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The Wonderful 101


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The deal is making me consider buying W101. Thing is that, while the game seems to be visually polished, I don't quite get why everyone's hyped over it.

At a discounted price, it may be worth a purchase, just to see what the fuss is all about.


Don't get me wrong, it seems well made enough, reminds me of Viewtiful Joe visually and Pikmin gameplay-wise, but I just don't see why it's so special.

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The deal is making me consider buying W101. Thing is that, while the game seems to be visually polished, I don't quite get why everyone's hyped over it.

At a discounted price, it may be worth a purchase, just to see what the fuss is all about.


Don't get me wrong, it seems well made enough, reminds me of Viewtiful Joe visually and Pikmin gameplay-wise, but I just don't see why it's so special.

It's a new Nintendo owned IP developed by a company that's rated as one of the best developers around. That's why.


Plus it looks awesome, and very unique

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The deal is making me consider buying W101. Thing is that, while the game seems to be visually polished, I don't quite get why everyone's hyped over it.

At a discounted price, it may be worth a purchase, just to see what the fuss is all about.


Don't get me wrong, it seems well made enough, reminds me of Viewtiful Joe visually and Pikmin gameplay-wise, but I just don't see why it's so special.


Its colourful, a new IP, has charm, gameplay looks fast, frantic and fun, made by the director of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Resident Evil 2.


Nuff said. :D

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I cannot wait for it.

They're like the Power Rangers or something! It just looks crammed full of pure frantic fun. Plus, it seems like there could be all sorts to come from this new franchise too, what with there being around 5 (maybe more!) main characters!


I'd love to get my hands on some character figuers from this game and I haven't even played it yet!!

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The deal is making me consider buying W101. Thing is that, while the game seems to be visually polished, I don't quite get why everyone's hyped over it.

At a discounted price, it may be worth a purchase, just to see what the fuss is all about.


Don't get me wrong, it seems well made enough, reminds me of Viewtiful Joe visually and Pikmin gameplay-wise, but I just don't see why it's so special.


It's a new Nintendo owned IP developed by a company that's rated as one of the best developers around. That's why.


Plus it looks awesome, and very unique


Its colourful, a new IP, has charm, gameplay looks fast, frantic and fun, made by the director of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Resident Evil 2.


Nuff said. :D



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All eyes are on Wonder-Red in our first in a series of character profiles presenting the stars of The Wonderful 101.


From a quiet life as an elementary school teacher to becoming the newest leader of the Wonderful 100, it's time to step up to the plate in the face of an alien invasion! His Unite Morph ability turns the Wonderful Ones into a gigantic hand!










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What I love best about this game is that it doesn't make sense. Any of it. It looks like somebody created it whilst vomiting comic books and shitting LSD. And mixed it all together to make a cake.


Same reason I love Bayonetta!

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You got the Wii U at a great time, not to mention a great price. Your patience paid off big time.


I eyed it up like a hawk. I said to myself that as soon as it got to below £200, that was the time. I missed out on the ZombiU deal at HMV, that sold out fast.


As soon as it got posted in the Bargains thread, I was there. Just as well, because the deal has gone now and, although Amazon price matched it initially, they have shot the price back up to £240 or something.


Altogether, I paid:


£199 for the Wii U with Nintendoland.

£25 for Need for Speed

£16 for ZombiU

£9 or Batman! :D

£18 for Tekken Tag

£25 for Pikmin with Flubit thanks to @Rummy.




£292 for a Wii U with 6 great games. All brand new. :D


That's how it's done. :cool:

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