good for this. Obviously, so would the Wii U or the 3DS.


I am currently playing De Blob 2 and... I wish the series could continue :( It's like a Pixar movie in game form.


Another Code is another series where I'd love to see a 3rd game. They were definitely planning it, too.

That series was the breath of fresh air the point&click genre needed, and even if the formula wasn't quite refined, it was evolving in the right direction.


Golden Sun needs a 4th entry, for two reasons:

1. Tie up the loose ends in the plot;

2. Bring back what we loved about Golden Sun, that is, an adventure game disguised as an RPG. Consolidate this series properly.


Drill Dozer was a great platformer, and proved that Gamefreak can do good stuff outside of Pokémon. Would love to see more of it.


Oh, and throw Timesplitters into the pile of series I'd love to see continue.

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In addition to the ones already mentioned:


Oh, and throw Timesplitters into the pile of series I'd love to see continue.


Yes please, TS4 with online would be smashing!


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. The N64 games were as awesome as a constantly grooving musical castle decorated in giant carp banners. Make MOAR Konami! >: o


Vigilante 8. These car combat games were actually great fun, and even more so in co-op. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel!


Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Yes yes, not the most complex or polished game out there, but a most enjoyable 2-4 player co-op title nevertheless. Online mandatory.


Gladius. Good, unique concept that worked pretty well! Although, never finished the game...


Soul Calibur VI. This time with a FULL story mode, and not a rushed release consisting only of 1/4 of what was planned >: ( Even better, give us back the weapon master mode, i.e. some incentive to play through the damn stories! Also, more colours to the stages, SCV looks like it was dragged out of a wristcutter's personal dumpster of pure misery o_O


And yes, Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, Starfox, Waverace etc etc...

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This thread is supposed to be Wii games you would like a sequel to, right? :hmm: I must have missed out on loads of games for the Wii then! :heh:


As far as non-Wii games go though, this would be my first choice:

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. The N64 games were as awesome as a constantly grooving musical castle decorated in giant carp banners. Make MOAR Konami! >: o
Superb game, absolutely superb. :bowdown: One of my all-time favourites. :love:

It's so annoying how Konami didn't create a new Mystical Ninja for the Wii. :sad: And that Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon didn't get released on the VC. :blank:

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There's literally too many sequels to mention from all platforms so I'll just stick to Wii:


Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 - Actually it wouldn't have to be a "Country" game exactly, just another platformer of some kind starring Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong with similarly great level design.


Metroid Prime 4 - I've always got time for another Metroid Prime game, and as I didn't pick up the trilogy a "Quadrilogy" edition would be nice.


Metroid Other M 2 - I enjoyed it and could certainly play another Metroid in that style.


Mario Strikers Charged 2 - Would have to be "Charged", just another Mario footy game basically.

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I would really like a proper sequel of Chibi Robo!

The gamecube title was really amazing, and after all those years I still enjoy booting it up and playing from time to time!

The characters are all so funny and loveable!

It's a shame the DS titles never got localised here in Europe, so I really hope a WiiU or 3DS title will make it to Europe!

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Mario Strikers Charged 2 - Would have to be "Charged", just another Mario footy game basically.


Good lord that game was frustrating. I can't even begin to describe the long nights my friends and I spent playing that game and not even managing to complete the middle league. The computer controlled team would just suddenly sprint across the pitch and score. Nothing you could do to stop them. When they wanted to score, they would.


There is only one game I want, and I know...*sigh* that they will never bring it out, but Nintendo...here is a poor soul saying...please...please....bring another one of these onto the WiiU...even on the 3DS or the Wii or the Gamecube! I ain't fussed.





I remember my dad once came back from a business trip, and he told me he'd bought a game for me (something he never did). He pulled out that game, and i remember being really disappointed, as i'd never heard of it, and it wasn't a classicly good game......but looking back, my sister and I actually had a really good time playing it, and I agree with you, i'd love a sequel.

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Good lord that game was frustrating. I can't even begin to describe the long nights my friends and I spent playing that game and not even managing to complete the middle league. The computer controlled team would just suddenly sprint across the pitch and score. Nothing you could do to stop them. When they wanted to score, they would.


The way to win is to learn how to use the non-main characters. The main character on the team is useless. Pass to someone like Boo, get close to the keeper, use your power then score.

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Yeah, scoring wasn't really the problem, it was stopping them scoring.


To be fair it would probably have been easier as single player. Playing with three of us only complicated things. However, i maintain that as good family fun, it was too hard.

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Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. The N64 games were as awesome as a constantly grooving musical castle decorated in giant carp banners. Make MOAR Konami! >: o


The series has continued since then, right? Getting the games to the west has been the problem.


Though the fact that the Gameboy game has made it to eshop fills me with hope.






I can't believe I forgot that one!

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The series has continued since then, right? Getting the games to the west has been the problem.


Though the fact that the Gameboy game has made it to eshop fills me with hope.


At least one game on the DS, that didn't get brought here... >_> Don't know if there are more...

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Yeah, scoring wasn't really the problem, it was stopping them scoring.


To be fair it would probably have been easier as single player. Playing with three of us only complicated things. However, i maintain that as good family fun, it was too hard.


It's just like in any football game really, you have to close the opposition down before they get a chance to "charge" up and go for goal. Easier said than done, I know. It can be a very hard game, but it's actually pretty fair in comparison to the likes of Mario Kart.


I'd love a sequel to this. However, I want them to go down the Smash route and have tons of unlockables. Also, customisation, so being able to turn off items, charged shots/mega strikes would be awesome. Just to have the option there. As much as I love the game, the one thing I hate about it is the mega-strikes.

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I love Paper Mario so am praying we get a new one. I really enjoyed Eledees although I got hopelessly stuck at one point and never made it to the end. A sequel would be fab. It's games like that and De Blob that set the Wii apart for me. I'd also add Zak and Wiki - please let there be a sequel to this.


I haven't used my Wii in months but am starting to get hyped now for the new system. I just hope we get lots more of the unique games you never see on other consoles. I already have a PS3 and XBox so am not so fussed for the big cross-platform titles. I like seeing Nintendo offer something different so will be looking for this to continue with the next-gen machine.

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Totally forgot an obvious one: Sonic Colours 2.


It's been nine months since Generations so we're due an announcement of a new Sonic game. Especially as SEGA said they were focusing more on popular franchises like Sonic.

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Personally, i want a proper WiiU Pokemon game.


Full 3D graphics, random pokemon battles (or even just free-roaming pokemon, that you see from a distance and have to attack to battle), online trading and battling, enormous discoverable world.....


I would pay money for that game. Actual money. From a wallet.

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