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Is Nintendo About to go a Generation Down Already?

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I've never played a Final Fantasy. Shocking, I know, and made even more shocking by the fact I used to work at Square. I hear FF7 is good (or something to that effect), probably a good place to start.

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Why would they show games for consoles that aren't even announced yet? At worse these games will be PC only and by the time the new generation of consoles rolls in these games will be 2 years old and we'll be getting their sequels on the next machine.


There is zero chance that 1313 will be PC only.

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I've never played a Final Fantasy. Shocking, I know, and made even more shocking by the fact I used to work at Square. I hear FF7 is good (or something to that effect), probably a good place to start.


*sharp intake of breath*

Id start with Final Fantasy 9, its graphical style holds much better on a small screen than FF7, FF7 looks very dated now.


Great Game though, just don't expect anything graphical wise


might be that i've grown to prefer 9 over 7 over the years that i'm saying that.








I fully believe it has the specs to run Watch Dogs and 1313 - if they are (as they claimed) going to be on ps3 and 360 then the WiiU can easily run the same spec if not a much better version.


I just think its a case of (as always) Nintendo not wanting to shout specs and just focus on gameplay like they always have. Specs will be released in a press release, which in this instance isn't the right way


As for Tomb Raider, i think they got the dev kit late and are playing catch up, unless they announce it later in the week/posters leaked are correct


now if Tomb raider is out at launch or shortly after for the WiiU, well i'm sold right there

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Why isn't Resi 6 coming to Wii U?


If there was there at launch it would make a massive difference, then have Tomb Raider/Splinter Cell etc... in Q1 next year.


Also what about the likes of Castlevania 2 and Lost Planet 3; if these were there along side Resi, all these games start to really add up.




So are there final specs out to confirm that the Wii U should be capable of running the PC version of Star Wars?

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So are there final specs out to confirm that the Wii U should be capable of running the PC version of Star Wars?


It would still be a long shot confirming it could run it considering the specs we have seen aren't confirmed and aren't specific enough.


We're not going to find out what the actual specs are until an internal document leaks (which hasn't happened since the Nitro days) or when it launches and people rip the thing apart. Even then, people still can't accurately provide the 3DS specs, so we'll be waiting for a while I think.

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I would argue that it is very early in Wii U's life and everyone has been working on constantly changing dev kits and specs but there is evidence to suggest that 3rd parties should be able to achieve parity graphics. That being ACIII, Aliens, ME3 and Batman.


I'm just surprised that ZombiU looks as bad as it does.

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Well it's not going to be released on a next generation console when it comes out. So it will be on the PS3 and Xbox360.
Why not?


This is the first time Watch Dogs and Star Wars were unveiled, meaning they probably have at least 1 year to go until launch; and at E3 they were running on high end PC's.


So if the PS4 comes out for Christmas 2013 (with rumours being they might want to be first out the blocks this time), or otherwise if the PS4 and 720 come out in 2014, then these two games will be ready for those consoles without needing to be downgraded which they will do otherwise.


Plus the Wii U is getting year old games.

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Before yesterday, I was dead certain that I'd be getting this on launch day.


Now, I don't know if I will bother. This is from someone who loves the Wii and it's probably my favourite ever console. Tons of awesome games and memories.


I was looking for two things yesterday.


- Something to show off the tablet, to make us believe it was the future of home console gaming.


- To show us the future of the console. That the future was bright, that even after launch, there would be things coming.


I got neither yesterday.


Yes, there will no doubt be Mario games, but what kind? I don't really want New Super Mario, again. The 3DS/WiiU one will be the third/Fourth game in the series. FOURTH! This is pretty alarming. We know Mario Kart will be coming, but I'm bitter about the Wii version and am not bothered by what I've seen of the 3DS one.


There will be a Zelda, but when? At the end of its lifecycle like Skyward Sword? There might be a Metroid. When? Apart from those, everything else (bar Smash Bros) is not certain. We didn't get F Zero on the Wii. Nothing else is a certainty apart from the big three, four if you count Mario Kart.


So, we need to be shown these games. Even to be shown something like a screenshot to give us something. We need to know about not just the launch window, but the entire first year, or at least the majority of what we can expect in that year.


The other thing is about the tablet itself. I love the Wiimote and straight away it grabbed me. The tablet isn't as impressive because we've already had two screen touch screen control on a Nintendo system - the DS. So, we're looking for examples in games to show how it works. So far, we have seen nothing. Only one title has really shown how the tablet can be great for a game made especially for the WiiU - ZombiU.


Just, so disappointed. I've never doubted myself over a Nintendo system before, but this will be the first time. I can't believe the contrast to how hyped I was for the Wii in comparison to this. It's just such a bad turnaround.

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Exactly how I feel Fierce. Never before have I been this unexcited by a nintendo device, that is shocking. I'm sure (hoping) that all the details of the OS, the online service, the new game announcements etc will change my mind, but currently feeling pretty deflated to be honest

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I don't think it was that terrible as some 'fans' make it to be


I'm a big Nintendo fan, always have been and always will be. No need for punctuation marks to discredit opinions, 'Sagat'.


Fans are quite entitled to express an opinion; we love Nintendo and we want to hear about their goods - so when they fail to tell us anything, we're quite right to critisise. 12 months passed since Reggie and Co said they'd regain the core - that's a clear statement from Nintendo; core titles and yet we were given nothing from them. Honestly, they could have spent 58 spilling themselves over NintendoLand and Wii Fit U if they followed this with a sizzle reel of core titles coming over the next 12 months.


And for the record, the conference was awful, a waste of bloody time. We learned nothing about the games, we learned nothing about the machine and that's why it was poor.


Nintendo blew the WiiU annoucement - twice.

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Mark me down as a doubter too. I was well up for it after the Nintendo Direct and loved the way the E3 conference began with the Miyamoto and the Pikmin... then it just went entirely downhill. Reminded me of the Wii Music year when E3 really lost all semblance of the plot.


Currently I'm more hyped for the 3DS.




(Disclaimer: Wii Music turned out to be great fun, I know...)

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Exactly how I feel Fierce. Never before have I been this unexcited by a nintendo device, that is shocking. I'm sure (hoping) that all the details of the OS, the online service, the new game announcements etc will change my mind, but currently feeling pretty deflated to be honest


There's actually a few games that I want to play. But, there's nothing that says "You will pay hundreds of pounds to play me." There's nothing that changes all of the rules like Super Mario 64 or Rogue Leader.


Pikmin is nice, ZombiU (for now) is nice, Rayman is nice, Lego City is nice. But, they're not games you buy a system for. You buy something else to go with those games. They go alongside the likes of Twilight Princess, Super Mario 64, etc.


The bit that pisses me off is that if Nintendo had just shown something, just had a minute's footage of a killer title, we'd all be saying how the conference was a success and appealed to everyone. Batman was lovely, but why isn't there a new and exclusive Batman made just for the WiiU. Same with Ninja Gaiden. These bring people to the system. Adding WiiU controls to an old title won't cut it.

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The question is not whether or not the system is capable, but rather if 3rd parties can be cajoled into supporting a company that they clearly have some personal beef with...


Nintendo desperately needed these guys to step up to the plate and say "Game X on WiiU is the best looking of the bunch" (kudos to Gearbox), but having said that Nintendo should have started the pissing competition this week and drew attention that way.


(Disclaimer: Wii Music turned out to be great fun, I know...)


Make that smaller next time. I can still see it.

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I think Retro's game could change a few minds, it'll surely be there for the launch window if (as rumour has it) it's playable and got pulled last minute.


And chances are it is one of the potential system selling franchises.

A new IP would be even better!


Likewise though I can't believe we didn't even get 5 seconds of a Wii U Waverace/F-Zero or something!

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Specifically about whether it's next gen: this is one thing I'm not disappointed with. For six years, I've been prepared for the fact that Nintendo's next console would only be Xbox 360-level tech. Doesn't mean it's what I want, but I expected it. Let's say Sony and Microsoft release their consoles in 2013 for £300. There is no way Nintendo could match anything like that in 2012 for £200. All I ask is that it's the most powerful console when it's released.


I will be disappointed though if the machine is not as powerful as last year; if it can't run that Zelda HD demo as well. Worryingly, nothing at the conference looked as good as that.


There will be a Zelda, but when? At the end of its lifecycle like Skyward Sword? There might be a Metroid. When? Apart from those, everything else (bar Smash Bros) is not certain. We didn't get F Zero on the Wii. Nothing else is a certainty apart from the big three, four if you count Mario Kart.


This is very, very important. Getting (3D) Mario, Metroid and Zelda out should be Nintendo's biggest priority, so that they're out quite early in the system's lifespan. That way future games can be based on them. Even if they're not released until 2014, we can cope with that (and let's be honest, they've had a few years to prepare something).


The fact they didn't show a hint of any of them genuinely has me concerned whether there is still the drive within the company to release that sort of game.


Fans are quite entitled to express an opinion; we love Nintendo and we want to hear about their goods - so when they fail to tell us anything, we're quite right to critisise. 12 months passed since Reggie and Co said they'd regain the core - that's a clear statement from Nintendo; core titles and yet we were given nothing from them. Honestly, they could have spent 58 spilling themselves over NintendoLand and Wii Fit U if they followed this with a sizzle reel of core titles coming over the next 12 months.


Exactly. Only fans understand how utterly brilliant Nintendo was - all those Christmases exploring the worlds in Zelda. Will they ever be able to create those experiences again? Are they even trying to? We just don't know.

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Back on to the talk regarding what generation technology the Wii U uses.. it seems to be confirmed that although the Wii U can output 1080p, the games run natively at 720p, pretty much what all the HD Xbox and PS3 games run at (PS3 can do above that with the use of dynamic framebuffer technology).


But with that came confirmation that Pikmin 3 will be 60 frames per second. So I think it's safe to say it's slightly stronger than the Xbox 360 but can't honestly say about it being stronger than PS3 because the hardware was held back by publishers who favoured porting games over from the Xbox developed version. Obviously the graphics will get better over time but we're already hearing what I called in previous threads, the Wii U controller takes up a lot of resources and any games supporting a second controller will effectively halve the frame rate.


I'm still very confident though that history will repeat and Nintendo will be behind a generation again. It's only a big leap when you look at it subjectively, for Nintendo only. If say Microsoft and Sony released their next gen consoles with similar specs to the Wii it wouldn't be a big leap at all, it'd be viewed as fucking cheap.

Edited by Debug Mode
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