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Mass Effect 3


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I actually kind of like the idea of the motion comic and rounding off with the last episode in trilogy rather than the slogging through 2 more 20 hour+ games... but I realise that makes me a bad person. :blush:


Can't decide whether to pick this up early next year or wait after EA teased the trilogy set coming over. Maybe they were just being dicks? "Never say never"...

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The gameplay is still pretty damn awesome, and the story doesn't affect the multiplayer.


But as someone who loves the universe, characters and story so much, I can't imagine it having anywhere near as much of an emotional impact without having your Shepard go through the first two games.

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I actually kind of like the idea of the motion comic and rounding off with the last episode in trilogy rather than the slogging through 2 more 20 hour+ games... but I realise that makes me a bad person. :blush:


Can't decide whether to pick this up early next year or wait after EA teased the trilogy set coming over. Maybe they were just being dicks? "Never say never"...


This should be treated as a rumour only, but apparently Amazon Germany briefly had a pre-order up for a WiiU edition of Mass Effect trilogy, its gone now and it might have just been a misprint...but ill put my money where my mouth is right now. If that game does show up for pre-order with or without WiiU enhancements ill buy it, gives me an excuse to play through the whole thing from start to finish again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So . . . anyone playing this? I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems there isn't much love for what is probably the most critically acclaimed Wii U game so far.


Are people that upset about the trilogy snub? Or has everyone played it already?


Ok, after reading more of the thread, it seems there are a multitude of reasons, some voiced with passionate disapproval.


Oh well, it just seems odd that one of the highest rated Wii U games is selling so abysmally.

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Are people that upset about the trilogy snub? Or has everyone played it already?


As a huge fan of the series, they've removed one of the game's best features. It's not simply "the other games haven't been ported" - it's because of how they affect things in the 3rd game.

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As a huge fan of the series, they've removed one of the game's best features. It's not simply "the other games haven't been ported" - it's because of how they affect things in the 3rd game.


Am i right in thinking you can't get loyalty of all crew members in the interactive bit, so it means you can't achieve some outcomes in ME3 WiiU?

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I don't think there's very much point playing the game unless you've been with the series from the first iteration, simply because it relies on a great amount of holdover information and familiarity with the characters, a large part of which will be crudely glossed over in the summary.


You won't really understand how things have a personal significance unless you made the requisite decisions withing the context of a whole playthrough of each of the previous games. It's a little bit of a shame really, because the first Mass Effect isn't on the level of its two sequels at all. There are portions of the game that wouldn't be fun to play at all if it wasn't for the promise of gratification in terms of story.


I recommend you just get the games on PC, they're not that demanding in terms of specifications, and go ahead and play the original on easy.

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I'm not entirely sure, but doesn't the comic only cover the main events? There are lots of little things, and a lot of it also related to messing stuff up in previous games - for example, a friend of mine lost Tali and Legion, which resulted in some closed options.


The feeling that you could have lost things in the game makes it more emotional.

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I think it only covers greater story points yeah. I agree entirely - watching your actions play out is the thing that gives the story personal significance. Without that, it's just another space opera. For example, the moment when you send Mordin into the shroud and he starts singing a part that you remember from a conversation back in Mass Effect 2 - that kind of thing is what gives the narrative whatever emotional weight it contains.


Your friend lost Tali? That fucking sucks, I don't think I could do without her and Garrus.

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I understand what everyone's saying about the more subtle points of the story and the emotional impact for those who are big fans of the series. I felt the same was true in the GC/Wii Fire Emblem games where your save game carried over. Essentially, anyone playing just the Wii version would miss out on so much from the previous game.


But saying that, if the person hadn't played the GC version they wouldn't know about all that to miss it, hence they would just have a great time with the game and enjoy it for what it is as a standalone title.


I'm sure the same would be true for ME3, which when I see it for peanuts do intend to pick up. Whilst I'm sure I'll miss out on certain things, I won't know I'm missing them. What's more I'll still have an experience that is shaped by my decisions (albeit not as deep as those that played the whole trilogy). What's more the game play will still be the same.


I can understand fans of the series showing their disdain for this version, but I'm sure there's still a lot of fun to be had with it - and the Wii U version has got some good review scores!

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I'm sure you'll enjoy it - the moment to moment gameplay is great, and Bioware built a great world. My whole reservation is to do with the fact that to me, it's one of the best experiences I've had this entire generation (and I'm pretty pathological about playing everything I can get my hands on), so I would reccommend people get the whole experience rather than a diminished, if still great one.

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I havnt gotten into any of the Mass Effects yet and I would seriously like to, however

The Wii U Mass Effect 3 is not the answer, I want to carry over my character \ choices from the first game all the way to the third. If it gets announced that the first and second Mass Effects will be releasing (even if its only on the eShop) on the Wii U then I will seriously consider getting them all on Wii U

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I think it only covers greater story points yeah. I agree entirely - watching your actions play out is the thing that gives the story personal significance. Without that, it's just another space opera. For example, the moment when you send Mordin into the shroud and he starts singing a part that you remember from a conversation back in Mass Effect 2 - that kind of thing is what gives the narrative whatever emotional weight it contains.


If the interactive comic does only cover the major story points, then things like that particular part you mentioned won't have anywhere near the emotional impact it does if you've carried a character over from the first game. Same for several of the other significant character moments in the third game (although that Mordin bit is one of my favourite, yet saddest, gaming moments).


I do feel sorry for Wii U users on that basis because the characters are a huge part of the game and so well done that losing out on significant back story does just make it seem like, as you say, another space opera.

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I understand what everyone's saying about the more subtle points of the story and the emotional impact for those who are big fans of the series. I felt the same was true in the GC/Wii Fire Emblem games where your save game carried over. Essentially, anyone playing just the Wii version would miss out on so much from the previous game.


But saying that, if the person hadn't played the GC version they wouldn't know about all that to miss it, hence they would just have a great time with the game and enjoy it for what it is as a standalone title.


I'm sure the same would be true for ME3, which when I see it for peanuts do intend to pick up. Whilst I'm sure I'll miss out on certain things, I won't know I'm missing them. What's more I'll still have an experience that is shaped by my decisions (albeit not as deep as those that played the whole trilogy). What's more the game play will still be the same.


I can understand fans of the series showing their disdain for this version, but I'm sure there's still a lot of fun to be had with it - and the Wii U version has got some good review scores!


Nicely put. I do agree that there is no point in buying it if you own another console / PC. Currently, the only way I can play a Mass Effect game without buying new hardware is to play this one. And surely experiencing one game is better than experiencing none.


Fans of the series have pointed out the emotional and continuity flaws of playing only the third game, but I think they would also be glad that such a stellar game, even in isolation, is being made available to a wider audience.


For what it's worth, I have been playing it steadily since launch and I have to say I have been continually blown away by it. The amount of detailed content has left me totally absorbed in what feels like a vast, living, breathing, fully realised universe. Having only owned a Wii last gen, the HD visuals have augmented my experience somewhat, but there is clearly more to the game than just sweet looks.


Do I feel like I have missed out by not playing the first two? Not at all. The story is still very powerful with some difficult decisions to make, and this feels very natural. I've accepted that Shepard has a history with some of the characters and while I may not fully appreciate the emotional connections he may have had with them, to me it feels like a small part of what is a colossal game. To series fans, it will perhaps feel like a large part, but that comes back to the point that Zechs raised: I don't really know or understand what I'm missing and therefore I don't feel cheated or short-changed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Did you get it in the end? Just got it for valentines pressie so might be on for a game or three


Jebus, CoD from your Brother and now this from your wife... can I move into your family. I struggle to get games as gifts from my family, their all like "sure you have enough". I'm lucky if I can get vouchers off them at Xmas

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Jebus, CoD from your Brother and now this from your wife... can I move into your family. I struggle to get games as gifts from my family, their all like "sure you have enough". I'm lucky if I can get vouchers off them at Xmas


I'm the easiest person to get pressies for in my family; if it has a Nintendo badge, I'm happy. We've always been a big pressie family, we almost like giving pressies more than getting them.


Your woman!

Give her to me now!


I showed this to herself last night and she was well chuffed, made her night before I made it again ;)

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I'm the easiest person to get pressies for in my family; if it has a Nintendo badge, I'm happy. We've always been a big pressie family, we almost like giving pressies more than getting them.



Thing is I would be the same and my family knows it. A surprise Nintendo game would make me very happy... but my family are just "ah you play too much anyway... or you surely have enough game" (don't they know you can NEVER have enough games :heh:)


They'd rather spend 50euro on a pair of jeans, shoes or a jacket or something... but I'm not a clothes person :heh:. All my current clothes are fine, so long as there's no holes I'm happy with the clothes I got. They could easily buy me a game or a voucher, it should be an easy 1st choice gift but it is oddly their last resort if they can't find me something else :heh:

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Jaysis lads how did I not know how good this game actually was? Yes, I'm new to the ME games but as a big fan of Babylon5 back in the day, I'm lovin this so far. Tough getting used to the pad controlling it coming off 6 years of wii remote but the story had me at the start and well...the graphics are pretty amazing.


That Ashly one though; she's getting some edza lovin fro sho!

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