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Just because you don't have them, doesn't mean they're not good.


I just don't get that every game has to be the best game ever. Pilotwings, Street Fighter, Dead Or Alive, Mario Tennis (to a lesser extent), Zelda and even Ridge racer are all good to very good games. Why don't these count?


For just over a year out I think it's got a great line up of games personally.


Also don't understand why we shouldn't count the shop games, why don't they count?


The problem I have with some of those is that the DS taught us something which the Gameboy Advance seemed to massively overlook: That the handheld experience should vastly differ from the home console experience.


I've tried Zelda, Pilotwings, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and quite a few others. Zelda is lovely, but we played it over a decade ago. Therefore, I'm not buying it. Street Fighter was fine, but again, it doesn't really work for me on a handheld. It's a home console game that's been adapted for handheld, whereas it shouldn't be that way. Same for Dead or Alive. Pilotwings is one I just can't figure out. Love the idea, but absolutely loathe the setting. It's not something that excites either one of us. If you can get them at a reduced price, then it's tempting to get these games. But, you wouldn't buy a 3DS to play Street Fighter or Dead or Alive, would you now?


On the other, Icarus really has been a saving grace. It's made especially for the system, it's new, it's fun, it's vibrant, it's got a brilliant online, it's got tons of depth, it's got countless unlockables. We need more like this.


@darksnowman has already got it about second tier games. The shop games will be great, but it's not the reason to own the system. Resident Evil on the 3DS looks even more appealing thanks to 6 on the HD systems looking like arse. If we get more of these types of games, then I'll be on that quickly. There just seems to be a huge gap in quality between 3Dland + Icarus and then everything else. Yes, not every game is wanted by everyone and people have different tastes (etc, etc), but I can definitely understand why there are gamers out there who either haven't jumped onto the 3DS yet or are disappointed with it.


On the plus side, things such as Street Pass are fantastic and differentiate the 3DS from everything else out there. We spent a long time just "messing about" with the system before even playing any games on it. All I want...just more games. System is great, love the look and feel of it. But, this is a massive waiting game we're all playing.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

Probably the red one.





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I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

I'm not going to buy it.

Probably the red one.






As soon as Monster Hunter comes out, I'll be all over it. :heh:

Also, another Hotel Dusk would send me over the edge. Or, a new Metroid. All would be forgiven. :laughing:

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To highlight the fact that she is an avid handheld gamer. Apart from Icarus, she's hardly touched the system. The third party support so far has been dreadful.

Like I said, I'm sure it will be amazing in the future. But, right now, it isn't looking great. Where's the likes of Advance Wars? What about a new Starfox, which we have all been craving for some time? (please don't include the Lylat Wars cash-in)


Yeah it is a definite issue but I think its almost become this accepted thing that Nintendo consoles are purely for their franchises.

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@Fierce_LiNk Personally I don't like fighting games, but I don't really follow your logic that they belong on a home console?


Anyway, I think you should give Pilotwings a go; it always seems to me (and if you read the later pages (those who completed it) of the pilotwings thread) that those that gave the game a proper go absolutely loved it, where as those who never even tried the game, or didn't get into it and appreciate the depth, just dismiss it as a short minigame when infact it's anything but; and a lot of fun and a real challenge!


It's wrong to dismiss Zelda as a ten year old game as well. This version is like playing the game as it always should have been... the masterpiece of a masterpiece! It looks beautiful and still plays incredibly wel, plus some nice new control additions.


The stylus placement was the best on the 3DS.
It what way? Having it behind and at the top of the console so that you had to look for it each time, isn't as convienient as now being able to slide it out from the side and straight into your hand as you are holding the console.
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@Fierce_LiNk Personally I don't like fighting games, but I don't really follow your logic that they belong on a home console?


I didn't say fighting games belong on a home console. I said these fighting games do, in particular Street Fighter 4. It's basically the 360 game stripped down with 3D added. It's not something which is created purely with the 3DS in mind.


Anyway, I think you should give Pilotwings a go; it always seems to me (and if you read the later pages (those who completed it) of the pilotwings thread) that those that gave the game a proper go absolutely loved it, where as those who never even tried the game, or didn't get into it and appreciate the depth, just dismiss it as a short minigame when infact it's anything but; and a lot of fun and a real challenge!


There probably is a lot of depth to the game, but I dislike what they've done in terms of choosing the setting. It just doesn't seem that fun to explore Wuhu. It's pretty much killed my enthusiasm for the game. Hard to describe, I guess. If they had created a new landscape with its own identity, something new, I probably would have paid full price for it. Especially as its the work of Monster games.


It's wrong to dismiss Zelda as a ten year old game as well. This version is like playing the game as it always should have been... the masterpiece of a masterpiece! It looks beautiful and still plays incredibly wel, plus some nice new control additions.


I've played Ocarina of Time to death. I'm not buying it again. That's all I'm really saying on that matter. For new gamers who have never played it before, they are in for a treat. Also, I've already played the game as it was meant to be played, on the N64, where it rightfully earned its title by many as the greatest game of all time.

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Well Ocarina of Time rightfully earned that title for me back then too, but it still didn't stop me enjoying the game again immensely; but then I didn't play it to death.


Wuhu Island also put me off the game right up until the point where I bought it and you realise that really the setting isn't even that important. It's the courses they lay out for you in such great ways; mission mode genuinely make the island feel new again. But yeah, seems this game has always been a tough sell.

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It what way?


It's in easy reach of the left hand (so my sentence doesn't apply to most gamers).


Plus you can easily feel where it is - even on the side it's still underneath the console.

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Well Ocarina of Time rightfully earned that title for me back then too, but it still didn't stop me enjoying the game again immensely; but then I didn't play it to death.


Wuhu Island also put me off the game right up until the point where I bought it and you realise that really the setting isn't even that important. It's the courses they lay out for you in such great ways; mission mode genuinely make the island feel new again. But yeah, seems this game has always been a tough sell.


I love Ocarina, but feel that it has had it's day. It's had tons of time in the spotlight and will always be the definitive Zelda. But, it's time for new experiences. A new Zelda for the 3DS which isn't anything like Phantom Hourglass would have sold the 3DS to me instantly. We can all dream, though.


I will probably play Pilotwings in the future and enjoy it. But yeah, a new location would have done wonders for it. It killed my enthusiasm seeing "Resort" added to the name, devalued the game in a way.

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I love Ocarina, but feel that it has had it's day. It's had tons of time in the spotlight and will always be the definitive Zelda. But, it's time for new experiences. A new Zelda for the 3DS which isn't anything like Phantom Hourglass would have sold the 3DS to me instantly. We can all dream, though.


I will probably play Pilotwings in the future and enjoy it. But yeah, a new location would have done wonders for it. It killed my enthusiasm seeing "Resort" added to the name, devalued the game in a way.

Yep I understand both those points/reservations on the two games.


Honestly though don't let Pilotwings decieve you and give it a go sometime. I'd say it's one of the best titles in terms of being made for the 3DS in terms of it's pick up and play/just one more go approach, and nice visuals.


I too feel Ocarina, and also for me that style/structure of Zelda has has it's time. I think it took playing through the 3DS version to realise that I don't want another Zelda like this anymore, the tried and tested standard Zelda formula; but the 'remake' was a brilliant playthrough and experience nonetheless. A great game but time to move on now to new experinces like you say.


Same reason now that I don't really want to see either Majora's Mask or ALTTP getting a remake.

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@Fierce_LiNk Fiar enough. I just don't see how Street Fighter 4 being a port of a home console game devalues it. It works perfectly as a handheld game, surely that's all that maters. Same with Dead or Alive, (which isn't a port but is a 'best of' of sorts). Maybe my expectations aren't as high as yours. I'm more than happy and fully expectant that not every game is 3D land or Kid Icarus. I'll buy Bit Trip, Tetris, or whatever for £20 and be really happy with them.


I just think no console has an amazing launch. I mean, I have a VITA too, and you think the 3DS lineup is bad. Lord. That device is really really struggling for games. And most consoles do to be honest don't they?!


Personally, I think the 3DS is a great machine with loads of amazing software.


I suppose the addition is, that I have so many gaming devices, I don't crave content. I always have too much. So a short simple game, or play in quick bursts like a lot I mention I get a lot fo value out of.

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Put me in the "3DS has had a fantastic 15 months" camp.


I agree there are "tiers" - things like Street Fighter IV and Dead or Alive I probably wouldn't bother with now (they were just welcome at the time) - and not everyone likes remakes (personally I think proper remakes like OOT and Star Fox - which I'm saving for the XL - are brilliant). But that still leaves a plethora of exclusives. I won't list them as we all know what they are. In fact, it's probably easier to say what's missing.


I can honestly say the only two unannounced games I still really want (and I'd be disappointed if they didn't appear) are a 2D Metroid and an original Zelda (possibly with a follow-up to each one). Yes, despite what I've said, I don't think there is a single game available for the 3DS as good as Metroid Fusion or Zero Mission. Oh, and some sort of Dragon Quest. This has been a very Dragon Quest-less handheld!


Other than that, it's been a great 15 months.

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@Fierce_LiNkI just don't see how Street Fighter 4 being a port of a home console game devalues it. It works perfectly as a handheld game, surely that's all that maters.



True. As a matter a fact, the 3DS-version of SSFIV is by far my favourite, and I own all versions. I am w3ird, mind.


Also true about Vita. I have one from day 1, and while it's a fine machine, software is sparse and some of the well known Sony-franchises haven't fared well at all, like Resistance, Modnation Racers or Ridge Racer (well, the last is more former Sony-franchise, but you get the idea.) 3DS started off mediocre as well, and by now most of my Most Wanted list are 3DS-games.


Anyways, I wasn't waiting for a redesign, but I welcome it nonetheless.


But... won't new hardware mean a new Friend-Code? That sounds like a hassle...

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Will the NES/GBA Ambassador Games be transferrable over to the 3DS XL? and your eShop in general?


Yes, when you do a system transfer everything is sent over to the receiving 3DS.


If you sell your original 3DS console how does that person start up a new eShop account on console and not have your stuff on it?


Before you sell your 3DS, you should deactivate/disconnect your Club Nintendo account and format the system memory. If someone else bought that 3DS then there should be nothing on there at all, except for the pre-installed apps. From there that person can add their own Club Nintendo account.


EDIT: I'm not so sure what will happen if the previous owner doesn't deactivate their account and format system memory, but if they did not then the next person to buy the 3DS should be able to have access to all of their downloadable games... I think.

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I can't really decide what 'camp' I'm in regarding 3DS up until this point ::shrug:


Since getting the console on launch, I've had some great experiences mixed with some lacklustre feelings. My current collection of retail games, in order of purchase, stands as follows..

Pilotwings: Resort

Ridge Racer 3D

Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

Super Mario 3D Land

Mario Kart 7

Starfox 64 3D

Kid Icarus: Uprising


I've enjoyed all of these to a certain degree (along with the departed PES 2011 3D) but I would conclude that not all of them have any divine right to remain in my possession.


Pilotwings Resort, Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 are my three 'MUST-HAVE' 3DS experiences and games that I will certainly never part with. Kid Icarus: Uprising falls short, for me, of excellence but enough people on here have enjoyed it to be well worth a look for most people.. and again, it won't leave my collection.


The rest, however, are there for different reasons but I don't imagine I would particularly miss any of them if they happened to disappear :indeed:


Ridge Racer 3D was bought to me for my birthday in May last year and it was certainly a good racer, if a little repetitive. The fact that I have cleared everything 100% means that I'm unlikely to ever return, though :hmm:


Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition is a decent fighting game with online and plenty of features. For £12.99, I had no doubts about snapping it up. However, I've never been a huge fan of fighting games and any incentive I would have to play for a reasonable length of time in single player (unlocking new characters) was completely absent as every fighter was available from the beginning. I'm also not good enough, or keen enough, to become competitive enough to take the game online.


Starfox 64 3D is there due to my love for Lylat Wars and a craving I had to experience the game again with new visuals and an ability to play it in bitesize chunks :smile: To a degree, it fulfilled its purpose but I never completely felt like I was gaining anything by having it over the original.


I bought Ocarina of Time 3D for similar reasons but returned it for a refund without ever taking it out of its seal when I realised I genuinely didn't feel like playing through it all again..


Over the last year or so, I've had periods where I played the console every single day and then other times when I've went for several weeks without really touching it other than to check Letterbox daily and carrying it around for StreetPass hits when possible. I've currently in that latter phase, though Luigi's Mansion, New Super Mario Bros 2 and Paper Mario: Sticker Star will bring me out of the current lull.

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@Fierce_LiNk (and anyone else interested in digging up some hidden gems) I'd recommend checking out both Ghost Recon and Rythym Thief. Ghost Recon is a great strategy game from Julian Gollop, creator of X-Com. I've ploughed 50 hours into it and enjoyed every minute. There's lots of depth to the combat and tonnes of content. Rythym Thief is INCREDIBLY good fun and a perfect handheld title to play in short bursts. I played the demo and was instantly hooked - i've never been a big fan of the rythym genre but this just clicked for me.


Both are pretty cheap on Zavvi and Play right now!

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For me I think the 3DS has had a much better start than either the DS or the GBA. Anyone else remember the 7-8 month long gruelling wait that we had to endure for the 2nd wave of DS software after launch? (Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars DS, Kirby Power Paintbrush) or the gruelling first year of the GBA where absolutely nothing of note came out after launch until Wario Land 4 in November and Advance Wars in January 2002! (and nobody expected that one to be as good as it was!)


By comparison, the 3DS has had a (mostly) constant stream of quality titles. Some perhaps sliding too far on the scale towards brevity (Steel Diver, Pilotwings Resort and Mario Tennis Open spring to mind), but they all have really solid core gameplay and that's what ultimately matters most. My first year library for 3DS absolutely dwarfs the DS and GBA's first years!


Still, the underlined point is also my problem with the 3DS thus far; Its lineup is far too sequel heavy. Where are the new and fresh IPs that blindside you out of nowhere? Where are the unexpected gems that go on to define the console? (Rhythm Thief is good, but it's no Advance Wars, Rhythm Heaven, TWERY or Golden Sun and Steel Diver isn't actually even designed for 3DS - it was originally a DS game!) The only one I'd really count that fits that description is Pullblox/Pushmo - though Dillon's Rolling Western is really good as well. I suppose that Kid Icarus Uprising and Theathythm might as well count as well (since they are in all practicality new IPs), but I fully expected them to be awesome; I want something to come out of nowhere!


That plus a huge chunk of the console's library is seemingly trapped in Japan. It's a fucking crime against nature that we're not getting Monster Hunter 3G or 4!

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That plus a huge chunk of the console's library is seemingly trapped in Japan. It's a fucking crime against nature that we're not getting Monster Hunter 3G or 4!


This seems to be the main problem. Iwata stated the other day that the 3DS is weak in Europe and the US, especially when you compare it to Japan. The thing is that Japan seems to get a big release every month but many of these titles won't make it over here.


It really boils my blood that Nintendo region locked the 3DS. If I want to play Monster Hunter I now have to buy a new handheld as well as the game. It was so much easier when it was on the PSP, I could just import the game and be done. The same can be said about the RPGs that the US got on the DS. You just had to head over to VGP and a few days later you could be playing US games on your Euro DS.


I hate Nintendo sometimes.

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This seems to be the main problem. Iwata stated the other day that the 3DS is weak in Europe and the US, especially when you compare it to Japan. The thing is that Japan seems to get a big release every month but many of these titles won't make it over here.



That is the problem exactly. Thankfully that problem willbe ending soon but still

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That is the problem exactly. Thankfully that problem willbe ending soon but still


I wouldn't say that. Sure you've got New Art Academy and Freakyforms deluxe this month and NSMB2 next month, but there's nothing slated for September. Then you've got the trio of LMDM, PMSS and Layton MoM that'll no doubt get released during October-December and then you're back to square one again with nothing to follow on from that (other than Fire Emblem Awakening and Demon Training, which are coming out lord knows when in 2013)


Quality 3rd party titles are far and few inbetween (with two big ones out this month and then absolutely nothing in the pipeline for us in EU/US other than Castlevania MoF, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Epic Mickey POI)


I wouldn't say that's a healthy lineup at all. It still features 2 month waits between quality titles (Jan: RE:Revelations, Mar: Kid Icarus Uprising, May: Mario Tennis Open, July: Theathythm, New Art Academy, Freakyforms DX & KHDDD, Aug: NSMB2, October & November: LMDM, PMSS, Layton MoM, Scribblenauts, Epic Mickey POI, Castlvania MoF, then nothing for December-2013). They've pushed more games into each month and October/November looks good but the gaps are still there and 2013 is a big fat blank.

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I wouldn't say that. Sure you've got New Art Academy and Freakyforms deluxe this month and NSMB2 next month, but there's nothing slated for September. Then you've got the trio of LMDM, PMSS and Layton MoM that'll no doubt get released during October-December and then you're back to square one again with nothing to follow on from that (other than Fire Emblem Awakening and Demon Training, which are coming out lord knows when in 2013)


Quality 3rd party titles are far and few inbetween (with two big ones out this month and then absolutely nothing in the pipeline for us in EU/US other than Castlevania MoF, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Epic Mickey POI)


I wouldn't say that's a healthy lineup at all. It still features 2 month waits between quality titles (Jan: RE:Revelations, Mar: Kid Icarus Uprising, May: Mario Tennis Open, July: Theathythm, New Art Academy, Freakyforms DX & KHDDD, Aug: NSMB2, October & November: LMDM, PMSS, Layton MoM, Scribblenauts, Epic Mickey POI, Castlvania MoF, then nothing for December-2013). They've pushed more games into each month and October/November looks good but the gaps are still there and 2013 is a big fat blank.

Still, it's better than most other consoles where it's next to nothing until November...

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