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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Hmm, could even make it a subforum of General Chit-Chat? Make the entire forum more compact with a gaming/anything other than gaming forum split. People seem to only concentrate on one forum or subforum and ignore the others, so if they were brought together people might notice and start posting in forums they hadn't noticed before? :o


I think this a brilliant idea. I know it may be seen as laziness, but I believe the division into many smaller forums creates a bit of a psychological barrier. I do participate in some threads in the Creative Gallery and some of the other forums, for instance, but if the overall forum doesn't really grab my interest, I'm simply less likely to visit it, and thus I risk missing out on threads I actually would like to participate in.

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So yeah, pretty interesting results. Maybe we need some sort of restructuring, but what? Personally, I use the New Posts function so I can see new posts from all forums in the same feed, but apparently not all people do that.


Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. It's so useful! It really highlights what are the busiest forums too. To be honest i had no idea people still even posted in the Wii bits anymore, but some of them are more popular than General.

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Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. It's so useful! It really highlights what are the busiest forums too. To be honest i had no idea people still even posted in the Wii bits anymore, but some of them are more popular than General.


Haha, no prob : D Like wtf, is there some kind of subforum pride going on here, people sticking to one and one sub only? It's like were living in different sections of a concentration camp here... o_O

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Yeah good job @Daft!

And I've noticed it from others aswell including yourself @Fierce_LiNk, so good on those contributing!


It's a case of just posting random things again instead of confining them to the all-encompassing threads.


It's something I'm trying to do as well.

Though it's still a bit demoralising when you see the Views to Posts ratio.

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Well I was thinkings to ma' self...see, now this here forums a place fer talkin' but that ain't goin' on. Now then I thawt to ma self...I thought long n' hard....you can't just expect a feller ta just talk n' pluck stuff outta thin air, ya gotta get one of those there "dee-scush-ee-owns" goin'...


...So I started askin' questions, posin' stuff yu see. And people, they jus come alon' and answer and then they start askin' their own musin's.

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