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Game & Wario (June 28th)


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Hopefully, but I've already been disappointed with Ski in that regard. The endless mode doesn't seem to increase in difficulty at all! :nono: I played it for around half an hour, before getting bored and falling off the course on purpose just to end the game. :hmm:


I'm hoping the Miiverse artwork mode will be fun/add a bit of longevity to this game. That's the only mode I'm yet to try.


Yeah, Ski's a real disappointment in general - which is weird cause I felt that Twister Race was one of the best games in Nintendo Land :confused:


I just hope that there's plenty of stages for Taxi. Really like that one! :D I know that there's some "free play" stages you can unlock via the Chick N' Win capsules, but I don't know how many there are in total. I can see a lot of potential for longetivity and depth in that game, so I hope it lives up to expectations! (I hear that Pirates has quite a lot of stages and I know that Patchwork has over 90, so here's hoping!)


BTW, the whole Chick N' Win screen is utterly inspired and utterly bonkers. Love it! :D

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I'm surprised you guys don't like Ski as I have the opposite opinion! I couldn't stand Twister race and thought Ski was miles better. I could just be biased towards Jimmy T. though.


I've got to the bowling stage and love it so far. The mini-games are very hit and miss, and it's certainly not a patch on the Wii game (but I hold that as the best in the series by far), but it's still very enjoyable. So much character, and the chicken eggs keep me wanting to come back for more.


Stand out games so far - 18 Volt! It was a right task getting a score of 40 but I managed it. 9 Volt is also pretty awesome but I enjoy the other mode more because of the pure WarioWare aspect. I was also very surprised by Ashley's stage, it looked so dull but is actually pretty awesome.


Stand out has to be the pirate game though. Oh my GOD. That game is so good, I wish they'd make an entire eShop title of it. Can't get enough, and the dancing at the end is just hilarious.


The taxi game is also worthy of a mention, very engaging and surprisingly hard (or maybe I'm just shit at multi-tasking).


So far, I'm impressed. I know its been getting bad reviews, but that's what I expected. I think Wario games have always been quite misunderstood. Also, the whole chicken thing seemed exciting at first but I'm getting far too many 'hints' and character profiles. I do LOVE the phone-calls though. Truly hilarious and take me right back to the days of WarioWare on GameCube when it seemed as though pretty much anything goes.


I am surprised by the lack of multi-player options though.. heck, that's the main reason I got it :p That said, the picture drawing game is amazing. Me and f00had had an awesome time on that - I can't wait to try it 5 player!

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Okay, I had this on preorder with wow and they couldn't sent it it for launch so canceled, and after hearing reports thought I wouldn't bother with it. But I am tempted; I don't care if some are crap, and not even too bothered about a weak single player, if there are a few really good multiplayer games in this, and I mean really good it'll be worth it for my gaming weekends. So, does it have really good multiplayer modes?!

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I should have had this by now but it would seem that my copy from ShopTo ha run into a delay with the post or its 'disappeared' so now I have to wait the allotted 15 days. :/


Gonna just get a refund assuming it doesn't turn up after that period of time because if you've had to wait that long for a new game release - no matter the circumstance - it doesn't really feel right having another one sent two weeks late, would just feel utterly pointless to me. ::shrug:


I might just buy this again whenever I see it cheap if that's the case, but I will be going for insured postage for Pikmin 3 now, no way I'm risking that not getting to me on release! :p

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I'm surprised you guys don't like Ski as I have the opposite opinion!
I actually do like Ski, in fact it's probably my most played game so far. It's just such a shame that the endless version of it is so weak. :sad:


So, does it have really good multiplayer modes?!
I wouldn't say really good multiplayer modes, no. I reckon fruit is the best mutliplayer game.

But there's just not enough content overall to recommend G&W, for single or multiplayer. :hmm:

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I'm actually pretty happy with my purchase of this game. I've played single player for a good few hours last night, and completed the 1st playthrough on the games,


And i'm pretty happy with the extra levels / difficulties / challanges that you unlock for each game.



Gamer I'm loving to bits, and I'm happy that you can unlock 18volt which enables the actual WarioWare style mini games.


Skiing Is incredibly fun so far, As I posted in the MiiVerse... Come on Nintendo make a 1080 Wii U game, it's clearly evident you can do it.


Design is awesome, really like that, I Can't get higher than a bronze in it. And the additional 5 second, 1 stroke rules makes it really fun.


I Love Taxi, really enjoyed it and played it the most so far.




I'm personally very happy with my purchase of it, plus it was only £24 for me so even more chuffed with it :)

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I wouldn't say really good multiplayer modes, no. I reckon fruit is the best mutliplayer game.

But there's just not enough content overall to recommend G&W, for single or multiplayer. :hmm:


Does this work with the Wiimotes? Mine kept disconnecting every time we went to play it. Or do the other players literally just have to call you out and claim the game is over?


Anyway, islands is pretty fun and the drawing one is awesome. Compared to the fantastic multiplayer in the Wii and Gamecube versions though, this is just so low on content and replayability.

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Does this work with the Wiimotes? Mine kept disconnecting every time we went to play it. Or do the other players literally just have to call you out and claim the game is over?
Nope, just GamePad for all games, single and multiplayer.


I haven't played G&W for days now, it's all about the 3DS at the moment with AC and PXZ. :cool:

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Aah, suddenly that makes more sense. I played 5 player Islands and pictionary thing yesterday and both were great fun! Especially the tall island that is easy to tip over :p


Considering how great those two are, its a shame there's not more to the game! I wish it was given a bit more time and have the multiplayer modes its known for.


One thing that I'm not too sure about is how I'm gonna get all the chicken eggs. I've pretty much finished the game other than a few GAMER SCORE high-scores but have more than half the chicken eggs left!

Edited by Josh64
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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay got to play this multi player for the first time on Saturday, and have to say it's actually really damn fun.


4 of us in total playing and laughed so damn much.



Islands was so funny. We played this particular game for hours. It's a shame there aren't more islands to use, But we didn't get bored of the islands we did play on. The Leaning tower one in particular was awesome. And at the end of everyone's turn, the seagull that come's and picks on one person each time. Brought many laughs as it constantly seemed to pick on one person who was losing each round anyway.


Fruit Was the 2nd most played game, and again the first couple of play troughs on this brought multiple laughs as people were getting accustomed to what to do. In particular the museum level where my friend when playing this couldn't work out how to steal the fruit at first, so we could easily identify him standing at fruit for ages. Yeah really enjoyed this game too.


sketch we played a fair few games, but people got slightly frustrated with me as I won this each time we played it, got the most correct guessed drawings and the most correct guesses. Still funny as people's attempted drawings (myself included) were so terrible that they were funny.


Guessing things like hovercraft based off of 2 lines being drawn and people questioning "How the fuck did you get that, from that!"



Won't even talk about Disco other than to say we didn't like it.



Multiplayer has a lot of replay value in it if you are with the right crowd, and apparently 4 blokes drinking 2 crates of beer and eating pizza's is the right crowd. Went down a treat.

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  • 2 years later...

I've had this game since Christmas 2013 and enjoyed it quite a lot but I've been playing it a lot in the last couple of days and am genuinely having a blast :yay:


There were complaints that the content was relatively light in Game & Wario but I'm finding there to be plenty of fun to be had, in a similar way to Nintendo Land :smile:


I had previously unlocked all the games but I've been going back to delve deeper into each one, unlocking further content, improving my scores and achieving gold cups etc. It's been great :grin: I mainly focused on Ski, Camera and Ashley today but can't wait to get into some of the others as I feel I may have glossed over the whole package a little first time around!


The Sketchpad game still gets brought out occasionally for multiplayer fun but it's certainly nice to sink my teeth into some solo experiences. To be honest, it's proving to be one of those games that makes the Wii U Gamepad somewhat worthwhile :heh:

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This game is ridiculously underrated! It's always a hit whenever guests are round!


Fruit alone is worth the pricetag for us! (And of course Artwork is a guaranteed good time by all : peace: )


While not all the games are runaway winners, the ones that hit REALLY hit! (Gamer in particular needs no introduction)


Oh and of course, you can't not mention THOSE title screens...




Genius :laughing:

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I thought this was one of the laziest games Nintendo put out in a long time. I think it lacked a lot of the charm of the other games in the series and the mini games themselves certainly weren't up to scratch.


Personally I would like to see Wario back in a 2D platformer. I never cared for his WarioWare design and much prefer him in his original setup, running around trying to grab cash.

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My issue is just getting to that point. I have to unlock many of the games, but each time I go in to try, I get hit by the mediocre games and I have to go through them and it feels like such a slog :(


I actually didn't think particularly highly of a few of the games, such as Camera and Ashley, but had a lot of fun today when I went back to them.


I'm hoping the same will be true of the others :grin:

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