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The Wonderful 101


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I ee this as a viewtiful joe style surprise. Something different. I don't understand why everyone is dismissing it straight away!


It might not be Western enough for some people so they will avoid it without playing it and seeing what's it like to begin with. I'm going to get this regardless.

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I'll wait for the reviews before I buy, as I'm concerned with the previous comments about length/content(whether or not they were in the right context), nice to see stuff like this though! We need more exclusives and stuff!

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I'll wait for the reviews before I buy, as I'm concerned with the previous comments about length/content(whether or not they were in the right context), nice to see stuff like this though! We need more exclusives and stuff!


I always figured that what they meant was that the game was going to have a Viewtiful Joe-like length and replayability (which, coincidentally, is also Pikmin-like :heh:)

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I have a feeling that was the meaning; though I've never actually replayed Pikmin! As for Wiewtiful Joe the most I've played was about 5 minutes on a DS one or something I think. Always heard about it but never really played it. I have a feeling I'll pick this up eventually anyhow, still in the mindset of wanting to actually support the Wii U, but it's not the most sensible reason for buying games.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That trailer did it, I have to get this game, I just have to.


Could be fun, if it was online, but then again, Platinum hasn't done many online games. I think they only made one, and we all know how that turned out...


But this game looks great, and I believe even single player will give me fun amount my money.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Kamiya Concerned The Wonderful 101's Marketing Isn’t Enough


Outspoken Platinum Games designer Hideki Kamiya has taken to Twitter to express his concerns over Nintendo’s current marketing for The Wonderful 101. Kamiya explains in a number of tweets to his fans that there are hardly any magazine previews and game stores currently lack the promotion because they’re unsure of the title’s details. He also says there are not enough advertisements to build relevant awareness of the game, and estimates, in terms of resources, that Platinum Games has all together spent one and a half times more than they did on the first Bayonetta. Kamiya, though, has stressed that he is not saying anything on behalf of Nintendo and their marketing, more that – in his own opinion – he’s frustrated at the lack of understanding that seems apparent for the game. Do you believe Nintendo is doing enough to raise awareness for The Wonderful 101? Let us know in the comments below.



I'd say there'll be very few ads if any on TV for this game. I think Nintendo will only start advertising the Wii U in the runup to Christmas which will be too late for this game. It'll be interesting to see the promotion Pikmin 3 gets in comparison to this game. Don't think either will fair well or significantly bump up Wii U sales. It deserves proper promotion as it looks like to be a good game.

Edited by Wii
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  • 2 weeks later...
Get 30% off the digital copy if you bought digital copy of Pikmin before September 21st


New trailer



Nintendo have made a real push on 3DS with their various digital promotions and buy this get this. From what we are to believe it has meant a remarkable up shoot in sales digitally so let's hope we see a similar shift for Wii U, if so that's marked improvement and gives Nintendo more reasons to believe there is worth in investing on their online infrastructure/services.

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As long as Nintendo actually promote that offer through their promotional material for Pikmin 3 and for W101 that's actually a really good bit marketing/promotion for the game... on the back of Hideki Kamiya's comments that it might not be getting a good push.

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