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GamePad Battery Life.


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Ok serious thread time.


Now, what I've seen about the Wii U over the past few does has actually really impressed me. They have changed everything people didn't like about the GamePad, I like the look of the online system, and the horsepower of the console is better than what I thought it was going to be.


Even the E3 press conference I was satisfied with, it's what I expected. People who thought Rockstar were going to come out with GTA V on it, or Capcom with RE6 were just being un realistic IMO. The only thing I thought may make an appearance is Retros new game, but you can't have it all.


So, everything has been going well. Here's me thinking my main console might actually be a Nintendo one again, colour me excited.


But then this morning on Eurogamer I read this quote which could quite ruin yet another generation of Nintendo's home console for me.


"The battery life of the Wii U's GamePad controller has been fully detailed by Nintendo, with a single charge expected to last between three to five hours."




That is absolutely shocking to say the least, my Xbox controller get's 40 hours. iPad 10 hours, and the Wii U, say 4?


That might not even be enough for one play session, the controller doesn't even have a CPU or anything inside like a tablet, it's just a screen. All the processing power comes from the console. Words can not describe what a let down this is for me, I was expecting at least 10. Maybe even nearer 20.


So, so disappointed. Nintendo will never learn.

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I remember the Thursday I got Twilight Princess on GameCube. I played it six hours straight. Excessive, yes, but that's what you do when you're excited.


Wireless is my pet hate. It creates more problems than it solves. If only the Wii U controllers were wired (or just used GameCube pads), you could have four or more at once and never need to recharge them. Seems much better than having wireless to me.

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I posted about this in the main thread and I think it's quite a problem as well. Thank god you can still play with it whilst it's charging, I remember the batteries running out in my Wiimote a couple of months back and realising I had no spares. T'was awful.

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i don't really care to be honest, i'll plug it in when the batter is low

The 3DS has a shit battery, yet i don't often have a problem with that! if i'm in i charge it when i'm not using it, for extended play at home i plug in. When i'm out i'm not gaming for more than 3 hours so battery is good.

When your sat 3-5ft from the WiiU gamepad's charging point, its kind of lazy to need wireless 24/7, you can have it wired.


my 360 play and charge kit is getting shit and lasts 5 hours tops befor i need to plug in, and its never an issue, unless the cable is tangled and the controller has completely crapped out during multiplayer, knowing nintendo it will have a battery indicator on the second screen all the time, so that issue won't arrise like with my 360 pad

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What about people who don't have a plug socket near where they play?


No avoiding this is a terrible thing.


It will surely charge off the USB sockets on the console like a 360 or ps3 controller, so that argument surely falls down? they wouldn't have the pad charge via a separate plug, its nuts

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It will surely charge off the USB sockets on the console like a 360 or ps3 controller, so that argument surely falls down? they wouldn't have the pad charge via a separate plug, its nuts


Nah, Caris has a point. It's also pretty funny considering Nintendo's idea of a room for their promotional videos which would be impossible to play wired in or require an extremely long cable.

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My Xbox 360 controller never keeps it's charge for 40 hours, i've had to plug it in twice today during a six hour Mass Effect 3 sesh. All I had to do was get up out of my seat (scary I know), get the wire from my gaming kit bag, untangle it from the other wires I neatly placed in there, plug the wire into the console, try and stop the cat from chewing on it, nearly trip up on it on my way back to my seat a whole 1.5 meters away, and then realise I'd plugged in the PS3 USB charger wire.


But seriously, it's not the end of the world if the tablet needs tethering every few hours surely? Nyko will release a cheap battery-charger/life extender anyway. There are wars and famine going on and you're moaning the battery charge in your Wii U lasts three hours... #firstworldproblems

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I remember the Thursday I got Twilight Princess on GameCube. I played it six hours straight. Excessive, yes, but that's what you do when you're excited.


Wireless is my pet hate. It creates more problems than it solves. If only the Wii U controllers were wired (or just used GameCube pads), you could have four or more at once and never need to recharge them. Seems much better than having wireless to me.


Totes feel the same, never been a big fan of wireless, and try to go wired wherever I can. Scrambling for batteries/chargers or just getting shit response because your batteries are dying(not to mention the fact the wii tells me mine are dying from about 10 minutes after I put them in to 10 months later), all annoy me no end! AND wireless is expensive compared!


One thing about the Wii U pad...what does it charge off? Looked mighty like the 3DS port to me. I guess it is a bit of a shit outing for battery life, but then, I avoid battery as much as I can and don't even know what's good or bad tbh.


Also does anyone know how long it takes to charge?

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No excuse here. 3DS was limited by its chassis size, but the Wii U controller is massive and has no real internal guts to speak of.


I can understand them looking to cut costs to keep the price of the thing down, but this is a cut too far. The battery life is simply poor.

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It is pretty poor but not that much of a deal breaker. As long as its got a usb cable connected to the console it's fine. Although if they do a Sony and give me a cable that's 20cm long I won't be happy.


My 360 battery has been dead for 2 years and rather than replacing it I just use the charging cable all the time.

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To be honest I'm not all that bothered by the battery life of the GamePad. Always expected it to be quite limited, and the fact that it's a home console so you'll just be able to run it off the mains means it's not really a problem for me.

It's not at all comparable to the short battery life issue on the 3DS.


Plus, there are many more aspects of the Wii U to be far more concerned with at the moment. :angry:

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What about people who don't have a plug socket near where they play?


No avoiding this is a terrible thing.


Buy an extension cable lol!


As long as I can just plug it in whilst I'm playing so it charges during gameplay I don't care.


Unless someone steals all my precious extension cables!!!!

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If I've running around the living room doing back flips with it, it could well be problematic! Having said that, gently using it to look around surely will dislodge the cable?


I don't know why but that really amused me, the sort of image of a ninja like person back flipping around while holding a wiiu pad! i even snorted tea out my nose! bad thing to do at work though, funny looks at me right now :cry:

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